chapter 32

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later on that day...

laxus pov

things will be different. normally i would find that to be the worst thing in the world but this time, its not so bad. he will be at the house when i get home. ill actually have a reason to go home at 6 instead of 8 or 9. i dont know how his schedule will work. he might be done before me. might be done after me. we might be able to go home together. i dont know. i dont care. as long he is living with me, ill have a reason to go home. we were just sitting on the sofa in front of the huge tv he got. it was.....huge. that is really all i can say about. 'it has such nice graphics' and 'look at all the features' he would mutter every now and again. took two hours to move him in. literally. he didn't have many clothes. just bought another dresser to put in my room. his tv was already here. bed wasn't his in the first place. neither were any of the furnishing in his apartment. turned out the guy who lent him the stuff was one of his ex lovers. they were 'dating' for a time but chris made up a way out of it without making him bitter. he was laying on my lap lazily looking at the tv. put his feet up on the sofa. wow does his head make my lap look comfy. i sighed. this is something else. never been in a relationship in a long time and i gotta say....feels really good to be wanted by someone. being wanted more for me as opposed to just my body like everyone else who said they liked me. that was the main reason i didn't get with ezra. her being old wasn't that big a deal to me. it was her just wanting my dick that was a big no. im more than that and chris knew that. he wants to know laxus dreyar, the workaholic with no life. not laxus dreyar, the really buff CIA agent who has rumors about his massive package. i wonder what it would be like to be married to him. wearing the ring. 'hey honey, im home' he would yell with his cheesy ass. who would be the bread winner? we both work for the CIA. make good money. i wonder if he wants kids. probably. he seems like he would want kids. probably 12 with his weird ass. i bet he has a desk job at work now. probably get a cubicle like me. wonder what he would decorate his with. mine stays plain cause i have no life but he would probably have loads of shit in his. i dont know. my mind is just wandering about. nothing useful in here. wow. been with chris a couple of days now and its already soooo easy to take my mind off work. normally id be at work chin deep in the next case right after blue Pegasus was taken down but enjoying my break with chris. my boyfriend. its funny how im not being an effective member of society and im perfectly fine with it.

"we should go out with mira and elfman sometime," he said out of no where. "why? im fine right here with you," i said. "i didn't say right now. i mean in the future. actually be friends with them," he said. "i give zero fucks about anyone but you," i grunted. its true. no none of those other guys mean anything to me. in most cases, they just get in the way. "oh that's cold. real cold. what about when you were sick? i bet they came to check up on ya," he said. "i didn't allow any visitors," i said. "bet they got you gifts for your birthday and Christmas," he said. "didn't know my birthday and didn't know what i wanted. all i got was cards that i tore up and tossed out," i said. "you mean to tell me that you didn't even want friends?" he said. "dont really need them. they are allies during a mission. that's it," i said. "you are such a sour puss, laxus. i bet mira is a really great woman who is kind and caring. i mean...she did come and check up on us when we took a nap yesterday," he said. "she needs to mind her damn business," i grunted. "well im gonna make as many friends as i can," he said cheerfully. "why? im all you need," i said with a smirk. its true. he dont need those other guys. "that's why im gonna make a bunch of friends. im gonna make you super jealous," he said. i could feel his grin. "why would you purposefully make me jealous?" i grunted. "its another emotion that you haven't felt in a long time," he said. "i want to feel good emotions. jealousy isn't a good emotion," i said. he chuckled. "i know. im just messing with you. you need to develop a sense of humor," he said. i sighed. being with him will be a challenge ill admit but.....yeah. im willing to face it head on.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now