chapter 35

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reader pov

i literally searched until the sun came up. i was literally running up and down the beach butt naked calling for laxus. everyone had left a long time ago. even orga left when he woke up. i sighed. i dont know how to explain this. i have no idea where he is. there is one place that i still haven't check. also will be able to finally put on some clothes. i headed back to the hotel.

there were gasping faces as i walked through the lobby butt naked. i gave zero fucks. i just need to find laxus so he dont do anything crazy. i walked up to the room. it was cracked open. good. my shorts were still on the beach and so was my key. im gonna have to go get them soon. i walked in and closed the door. i walked over to the bed. i let out a sigh of relief. he was knocked out in the bed still naked. i wonder if he ran here. who cares. i found him. he didn't do anything crazy. he still had his gun in his hand so he was about to do something crazy but he fell asleep. i sighed. i pried his grip from the gun and walked over to put it back in his bag. "im guessing last night wasn't a drunk dream," i heard him grumble lowly. "i ran up and down the beach butt ass naked till the sun came up trying to find you," i said. "i know. that's why i hid," he said. i walked over and got in the bed with him. he pulled my arm around his waist and pushed his back against me. "that's mean. you knew it wasn't what it looked like yet you didn't let me explain," i said. he chuckled. "cause its fucked up. if you were to leave me right now, you would have soooo many people you could fall back on till you found love. i dont. im pathetic. id just go back to working, never to find love again. its just fucking depressing knowing myself. i know that i wouldn't even try to find it. i would be sooo devastated that all emotion would be turned off for me again," i could hear his low whimpering.

"is that why you had the gun?" i asked. "you think i dont know what is going on around me, chris? we've been dating for only a few months and im ready to get married. no joke. if we walked out of this room straight into an already chapel, i would say 'i do' soo fucking fast it would make your head spin and the crazy part is that i would mean it. i would mean every single word of the vows. probably cry tears of joy as i hugged and kissed your face completely content with the life decision i just made. ready to get old and die with you. probably raise a kid. live in a nice house in the suburbs with the white picket fence and all those other tired clichés. be pissed that im not a woman and cant have your fucking babies. completely in love. not just convinced. actually in love. to the point that if you got into an accident and were crippled for the rest of your natural life and could never fuck me again, i would be just fine with that. as long as you could hold me at night and smile when i come in from work, id be just fine with never having sex again. im just.....i love you soooooo fucking much that it hurts. it hurts that it would be soo easy for you to leave. never have to see me ever again. probably find love a couple years down the road. get married and adopt kids. the whole nine yards while im just cursed to never love again. it hurts," he actually started crying.

 "there is literally nothing i could say to you that would make you feel better. you are right. i could find love just as easily as you said. i have orga and sting and cobra as well as practically any sexy guy walking down the street for sexual needs. if i just wanna get married, im sure orga, sting, and cobra would say 'i do' just as fast as you would. your life sucks," i said. "you are terrible at pep talks," he whimpered. "i wont deny that. all i can say is wait. just wait and be patient, laxus. we can stay engaged but i...i still need a minute before i can say 'i do'. i have to think. analyze and comprehend what im doing before i do it. i cant just marry you in the spur of the moment, laxus. i do love you but i need more than that. i need to get to a point where im not just setting down with you. i want to see all my options and choose to be with you in complete confidence. you can learn to love anyone over time but could you really say that if you could have anyone else that you could even think of in the world, you would still choose to see my face every morning when you wake up? see my smile when you come home from work? share the joy of raising kids with me?" i asked. "yes," he said quickly. "im sure you mean it too and i want to say the same thing just  as fast as you with sooo much confidence and happiness that its just me and you against the world. that i can touch and taste and feel you 24/7. to the point that your smell is comforting. therapeutic. hell damn near intoxicating. i dont wanna hesitate when im across from you in that white suit with the yellow tie, in front of god, the people you invite to the wedding, and the whole fucking world. i dont want to have second thoughts. not just be in the spur of the moment when i say 'i do'. i just dont think it would be fair to you. i care about you too much to even consider other options when im on that alter," i said. "how long you gonna make me wait?" he grumbled. "like ten years," he rolled over in my embrace and looked at me with widened eyes. "seriously?!" i chuckled. "if i did make you wait that long, would you be mad?" i asked. "yeah. i would be pissed," he grunted. i chuckled. "im sure it wont take that long, babe. im already living with ya. sleeping with ya every night. ive seen you naked. i fucking licked your asshole, laxus. lets get serious. i only lick the ass of my boyfriends. im sure it wont be more than like a few more months. cant ya wait for me, babe? wait till i can say 'i do' faster than you?" i asked. he grinned. "im more concerned about this ass licking," he kissed me. he pulled away and kissed my neck. "see! im good with pep talks!" i chimed. he chuckled. "shut up and fuck me," another kiss.

