Bacchus Groh (Pt 3)

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2 months later....

reader pov

i walked into the house after a nice day of work and school, immediately bumping into a table that wasn't there before. that's what he wanted that wood for. i looked at the table. had a little shelf with some hooks on it. the wood looked amazing. he said get some cherry wood and some lacquer to finish it. didnt think it would look that good. "babe! whats this table for?" i called. he always built with a purpose so nothing goes to waste. "keys on the hooks! place to put stuff that you dont wanna forget to take with you!!" he called back. hmm, never thought about that. i put my keys on the hooks and headed to the bedroom. i changed into a tee and some jeans before heading back into the living room. i heard some grunting and some clinking coming from the kitchen. i looked over the island to the sink. he was knelt down digging around under the sink. still shirtless in some jogging pants. only thing difference is the utility belt and tools he wore around his waist. handy man if ive ever seen one. "whatcha doin?" i asked, admiring the sexiest plumber's crack ive ever seen. "damn leaky faucet. i swear this is the worse plumbing ive ever seen," he grunted, wrenching something till it clicked. he sighed. "could ya switch it on for me, bae?" he asked. i walked around and turned on the faucet. solid stream. "off," he muttered. i turned it off. it wasn't leaking any more. my boyfriend is a handy man and a damn good one at that. fixes problems i didnt even know were problems until he fixed em. "its not leaking any more," i said. i had never noticed the faucet leaking but he did, having been here all this time. he just asks me to bring random things home while im out. next day something is fixed or there is some new fixture he built. doesn't bother me. keeps him busy. he pulled out, closing the doors to under the sink. he had a towel covering his head and shoulders that had a bunch of rust dusting it. guess he used it in lieu of a tee. he pulled it off and shook it into the trash before throwing it on his shoulder. he leaned in, placing his lips against mine warmly. he gripped my neck, pulling us together, i rested my arms around his waist. he pulled away. "how was ya day?" he grinned. "eh...ok i guess. i know your day was much more interesting," i said. he chuckled. "built that table and fixed the leaky faucet. that's it," he said. i could still smell the alcohol on his breath.  i shrugged. "what do you want for dinner?" i asked, letting him go. "what ever you make is fine. im not picky," he said as he walked up stairs. he came back without the towel and belt and sat on the sofa. "i insist you say what you want. everyone craves something," i said as i looked through the fridge. he seemed to think about it for a minute. "surf and turf," he said. i pulled out some steak and lobster and started preparing them. "dig out some wine to go with it please," i said as i started cooking. "....aint no more. the cabinet's empty," he muttered. i knew it would happen sooner or later. the cabinet doesn't need to be filled that often cause i dont drink heavily but bacchus....went through three month's worth of good liquor in just two weeks. "that cant be good! ill order some tomorrow," i said.

we finished our wonderful dinner and i cleaned up the kitchen before joining him on the sofa to watch some tv. the smell of alcohol on him was starting to fade, being replaced by some old spice deodorant. we enjoyed some tv till it got pretty late. "im heading to bed, babe. ill order a bunch of liquor tomorrow," i said. he nodded and lifted his legs, letting me get up. i headed to the room, stripped to my undies, and hopped in, getting comfy under the sheets. i dozed off.

i was awoken by the sudden urge to pee. the bed was also cold. bacchus hadn't come to bed yet. i looked at the clock, 1:26 am. i always head to bed around 11 pm cause i have work tomorrow. i used the bathroom before making my way downstairs to check on bacchus. no matter how drunk he got, he still came to bed, stumbling and all. i heard low sniffling as i approached the sofa. it was still pretty dark but i could make out the lay out of the living room just fine. "babe?" i whispered, not wanting to startle him. i peaked over the sofa to see him laying on his stomach, sipping a bottle. he took another sip, only to pull away and shake it upside down. his whimpering and sniffling grew a little louder. "whats wrong?" i said, making my way around to join him on the sofa. he peaked his head up, looking at me before laying it back down and staring at the bottle. "," he whispered. his whimpering stopped but he would still sniffle every so often and wipe his nose and eyes. "what does that mean?" i asked, slightly offended by his response. "you, us, all of this, its all wrong," he growled, tossing the bottle off into the distance. i heard it shatter on the kitchen floor. i could hear the anger growing in his voice. "explain," i grunted, a bit flustered at the new mess im gonna have to clean in the morning. "you some rich good looking dude with a big ass house treating a washed up useless homeless man who happens to know how to use a damn wrench like im actually susposed to be here. like you couldn't drop my ass off at the nearest corner and go get someone who is actually worth your time. its...its cruel, dragging me along like this only to break my heart when you finally give up on me," he grunted, barely able to keep himself together. "i could do that if i only wanted sex," i admitted. may as well let it all out right now or it will eat him alive.

