chapter 29

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later on that night...

laxus pov

he is still annoying as fuck but....i guess its not so bad now. he wanted popcorn and a big ass drink when we went into the movie theater. watched BFG in 3D so it was alright. i thought he would keep making funny noises but he was surprisingly....civilized? i dont know why i expected him to act a fool in the movie theater. maybe its because he is so much younger than i am. seriously. im 28 and he is 22. im out of college and he is just now legally allowed to drink. its weird. i dont know why i consider that weird. its only a six year difference. shit. im thinking about meaningless details. i should focus on the dinner. we just went to a casual diner on the outskirts of the city. nothing special. i ordered some chicken fingers while he ate a massive burger. he is just wolfing it down. kept making 'mmm' noises. i guess its good. looks good but im not really that hungry. this guy....eats like a slob. im not even gonna lie. he ate the burger in around two minutes. the fries disappeared as he ate. he used his napkin to clean himself off and sipped some juice. "i dont know how you can keep up a body like that without eating? you move about 24/7 yet you dont seem to eat like a normal guy," he said. i shrugged. "for someone so small, you wolfed down that burger like you haven't eaten all day," i grunted. he chuckled. "i was starving. all i had today was that cake and some juice this morning," he sipped his juice. i sighed. i finished enjoying my food and sipped my shake as we headed to my car. we got in. i got ready to pull off. "sooo....." he said. i shrugged. "not really convinced," i grunted. he chuckled. i looked at my watch, 10:15 pm. "the night is still young. wanna do something else?" he asked. i shrugged. beats going home and going to sleep. dont have to go into work tomorrow because mavis insisted we take the weekend off. its Friday. i dont know. i guess we can do stuff. "here is my forecast. we will be dating by this time tomorrow night," he said cheerfully. " seem pretty confident," i said. "of course i am. you think i asked you all those questions for no reason. tsk laxus, you should know that nothing i do is without purpose. you can go ahead and take me home. i have an entire day to plan tomorrow," he said. i sighed. "you can-" "nope. im going home. my home. the apartment i haven't been to in weeks. i wanna sleep in my own bed and use my own shower. watch my own tv, which by the way, if you want me to spend more time in your house you gonna have to get a tv or something," he said. i sighed. i guess another night alone wont hurt. i pulled off.

he chuckled. "still not gonna kiss me?" he had leaned in the window when i pulled into his lot. i shook my head. "oh come on. you know you wanna make out," he said. i shook my head again. he had a shit eating grin. "i know what it is. kissing turns you on, doesn't it?" he said. my face felt hot. he shrugged. "its fine," he turned and walked away. i sighed. i pulled off back to my humble abode.

i never really realized it  but this is sort of a long ride up the elevator. takes around 5 minutes to get to my apartment. i got off the elevator and headed to the door. i walked in. shit. my house is lonely as fuck! it just screams 'this guy doesn't have a life'. i got rid of all my shit thinking it was more effective. looks like no one lives here at all. little sofa. no tv. no paintings. i could literally leave right now and never come back. someone else could move in right away. shit. that might now be that bad idea. i doubt chris would be down for it. i cant just be like 'move in with me cause im lonely'. id sound desperate as fuck. not to would that even sound? some one like me saying something like that. its not normal. we haven't even known each other that long. just a few months. its not something that would be smiled upon and besides....who would wanna deal with 'blah, blah, blah' all fucking day. tsk.....still. it would be better than nothing at all. might be something worth coming home to. i mean...although he talks a lot, what he says does sometimes be interesting. he doesn't seem to care if someone is simply ignoring him. talks about aspirations and goals. full of optimism. i dont know. maybe im just a pessimist. see! this is what im talking about. i looked at the clock, 11:16 pm. just thinking about living with him occupies time. i dont know. i guess i could throw it out there. he doesn't have a car, even though he been could have bought one. brand new too. way better than i could ever afford. that still gets to me sometimes. just knowing that he has money. WAY more than i have yet im the one in a penthouse while he stays in a little apartment with a roommate. dont need no one. is he play his cards right, he could live off that money for the rest of his life. not even need to work yet he still works, and for the CIA for that matter. i sighed.  i guess its fine. it could be worst. he could be like six ranks about me as a supervisor of a whole department. that would be utter shit. bullshit. no way he could get a position like that at the ripe old age of 22. no way he could even be qualified. shit. mavis shouldn't even be qualified. i assume she is older than she looks. i wanted to look at her records but they are mega encrypted. if someone tries to ask, she just dances around the question. i bet chris could get it out of her. either that or hack her records. i dont know. i laid down on the sofa. i guess its fine. chris is thinking of stuff for us to do tomorrow. i guess ill have to wait till tomorrow for something.

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