chapter 10

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the next morning...

sting pov

im sorta ok. its fine really. i just dont think i know the whole story that's all. i mean...its not odd that chris would be dropped off by gadjeel yesterday morning. cause they are friends, right? its also not that weird that chris would kiss gadjeel goodbye when he got out the car. more like make out is what they did. if chris wasn't leaning in the window, im confident they would have fucked right then and there. the smiles they both had when gadjeel left seemed like they were more than just friends. chris had just as easily kissed orga the same way. in fact...when he and orga made out, they actually did end up fucking. almost made them late for the party too. i sighed. i dont know what is going on there. im sure its awful. i felt lips against mine. i opened my eyes. yeah. completely forgot why i was worried again. i mean....who could even think when a guy as sexy as natsu is trying to see how far he can shove his tongue down your throat. i could feel him starting to straddle me in the bed. he is just soo eager. just loves kissing me. like its a drug and he is deathly addicted. i felt one of his hands rubbing my chest. the other caressed my face. i dont know where all this passion comes from. we only started dating like three days ago. its not like we have known each other for months. i sighed. i need to focus. i could feel him growing meaning he is horny. i started kissing back, letting my hands roam his amazing body. its another one of those times where i need to satisfy my man.


reader pov

i had to admit, orga feels amazing. his passing out on top of me reminded me of what i wanted him in the first place for. every now and then, he would let out a low groan that would be muffled by my neck. turns me on. his broad chest and now hardening nipples. his well defined back that is smooth until you reach the wonderfully milky white hills that make up his ass. his ass is amazing. just fucking awesome. i ran my hands down his back cupped his cheeks. they were just a little bit bigger than my hands but they were perfectly round. i felt around his thighs that fell to either side of me, reminding me that he slept straddling me. i could feel orga growing against my stomach. i need to stop. im turning him on. still feels amazing though. just laying here under him makes me feel like i could be consumed. im sure that if anyone saw us, you couldn't even see me under him. you would only tell he was on top of someone by the position of his legs. he just slept sooo comfy. like he had wanted to be here all along.

i started to hear moaning coming from a few doors down. tsk....looks like someone got morning wood. i had to stop groping orga or he would have the same idea when he woke up. i felt him starting to kiss my neck. shit. didn't stop soon enough. " should do that more often," he whispered into my neck. i sighed. he leaned up so that he hovered over me. light blush. grin. shit. he is horny again. "you hands feel amazing when they roam my body," he whispered. he kissed me. he chuckled and pulled away. "lucky for you, im not horny," he whispered. another kiss. "cause you would be balls deep in me right now," he teased. another thing that would throw me off. especially when HE would say it. makes me feel like...its not right. he started kissing me again. kissed down my neck. "ya know...i never really thought i could enjoy being fucked that much," he whispered. i giggled. "i didn't know that either. you dont seem like the type who would take it," i said. started kissing my cheek. back to my lips. pulled away with a pop. "did you know that you taste amazing?" he said with a smile. i got a hand full of ass and gave it a firm squeeze. he grunted and his blush darkened. "did you know that you feel amazing?" i kissed him. quick and passionate. i could feel his breathing picking up. he kissed me again. and again. and again. shit. all this messing around got him in the mood again. "whatever *kiss* happened *kiss* to not *kiss* being *kiss* in the mood," i said. "its....its your fault," he started sucking on my neck. i sighed. i got a hold of his waist and rolled my self on top. yeah. he is at full attention now. he got a firm grip of my biceps and sucked on my neck. im definitely gonna have marks there. i pulled him into a deep kiss. i pulled away. "unfortunately, i have an appointment later on today and i cant be passed out from making love, orga," i said. he grunted in surprise. "m-m-making love?" he whispered. i grinned. "you think i would still be dating you if this was just sex? i cant get sex anywhere, orga. this....this has got to be more than that, babe. i mean...we both know that this should be the other way around yet you still let know," i kissed his neck. i could feel his grinning. he pulled my head to face him. " its cause you're soo fucking good at it. i cant help but be addicted," he kissed me. i sighed. its gonna be harder to get rid of him than i thought. i pulled away. "im serious. it gets to me every time when you remind me which on of us is stronger. i cant help but think of the day where you are horny when im not and you just...take m-" he fucking slapped me. hard. "you think i dont think of that stuff too? i know it gets to you that im stronger. im not that stupid. i just want you to know that ill always take it from you. if no one else, you will always be my seme," another kiss.  i sighed. he isn't making this easy. i could feel his grip tightening on my biceps. i pulled away. he grunted and reached for me. i wouldn't let him connect. he grunted and yanked me back. forced me to kiss him again. i tried to sit up but his legs wrapped around my waist and rested between mine. he wasn't letting me go no time soon. he was gripping my biceps soo hard my arms were going numb. i struggled. getting more desperate by the second. i could feel him tearing up at how hard i was struggling. he finally pulled away. "see! that's it. that right there. that is the EXACT reason im afraid of being with you. being your boyfriend means i have to go about every day dreading the day you make me take this," i got a firm grip of his dick. he clenched. "the only reason you put up with someone like me is cause you haven't gotten any in what? years? so yeah. im scared orga. scared shitless of the day your urges become tooo big for you to hold back and your words wont mean shit. ill be completely helpless against you. you know....kinda like now where your grip is sooo fucking strong on my arms and your legs are wrapped so tightly around me that i cant fucking move. this isn't us dating, orga. this is you desperate for sex that you are willing to take it however it comes," i said. yeah. i didn't think i had all that inside but it came flowing out. the only thing i lied about was being completely defenseless. im a master of what i call an Extremely Dangerous Form of Crazy (EDFC) which is a multifarious conglomerate of martial arts that if they were to come to the light, my whole body would be certifiable as a weapon. believe it or not, im not lying about that. i had went to a dojo to test it out, half killed everyone there, including the masters. yeah. you dont fuck with me.

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