{time skip}

laxus pov

we took a shower and got right back in bed together. we forked cause its different. he buried his head in my chest as our legs entangled. "this trip was a bad idea," he mumbled, making my chest vibrate. i took a whiff of his hair. heavenly. "i didn't wanna come here in the first place," i grunted. he chuckled. wrapped his arms around my waist and held tight. like im the one who could leave at a moments notice. "you smell pretty damn good," he grumbled. "you should smell your hair," i took another whiff. "is it ok if we just stay like this for the rest of the trip?" i was surprised by the question. "how am i gonna eat? shower? fucking use the bathroom?" i said. i just noticed that my speech pattern is different from before. im opening up. a little at a time but still opening. just for chris. only he can know my deepest darkest secrets that i dont have cause im mega boring. "if you dont eat then you wont have to use the bathroom and im already used to your scent, laxus. you do not smell good at all after you work out. i damn near gaged when you wanted to fuck at the gym," he said. "we still fucked though," i said. "because i was sweaty and stinky too and who wants to take two showers? its fucking ridiculous," he said.

"did i ever tell you that i like being naked with you?" i thought aloud. "ooohhh what do you like about being naked with me, babe? dont tell me its this," he grabbed my ass. my face felt hot but i didn't stop him from rubbing it. i chuckled. actually feels sorta good. i made sure the sheets cover us so the invisible people in the room wouldn't see him massaging my ass. "you have an amazing ass, babe. its wondrous," he groped a little harder. wow was i tense. his massaging made my butt feel nice and relaxed. "what about the rest of me?" i asked. he moved his hand back to my waist. "i love everything about you, laxus. your huge chest with bulging muscles. strong shoulders and arms. firm but supple ass and muscular legs. your huge dick. i mean seriously?! who in their right mind could take this?! man or woman?! im gonna have to watch you fuck someone some time. just to see if its even physically possible," he said. "its very much possible, chris. im a dad, remember?" i grunted. he chuckled. "sorry. didn't mean to make you do that," he whispered. i shrugged. "what i wanna know is how on earth you got laid soooooo much. dont people run away when they see your massive dick?" i asked. it was huge. im still surprised i feel no pain. he chuckled. "for some reason, no one feels pain when i fucked them. im just as big as you are laxus and you know how small the people i used to mess around with were," he said. he had a point. "how does it feel for you? im sure it must feel weird that after ten years, a dick gets rammed up your ass," he said. "no pain but lots of pressure at first. you get a good rhythm and i time my breaths right and we slowly head towards orgasm town. works every time," i said. he chuckled. "i dont believe you feel no pain. i huge and i can be gentle or you wont feel it," he said. i shrugged. "feels like a warm relaxing massage that makes me cum," i said. he shrugged. "that's a good way to put it," he said.

{time skip}

"somehow we went the whole week without leaving the room," he held my hand as we sat in first class. its not like we didn't have ample opportunity to go out, we just found that forking 24/7 for 4 days straight was much better. we occasionally watched tv. did some stretching. fucked like three times but spent most of the time forking. "we really could have stayed home," i grunted. he chuckled. "but then we wouldn't have talked and i wouldn't have seen the whole team naked," he said. "pervert," i grunted. "we both know that was my entire purpose in going on the trip. seeing everyone naked will help in what we talked about the other day," he said. there were gasps. we looked at the rest of the group. "oh dont be like that. you all wanted to see each other naked too," he said. the plane landed and we got off. we all went home.


i just noticed that i tend to force the chapters. im not doing that any more. im gonna try to keep them between 2k and 3-ish k so they are more appropriately sized from now on.


Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now