"but you dont, huh? you keep spitting all this shit about wanting a 'an actual relationship' like im really susposed to fit the bill when i know better. i know that you could leave in the morning and i would never see you again. just up and vanish like you were never here in the first place. i know you could do your job from wherever in the world, being CIA and all," he grunted. i never told him that.

"yeah....i found ya badge in the top drawer of the nightstand a while ago. really explains all the fucking guns you have hidden in the house. did you think i wouldn't find out? im a fucking handy man. ive been through every inch of this house looking in all the secret compartments and finding all types of shit. you dont need me here. you could just go buy a brand new house and id never see your sexy ass ever again. you are an asshole, you know that right? a fucking son of a bitch for doing this shit to me. for fucking me that night, for letting me live in your house the very next day, buying me clothes and shit, bringing home whatever i ask for whatever reason, trying.....trying your hardest to make me fall in love with you. well it aint gonna happen, no sir. i aint letting myself fall for a sadistic manipulative son of a motherfucking bitch like you. ha! what a great fucking time to run outta booze. im glad. im soo fucking thankful to the heavens for taking away the one thing that was keeping me in this dream. the one thing that was helping me convince myself that this might just be real. what me and you have might just be real. that.....that you  dont just think of me as a useless drunk who enjoys riding your dick every so often. its cruel cause i was this close. i was soooooo close to believing the lie. shit..." he sat up, wiping his eyes constantly, "....i...i think im a little too late on falling for you. are just too perfect. soo fucking perfect that i couldn't help it. i just couldn't help but fall for you and its....its soooo fucking bad, too. i mean....i get soo happy when i look at the clock and its getting close to time for you to get back. i look and look for shit that needs fixing just so i can see you smile. i build shit just to make it easier for you to go about your day. i get soooooo horny when you look at me like you wanna fuck me till i cant walk, when you touch me like its hard for you to bite back your urges. like you want me a whole lot more than i want you. its just too hard. too fucking hard not to think about how it feels cuddling with you. that warm kiss on my cheek when you get up in the morning, thinking im still sleeping. shit! why did i have to fall for this lie? why me? why couldn't i have died of alcohol poisoning sooo long ago? lord knows i drink enough booze. shit. i need to get outta here. im afraid of what might happen if i stay any longer," he got up, still sobbing his heart out and walked towards the door. i got up and followed him.

"bacchus," i reached for him, only to dodge his swing. he started attacking me, still sobbing his heart out. i ducked, dodged, and weaved, avoiding all his swings before pulling him into a hug. he pushed on me weakly before wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me impossibly tight and rubbing his face in my neck. he gripped the back of my neck and my shoulder and pressing our bodies together like he was trying to merge with me. i wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed him just as tight. "d-d-dont leave me," he whimpered. "i wont leave you,"

"please dont leave me,"

"i wont leave you,"

"im begging you PLEASE dont leave me! i just cant take it. i cant take you leaving me," he whimpered into my neck. his tears were running down my arm. "i said i wouldn't leave you, babe,"

"i cant deal with you leaving me. i dont wanna have to go out and be homeless again and have to beg for food and clothes and a fucking shower any more. just please.....please dont leave me," he whimpered, gripping me tighter. i just held him tighter.

the next day....

its like nothing happened last night. i walked in the house after work and school, same like any other day, and he was once again passed out drunk on the sofa. the house was spotless and there was a covered plate sitting on the counter in the kitchen waiting for me.

after i finished eating, i joined him on the sofa like usual. he groaned, this time climbing on me completely and falling asleep again, straddling my hips and burying his face in my neck. he would hiccup and burp ever so often which made me grateful he didnt fall asleep with his head facing me. i guess this is just life with bacchus. takes care of the house before passing out drunk. eh....better than having a history of abuse or kids older than i am or being a criminal or even worse: being straight. yeah, i guess i can live with this.


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