chapter 30

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the next morning....

reader pov

"stop staring at me," he grunted. "why? is it bad that i like looking at your face?" i teased. a grunt. "get off me. i need to shower," he grunted. "or what? you gonna tell on me?" i teased. he spread his legs a little wider and moved them around. "the hell are you doing?? i asked as he writhed under me. "its....sticky," he grunted. "yeah. that's what cum is. very sticky,"  i said. "how on earth can you just lay in it like its completely natural?" he grunted in frustration. i shrugged. "how could you go 10 years without sharing a bed with someone?" i retorted. a grunt. he kept writhing. "why are you so uncomfortable?" i asked. another grunt. "feels weird. not used to someone laying on me between my legs," he whispered. i rubbed my face in his broad chest. "not used to having a boyfriend?" i asked. i looked at him. a slow head shake. "how does it feel?" i asked. he shrugged. "annoying," he said. i grinned. "you dont think that about me. tell me how you really feel," i teased. a light blush. "dont really feel lonely any more," he whispered. i kissed him. soft and warmly. i pulled away, giving him a warm smile. i pushed up off of him. "im gonna take a shower then.....we gonna make breakfast together," i got out of the bed and headed in the bathroom.

i walked out the bathroom in my towel. he was sitting up watching tv. just flipping through the channels. "ive...ive missed a lot," he said. "that's what happens when you get rid of your tv," i looked around. i found my undies and put them on. i sighed. i didn't really plan anything for today. too consumed in last night *wink*. i shrugged. guess we can spend sometime together in the house he never spends time in. "shower is all yours," i gestured to the open door. he put down the remote and got out of bed. walked in the bathroom. i really wanna put on clothes? i shook my head. why? we are staying here for a while soooo undies isn't even really necessary. im still gonna wear them but yeah. i walked through his house. big. lots of space since he has nothing. plain white sofa. dull wall coloring. white blinds over the bay windows. i found a tablet on his coffee table that i didn't really notice last time i was here. i picked it up. ooohhh he got one of those houses where you can control stuff with this remote. i hit the button. the blinds opened up, letting in the bright light of morning. the windows tinted a little so the light wasn't as harsh on the eyes. wow. makes his house look that much more bland. i looked through the apps and buttons. turn on the tv, turn up/down the lights in each room, adjust the temp. that i think about it, it is sorta cold in here. my nipples were hard. i giggled. i looked at the temp, 60 degrees F. wow does he keep it cold. i cranked it up to a nice 75. i heard the gusts of the A/C coming on. ooohhh he has a cool house. "what the hell are you doing?" i turned to his bedroom door. he was wearing a tee and jeans. "wondering why you pay soooo much for this cool stuff and dont use it," i kept looking through the apps. even has stuff in here to control the temp in the kitchen. i can fucking preheat the oven with this. "where are your clothes?" he grunted. "in your room on the floor," i said. "i meant why aren't you wearing them," he grunted in annoyance. "well....since we are staying here for a while, i figured undies are the way to go," i said. i played with the dimmer in the living room. "that's not a toy," he grunted. i shrugged. "not much of a decoration for the coffee table either,"  i said. another grunt. i heard foot steps. "lets get started on breakfast or whatever,' he grunted.

 i set it down and headed into the kitchen. he dug around in his fridge. pulled out a dozen eggs and a pack of bacon. pulled a loaf of bread off the top of the fridge. took a bowel out of the cupboard. wow is he stiff and militaristic. "wait," i said. he looked at me i walked over to him and started taking his shirt off. he grunted. "what the...hell are you doing?!" he kept trying to keep his shirt on. "whats it look like?" i pulled it over his head and tossed it in the living room. i undid his belt. he was fighting. "this is where i eat at!" he kept struggling. "why are you wearing clothes in your own house? who does that? its not like people constantly come in and out," i pulled his belt off. he kept fighting as i unzipped his jeans. i sighed. i grabbed his hands. "im not asking you to be butt naked while we make eggs and bacon, i want you in your undies. just looking at you is making me hot," i said. "why? i like wearing clothes," he grunted. "be comfortable in your own skin, laxus. embrace it. let yourself be free. fear not! for i have already seen it all!" i preached as i worked at his pants. i got them loose and started pulling them down. he gripped my wrists hard. i looked at him. a dark blush over his cheeks. "aww heart undies? mega tighty whities? whoa! do you have on torn boxer?!" i was getting giddy as i pulled them down. i got them around his ankles. tsk....what a disappointment. just regular boxer briefs like me. i hit his leg. he leaned on me as i took them under his feet. i tossed them out. i stood up and looked at him. "feel that wonderful breeze, laxus? the refreshing feeling of liberation? this is what it feels like to be good in your own skin. if i catch you in clothes at your house again, im gonna hide them," i hit him on the ass. he grunted, his blush darkening.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now