(F/n) 'Chris' (L/n) (Pt 1)

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2 weeks later....

bacchus pov

i got out the bed and put on the clothes she handed me. "i already have a place for you to stay, a car for ya, and i have set up school to start in two weeks. that should give ya enough time to get readjusted to moving and things. you dont have any disabilities but i cant allow you to drink. your kidneys cant take the strain this soon. i hate to say it but give it about a month before you drink socially and.....about six after that before you can really go back to normal. obviously you shouldn't drink as heavily or else i might not be able to save you....or really i wouldn't even try since it would be your fault and you would be throwing away all that i have done for you. take it easy at first with the exercising to give ya body time to get back to normal before you can worry about getting back to normal. umm....i think that's all i have for you," mavis walked over and gave me a hug. eh....im not all that worried about it. all i need is some sex and ill be just fine. holding out for two years has made the horniness hit me like a train. masturbation is barely tiding me over. she pulled away. "here are the keys. if you need anything just call me. ill walk you out," she turned on her heels and walked away. i quickly followed her out the door.

i was led out to a huge parking lot with loads of cars. "and with this, i can only hope for the best. get out there, mingle, get lucky. i hope you can find love again someday," another hug and she walked into the building again. i sighed. i still have no idea who this 'him' she keeps referring to is. i thought in this whole time with the physical therapy and liquid dieting till i could eat whole foods again, she would have slipped and at least told me a name. i swear she could keep a gov't secret if she really wanted too. i clicked the keys, signaling the lights for a nice Subaru car. looked nice and new-ish. may be lightly used but a good car none the less. i walked over and got in. she had given me the address of a nice one bedroom apartment but....well this growing desire to go 'home' keeps getting stronger every day since i woke up. ill have to check it out first. i pulled off.

i pulled into the driveway of some huge mansion. hmm....apparently this 'him' is loaded. i grinned. didnt think i would have bagged me a rich one but whatever. im sure he would recognize me before i would recognize him. i got out the car and walked up to the door. there was a security pad right on the side of the door. 041220XX was the number that popped right into my head. i typed it in.....i heard the click. i opened the door. i was hit with this huge burst of nostalgia. like i hadn't been here in a while. there was a little table thing with hooks for keys on one side, made of really nice cherry wood i might add, and a little wardrobe on the other side made of finished oak. this 'him ' must be some type of tinkerer like me. his work is amazing. i couldn't have done it better myself. i wandered through the house, searching for more clues to this 'him' that has my heart and body aching soo much right now. i looked through the bedrooms, closets, dressers, not a single thing. no clothes, pictures, relics or anything that said that anyone had ever lived here. i thought id at least find a picture of me and 'him' together or something that would remind me of him. i sighed. i walked through the living room, spotting lot of reworking and tinkering. this guy must have done a lot of work to this house. he has either lived here for years or got paid loads of money for his little projects. im still wondering why my body says this place is home. aint no food in the fridge or freezers. not even butter or salt. cabinets are empty. i went to the liquor cabinet from memory. not a single bottle. something told me that he always kept loads of booze in this cabinet. tsk....im liking this 'him' already. really wish i could remember him but whatever. i looked at the clock, 6:26 pm. shit. the heat started to kill me instantly. it mixed with painful anticipation for him to walk in that door. well that solves that problem. this guy had me whipped like a motherfucker. i believe mavis when she said we were together for a long ass time. the anticipation for him to walk in that door is killing me. i just wanna rip that nice ass suit off him and ride his dick in midair. shit. whipped might not be enough to cover how i was feeling for him. i need to leave before i strip naked and wait for him. i headed to the little apartment.

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