Doran Bolt (Pt 2)

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later on that afternoon...

reader pov

i woke up with a start. i felt....disgusting. i was still inside him when i fell asleep. one of his arms rested on the back of my neck while the other seemed to be moving about. i groaned when all the aches of sex started to hit my body. i need a shower, badly. "'re awake?" he whispered. i pulled my face out of his neck. he was typing on his phone frantically with a serious face. i pushed up off of him, pulling out in the process. we were both pretty fucking disgusting. i pulled the cover off and sat up. he sat up next to me still focused on his phone. "i need a shower," i grunted. " stink," he replied. "this is a dorm room. were is the shower?" i asked. "best i can do for ya is a wash-up. i dont really have extra shower stuff," he said. i took his sheet and cleaned myself off before i started getting dressed. "im going home to get cleaned up. ill meet you later i guess," i pulled on my suit jacket. "can i get ya number?" he asked as he stood up next to me. "330-555-2121," he nodded and i headed out.

2 hours later....

i arrived at the café in some comfy jeans and a tee. i felt pretty refreshed. a nice long hot shower really loosened me up and made me feel clean. i let out a long sigh of relief. that was unexpected. didnt even talk. just went back to his place to fuck. was fine. he texted me a few minutes ago saying that he was on his way. that was about ten minutes ago now. i looked around. he had jogged up to the door in.....the same clothes he was wearing before. he took a seat across from me and i got a big heavy burst of cologne when he walked by. "dude....two sprays and you will be fine. you dont need the whole bottle," i pinched the bridge of my nose. it was a good brand but it was way too strong. " sorry. i hadn't had time to really wash so i had know, improvise," he muttered, a dark blush appearing on his cheeks. "ever saw the commercial for febreeze? their slogan is 'wash it with febreeze'. im sure you have the extra dough to grab a few bottles," i grunted. i didnt mean to be mean but....his overpowering cologne was killing me. he sighed. "im a college student. i dont have extra money. my job takes care of my room and board," he defended. its....its not a deal breaker but i wont lie...he lost some points. sounds like  a budgeting issue to me. i have plenty of money but i dont take advantage of it. i know what its like to not have much. "just...tell me about yourself," i took a tissue and fanned him to weaken his cologne. "21, college student majoring in business administration, a freshman in my first semester so im really new to all this. parents aren't loaded so i have a bunch of debt and i have to keep my job to stay above water. pretty interesting. i dont have many friends but the ones i do have are best friends. lived in this city about a year now so im familiar but not homey per se. i dont really know much else i could tell you about me so ask whatever," he said. he is pretty well rounded. seems pretty smart. we would have to date to really find anything else about him. "what about you?" he asked. "24, detective of about four years, i wouldn't say im loaded but im pretty well off. lots of friends and acquaintances. divorced. lived in this city about....5 or 6 years so id say im pretty homey. other than that, im pretty boring," i shrugged. he chuckled. "boring? i wouldn't call going to a go-go club boring, chris," he shrugged. "ok that cologne is burning my eyes now. we need to hit up a store or something and get some water on you. dont worry, ill foot the bill but damn....that shit is killing me," i stood up. "w-w-what?! wanna buy me clothes?" he looked surprised. "is that a problem?" i raised a brow. he shook his head vehemently. "ill drive. ill follow you back to your dorm," i turned on my heels and walked away.

"...thanks. i really need this," he whispered. i pulled into the parking lot of the mall. "i know," i got out the car and walked into the mall, closely followed by him. we walked into macy's right to the men's aisle. "what size do you wear?" i asked as i looked through the jeans. "24/30," he replied. i pulled out three pairs in slightly bigger sizes and put them in the car. he followed me to the shirt aisle. "start with three shirts," i gestured to them all. he nodded. a few minutes of searching before he found three. one red polo, a white collared tee shirt, and a blue jersey. he put them in the car. we headed towards the register. "you need undies, tees, or socks?" i asked as we walked through the aisle. "...yeah," he grumbled under his breath. i grabbed a pack of each. we went to the register and i handed the lady my black card. swiped and paid for. ok. we headed out.

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