chapter 25

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rogue pov

"do we even know where to start? if it were that easy to find him, we would have found him already," i said. he furrowed his brow in concentration. "what is the likelihood that he is still in blue skull city? how are we gonna go about searching? we dont have much man power. just the henchmen on the island right now, which is around 250," i said. "we need an active search. i know we only have 250 right now. we should keep around 50 here on the island with us and send 200 to search," he said. "200 to search all of blue skull city? that could take weeks. who knows if the enemy will attack again. they didn't discriminate with their killing. they took out all the executives, heads, AND henchmen. who knows what would happen if we sent 4/5ths of our henchmen. that could be just what they want. if we lose who we have left we will be completely defenseless," i said. "well i dont really know what to do here. it all happened soo suddenly. in just 2 hours, we lost 90% of our manpower. we need to think long and hard about this or its all over," he said. i could see in his eyes that he was quickly losing hope. "what would your father do in this situation?" i asked. "tsk....make sure it didn't happen in the first place," he replied. i sighed. that's true. he definitely would have seen something like this coming and some how would have prevented it. i wish ooba was still alive. she would know what to do in this situation. she had been a family head since his dad was still alive. her and jura. he clasped his hands together catching me off guard. "we need to think. why is it that when this situation happened, we automatically deemed chris as the person we should find and bring back?" he thought aloud. i rubbed my chin in thought. hmm.....why is chris soo important in this? that's a good question now that i think about it. "what do you think he would do in this situation?" i asked. "shit i dont know. if he were here that is what i would ask him. i remember chatting with jura before he died. he just wouldn't shut up about chris. he was soo excited when he found out orga loved him enough to marry him, that he wanted to leave it all to him," he said. "ok. that means that he is smart and intuitive. he would be the guy who would have thought of countermeasures for this situation. probably would have came up with a plan to get us more henchmen and get us back what we loss in the attack. ok. now we have a reason for rescuing him from wherever he is. do we go about that? he could be anywhere," i asked. he shrugged. "i would have asked him that too," he said. i face palmed. of course we aren't getting anywhere.


laxus pov

im not gonna lie....this is pretty cozy. even though im bigger than he is, i feel really warm and comfortable. like im taken care of. 'you dont have to worry about nothing. ive got you' type of situation right here. the only reason i even remember im bigger is because his face in buried in the base of my neck. his soft breathing warm on my neck. its sorta weird but i guess its fine. its not bad at least. i looked at the clock, 2:25 pm. shit. we've been here around 5 hours now. i knew he would be the death of me. before he came, i was never late, never had to leave early. always did more than was required of me. worked 80 hours like nothing. did it ritually. for so long i had grown accustomed to it. i actually found it easier to be at work than at home. its weird cause the rent for this place is around 10k a month. what is the point of me living here if i dont want to be here? to be honest....i dont really need more than chris's old apartment. that might have been too much for me. all i really need is a large bed, obviously, and a large tub/shower and i only need all that stuff cause im a huge guy. that's the only thing stopping me from moving out of this place and into a little apartment like chris's. he started nuzzling my back. "wanna know something funny?" he whispered. oh fuck. here we go again. "i have over 6 million dollars in my bank account right now," he whispered. i sat up quickly. my eyes were wide. he chuckled. "lived in the mansion for soo long with orga, i never had a reason to spend it. sting gave me a bonus like every day. in my first two weeks, i went from making 100k to around 1.2 mill and when they moved me out of my apartment, sting gave me another bonus of about 2 million and he didn't stop giving me money till the day i was kidnapped. ive got money to BURN," he laughed to himself. "and the car that gajeel bought me before he died? 4.5 million. sold that car soon as i could. shit. ill have to check but it might be more like 10 million now. i dont even know how much money zeref was planning on paying me for being a top executive but im sure it would have numbered in the millions," he said. of course he has insane money. with as long as ive worked, ive only got maybe 600k saved up right now. i get a new car and sell the old every two years, the rent for the penthouse, my parking spot in the lot of the building, i hardly ever eat out, i eat bargain food from the grocery store. what the fuck?! he leaned up and pecked me. "gotta get ready to go back to work," he chimed as he got up and went into the bathroom. the guy is....i dont even want to think about it right now. my brain cant take the strain anymore trying to wrap my head around him anymore. its too much. he is like an enigma. what does he plan on doing with all that fucking money?

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