(F/n) 'Chris' (L/n) (Pt 2)

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two years later.....

bacchus pov

i honestly never thought i would see this day. "you start monday. come and pick up your equipment at nine am. at that time you will get your assignments,"  me and my new boss stood up and shook hands. i had thought the day i graduated would have been the best day of my life but nope. getting a job so soon afterwards is it. i....i still cant believe it. whoever 'he' is...i dont know if i could ever thank him enough. i had managed to get mavis to tell me a little more about him. i was moved to tears. 'he' was insanely generous. took me off the streets and let me live with him, helped me get my GED, drivers license, got me a car, got me in school and two years later, or really four years later, i just got my first real job. i can take care of myself now. mavis was so happy when i told her about it when i got home. i just....i dont know. i never thought i would see this day. that's really the summation of my feelings. i giggled. 'summation'. never thought i could use such a big ass word and actually know what it mean. i sighed. i laid on my bed in the little one bedroom apartment that has been my home for two years now. i still haven't found 'him'. she still wont tell me any distinguishing features about him, no name. i really hate that she just wont let me find who he is. at least so i can give him my thanks in person. even though i still dont remember anything about him, i still wanna thank him. maybe even take his dick if he willing. ok. so im still horny as fuck. i had tried a few times to be with other guys but that feeling that im cheating on him just wont go away. ive been stuck using the dildo for the most part. i still wait for him to walk in that door, knowing that after two years, he still wont. probably dont even know im alive either. that's some bull shit. im sooo horny!! getting drunk isn't even helping no more. as soon as i could drink again, i had gone to a bar to get laid. i felt worse than i did when i was sober afterwards. to the point that i was actually contemplating suicide. i sighed. haven't had good sex since i woke up so long ago. i can barely get off with the dildo. im sexually frustrated which is a feeling i never thought i would have. all i can really hope for is that we are soulmates. im sure our paths will cross eventually. shit. i sure hope so.


reader pov

"give me a wrench," he grunted. i dug around in the tool box and handed him the wrench. he kept fidgeting with the back of the fridge. it keeps going in and out for some reason. i had just wanted to buy another one. 'i can fix it. i dont wanna waste money like that' he said. i dont know why. we got plenty of money to waste. i make three million a year. he makes a million, having gotten promoted to mira's position just a year ago now. i sighed. "we make soo much money, laxus. we really need to move. this house is old as shit," i grunted. i was leaning over the island, enjoying laxus's too small shirt and jeans that rode low on his hips. i dont know why he likes wearing my tee shirts. he just looks ridiculous but im not mad. still looks fine as fuck. "i dont want to move, babe. i like tinkering with stuff and doing things with my hands," he grunted. "well you need to hurry up. i dont want the food to go bad," i grunted. "where is the blueprints? im sure i can figure it out if i look at the blueprints," he muttered, yanking at something in the back. "didnt come with the blueprints. just directions on how to use it. im gonna call a handy man to fix it. you have been messing with it for weeks now. its time to let a pro do it," i grunted. he sighed.

he pulled away from the back and leaned on the island next to me. we just looked at the thing. "its old," i said. "its familiar," he said. "its cheap," i said. "been here longer than we have," he said. i just pulled out my phone and searched the yellow pages app for a local company. "says they will be here monday around three. are you gonna--" he shook his head. "im heading out a couple cities over to do some undercover work. you gotta be here," he looked at me. i shrugged. "looks like i have a reason to come home early," i said. there was a moment of silence. "how long is the trip?" i asked. "three days," he muttered. "i have to go without seeing you with little shirts and low riding jeans for three days?" i said. he stood up and looked at his clothes. he tugged his shirt down. it rode right back up. it was insanely tight. "did you not notice how tight it is, babe?" i raised a brow. "i just threw something on," he tugged it over his head, revealing his wonderfully sculpted chest. "seriously...the shirt is two sizes too small. that was no accident," i grunted, taking in the sexiness that is my husband. "maybe it wasn't," he smirked. he walked over to me, moving dangerously close to touching distance. i traced his chest with some fingers. "pretty fucking firm," i muttered. "i work out," he whispered, pulling me into a kiss. he leaned on me, pulling my arms around his waist. im glad. i didnt think we would make it. still was hesitant to trust him but....well its been two years and he hasn't cheated. i was waiting for one sign. just one. that would tell me he was cheating but nope. instead, he is horny more often. that's it. love it. love him. love the feeling of his wonderfully firm yet soft round bubble butt. never ceases to turn me on. he pulled away, leaning his forehead against mine. "we should make out more often," he whispered against my lips. "if we both didnt work so much, we would," i said. "you should quit," he whispered. "you should quit. i make more money," i said. "i want to take care of you," he said. "i want to take care of you," i said. "i swear there is no winning with you," he pushed me away and walked upstairs. "what? can i not take care of us better? you know you need to sit back and relax for a couple of years and be taken care of babe. just let me take care of us," i followed him upstairs. "i wanna take care of us," he called from the bedroom. i walked inside. he pulled off his undies and climbed in bed, laying on his back and stroking himself. "you took care of us the first time. let me do it this time," i started stripping. "i dont wanna sit back and be taken care of. it makes me feel....old," he muttered as i climbed in the bed. "but you arent old. you are middle aged, like me," i climbed on top of him. "yeah but...i dont wanna feel older. i mean, im almost 40, chris. im not getting any younger. i only have a maybe another decade of sex left in me. what will you do for the six years that you can still have sex while i cant?" he wrapped his legs around me lazily. "i stare at you while you are naked and masturbate," i kissed him. he pulled away. "im serious," he grunted. "you think im not?" i said. "i dont wanna watch you be miserable, babe. i wanna be healthy enough to have sex until we retire together," he muttered.

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