Doran Bolt (Pt 3)

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author's note: this mini series is longer cause there are other things happening at the time of the story

the next morning....

reader pov

i took a seat in front of the dean of students. "good morning, mr Simmons," i held out a hand. the buff man took it in a firm grip. "just call me ichiya. what can i do for ya?" he said. he was.....very ugly. buff but ugly. "id actually like to attain a degree, or a few, at your college," i said. he nodded. "did you fill out the registration already? classes start next week," he said. i nodded. "i had planned this about a week ago but was pretty busy with work so i didnt have the time to act on the details," i said. he nodded. "could i have your name?" he asked. "(f/n) (l/n)," he frantically typed on his computer. his eyes widened. "well....that was unexpected. i see you have a perfect score on the ACT and SAT as well as a...department head of the CIA? im afraid i find that hard to believe," he said. "doing it about four years now. the i cant discuss the details of how that came to be but yes, i do work for the CIA," i said. he chuckled. "well that's great. what majors are you planning on taking up? im sure your experience can cut some of your course work," he said. "triple major in Computer Science, Business Administration, and Information Technology. im actually the head of IT for the CIA too," i winked. he chuckled. "just wait till my wife hears about this," he said under his breath as he typed. "oh im sorry, mr ichiya, but i cant let that information become public. it is to be kept a secret. i merely disclosed that information to ease up my course load," i said. he sighed. "of course you do. i have to keep an awesome secret," he said. he did some more typing. "good news is that it will cover a lot of your course work through the work experience program. with the experience you have being a department head and head of IT for such an important institution, id say you have more than enough knowledge. hmm....from what i can see here, the your work experience would actually covered about 75% of the course work so it would be like you are only majoring in one discipline. i see you have opted for two majors on line and one in class but from the looks of it, you could do like 5 classes every semester and graduate in four years with all three degrees," he explained. "that sounds perfect," i said. he smiled. "ill finish up the paperwork i need to do but you need to talk with financial aid, even though you probably wont need it, and your counselor to get you ready for classes in a week. it was nice speaking with you, Mr (l/n)," he stood up and shook my hand. "just call me chris," he nodded and i head out.

the meeting with financial aid took mere minutes. i filled out about two hundred scholar ships and got all of them soo school is paid for. i sat in front of my counselor. "i must say, ive never seen a case like this. where on earth could you have worked that would have covered 75% of three different majors?" banabooster asked. "cant tell you but trust me, its legit," i said. he chuckled. "i sure hope so. you would normally have about 8 classes a week but with this, you would have like 4, 5 at most," he said. i shrugged.

1 hour and irritation due to full classes later, we finally got me ready to start Monday. i was walking out to my car when i spied a certain someone walking to his dorm room. i smiled. "hey doran!" i called, waving. he turned to look for me. his eyes widened before he jogged to me. "you didnt call me," he said. "i wanted to surprise you. i start classes next week," i said. his eyes widened. "you are a student now?!" he asked. i nodded. "yup," i chuckled. "well...are you staying on campus?" he asked. "of course not," i said. he looked away with a blush. "why do you ask?" i asked. "well....the showers here dont work and the washing machines and dryers are always full and-" i stopped him with a finger. "doran...i cant let you move in with me. i literally just met you two days ago. we only went on one date. i cant let a near stranger live in my house," i said. what made him think he could live with me after like two days? he sighed. "yeah...i know. im sorry. im moving a bit too fast," he hung his head. "im not saying that it couldn't happen, im just saying....give it at least a few months. give yourself a chance to get to know me before you go relying on me wholeheartedly," i said. he nodded. "what are you doing later on today? i was thinking we could-" "i have to work. ill be free around 7 tonight. we could have another date night, ok?" i asked. he smiled. "yeah...that sounds good. ill call you," he said. i nodded and leaned in. a warm kiss. i headed out.

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