chapter 11

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laxus pov

it took a few seconds for what he just said registered. "im sorry...what was that?" i asked as i shook his hand. mirajane grinned. "i was able to pull those strings, laxus. meet your new partner, chris!! make sure you take good care of the newbie!!" she chimed. she let go of his arm and walked off, leaving me alone with him. shit! i just realized i haven't let go of his hand. i let it go. he had a shit eating grin as i turned my attention back to my work. still makes my skin crawl knowing that someone like him is working for the CIA now. i dont give a damn how 'valuable' he is for this case. he dont need to be here. at all. period. "you pretty damn good looking and from the looks of it, you aren't married. hitting that?" i didn't wanna look to where he was pointing. he chuckled. "tsk...if you aren't then id like to see the woman who has the privilege of calling you her boyfriend," he leaned over the edge of my cubicle. i could feel him looking around my desk. he smirked. "doesn't look like you are taken. im just gonna ask.....there are soooo many beautiful girls. where is your girlfriend?" he asked. i sighed. "that's none of your business," i grunted. another chuckle. "im gonna take that as an 'i dont have one, chris' and ask another question: are you gay?" he asked. why the fuck is he asking me all these questions about my personal life? why is everyone more concerned with who i had sex with last night? he sighed. "you know...for us to be able to work well together, you gonna have to come out of that shell. fortress would probably be more appropriate now that im thinking about it. when was the last time you got your dick wet?" he asked. i looked at him like he was crazy. shit...he is fucking crazy if he thinks i would tell him anything like that. "tsk....been that long, hun? well.....i do know a woman who is totally available, you know, if you are straight. if you aren't then...i also know a guy and ill give you a hint to his name: its a five letter word," i couldn't believe it. is this guy flirting with me?!?! "oh and by the way, im totally flirting with you right now. after i get good in and here, im gonna start flirting with everyone, just to let you know," he chuckled. i sighed. at least i wont be the only one getting tortured. "oh dont be like that, laxus. you dont have to worry, ill definitely flirt with you the most," he teased. this is gonna be hell. complete and utter hell. this guy is gonna treat everything like a fucking joke. like people dont get killed every second we work this case and countless others. i felt him tapping my arm. i looked at him. he grinned. he pointed to what i was working on. "using Steven's Algorithm on that particular problem will get you the culprit at least ten times as fast. if you follow it up with a sting operation, you should be able to catch em in...maybe two weeks? a week and a half at the earliest. this guy dont seem like the 'goes by the book' type of guy so he will definitely run at any hint of trouble, even though his boss definitely told him to stay put. i would send only a few agents in a single civilian car to the warehouse. make sure to disguise it as some type of outing. i suggest four guys, maybe two guys two gals, on a party trip. convince him you just wanna have fun. get him to let you inside and chill. wire the fuck out of the place and let the information flow," he said. i sighed. of course he can switch gears and solve a problem ive been working on for weeks now. to make matters even worse, he didn't even stutter or have to think about what he was saying. he said it all with complete confidence. "if you get that set up in lets say....the next hour, you could save about a week before catching the target. from the looks of this info right over here, he will be having a drop in like four hours sooo chop. chop, laxus!" he clapped his hands snapping me out of my daze. i formed an email with everything he said and sent it to the main agents for the Jefferson case. " that you aren't busy anymore, i need a ride home. got some ass waiting to be pounded," he grunted. i sighed. i got up and grabbed my keys. i looked at him. wow. he's actually kinda short. im like 6'2' so that would make him...maybe a solid 6'? i dont know. "i know im mega gorgeous but you dont have to stare at me like that," he grinned.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now