Bacchus Groh (Pt 2)

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later on that day....

reader pov

"this....this is the first time ive been sober in public," he muttered, gripping my hand tighter. "well....if you are sober, you wont bother people," we walked into jcpenny's. "i hate people. i can only talk to people if im drunk," he muttered. we walked right to the men's clothing aisle. " are saying that you wont talk to me?" i raised a brow to him. " are different. ill have plenty of time to get used too you. im talking about people i wont see ever again," he muttered. eh...i didnt wanna push it too much. not when we just started out dating. "lets get you some clothes, then we can go home," i shrugged. he started flipping through the pants aisle. pulled out two pairs of jeans.....and 6 pairs of jogging pants. "why so many jogging pants?" i asked. "they comfy," he muttered, pulling me over to the shirts. he picked out three shirts and put them in the cart. "lets go," he grunted. "three shirts and two pairs of jeans, why?" i asked. not trying to be picky, just....doesn't sound like a lot to work with when making outfits. "dont like jeans....or shirts," he said. again, not gonna push it. im sure he will tell me when he is ready. "guess its undies and socks then the register," i started towards the undies section. "i hate undies...and socks," he said. "then its to the register," we started to the register.

he took his bags out the car and right up to the door. i got out the car and joined him at the door. "before we go in, i need to put you in the system," i said as i pulled out my cell. "why do i need to be in the system?" he asked. "so the alarm wont go off if you try to enter my house really late at night," i said. "tsk...i wouldn't leave the house unless im with you, bae. i dont have friends or family in this city. no job. dont go to school. you are literally my life," he said. "you poor, poor sad man. i feel sorry for you," i patted his shoulder. "dont feel sorry for me. your house is huge, you have good liquor, cable tv, internet, an older house so there is plenty of stuff to fix, insanely good in bed so i wont need to go no where else," he said. i....i cant really argue with that. i wont deny that the only reasons i leave my house is work, school, and friends. my house is pretty fucking amazing. i even order groceries on line just so i dont have to leave my house. my house is just that great. "i see your point but i dont wanna have to do it later so we will do it now," i said. i snapped a few pictures, took his fingerprints, and a variety of other biometric information and uploaded it into my system. "any ideas for your personal password?" i asked. "what's today's date?" "April 12, 20XX," "then 041220XX," he said. "will that be something you can remember?" i asked. "its a day i want to remember. day i got my boyfriend," he shrugged. "awe!!" i grinned, my face catching on fire.

i closed the door and locked it. he had put his stuff in a room before returning to the living room in nothing but a pair of black jogging pants. didnt even put on socks. talk about making himself at home. he joined me on the sofa, resting one leg on my lap and lounging out. "we are going on a date tonight," i said. "eh...can we do it tomorrow? i think its better to just chill out for the rest of the day," he said. oh my GOSH. he actually didnt agree with me! scorpio, silver, and especially doran were all yes men. whatever i said, went. if i said we are going on a date, they wouldn't even question it. 'what am i wearing?' was always their response. shit...this might work out after all. i might actually have a boyfriend. actually be in a relationship.

later on that night....

i yawned. "im going to bed," i grunted as i got up. "ok," he said. he didnt get up. i swear i might be in heaven. they always did what i wanted and never had an opinion of their own. all we have to do is argue about something and he will be perfect. i made my way to my room. i stripped to my undies and got in bed under the covers. i waited a few minutes. nope, he isn't coming. i couldn't believe it. he doesn't feel pressured to do my bidding even though im taking care of him. i bought him clothes, gave him a place to stay, fed him, let him use the various amenities and he still said no to me! ive never been more happy to hear the word no in my life. i laid in bed, finally able to relax for the first time. i dont have to deal with a yes man no more. i wont have to make all the decisions. ill actually have someone to talk too. i dont know why but...him NOT being overly appreciative is making me ecstatic. i had almost fallen asleep when i heard the door open. some footsteps followed by a thump. a low groan. the covers were pulled up and the bed shifted. the body pillow i was snuggling was pulled away. more low groaning as bacchus wiggled his way into my embrace, pulling my arms around him and pushing his back to my chest. he got comfy. smelled like liquor so i think he is drunk. he got comfy before his breathing evened out. finally! something i should be upset about. no one would dare do this to me, not even laxus. i pulled him closer, savoring the anger that should be building up right now.

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