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Author's Note: finally got a new charger so a lot of catching up to do. anyway...this is the first bonus chapter of this story so look forward to it. no spoilers....well except for the title, but no more than that.


6 months after the wedding...

laxus pov

i sat at the edge of the bed, the covers half covering my groin. i leaned forward on my knees, placing my face in my hands, trying desperately to stop them from flowing but i couldn't. i just couldn't. i knew what i did. my nude form, only partially covered by the blanket, only served as a reminder of what i did. if that wasn't enough, the low groaning as well as the shifting in the bed that followed only rubbed it in. soft kisses along my collar bone. the hand grazing my chest from behind. "last night was wonderful," the low whisper, trying not to startle me out of my low sobbing for no, that voice wasn't the deep voice of my husband of around a half year now. no. not him by a long shot. no. it wasn't even the same gender, either. that just made it so much more incriminating. sooo much more awful what i did. something that my husband couldn't give me even if he wanted to. it felt good. oh yes it felt good. i wont deny it. i found much enjoyment from doing it. hell, even some sort of relief. not that that would make it less awful. im a hypocrite. a fucking hypocrite. the biggest of hypocrite for having accused my husband of doing so even after he had proven to me, on MANY occasions, that he had, nor would have or had the intention to do, ever, done what i did just around 6 hours ago. even on the various cases he had to take on where he was forced against his better judgement to go undercover for whatever the reason may be. lord knows he could've. with how smooth he is and his outrageously good looks, he could have and i would have never been the wiser. the thing that made it so bad is that he wore a camera on his person 24/7 just to prove it. wore the motherfucker for that past three months of our marriage. could i do this to such a good man? how could i do so still wearing the ring he bought me. no. i didn't take it off. nor did i hide the fact that i was married. nor did i mention the fact that i was permanently a homosexual. tsk....she couldn't tell. what with all the moaning and all. just cruel. just a terrible person, man, and husband to the man i love. how could i? "...wanna go another round?" she whispered chastely against my chin, placing a wet kiss all along my shoulder. shit. i do. i really, truly do want another round with her. shit. i was actually thinking of making this a thing. just a little affair i had on the side in addition to having my husband.

he wouldn't even notice. he never questioned my integrity in the slightest. never questioned when i would come home late. didn't question why i smelled of soap and water when i smelled of my usual cologne when i kissed him goodbye at the office that morning. he was never suspicious nor was he ever jealous, even though i was, quite fiercely i might add, of him. he still flirted like no one's business both in front and behind me. never ceases to make everyone around him, man and woman, blush at his smooth attempts to take them home and do unspeakable things to them. tsk....this might have been revenge in its own right. even though he did the same thing, in most cases worse since he could actually do those things when we were in the privacy of the penthouse, to me. its like he keeps unintentionally doing these things and not knowing that they bothered me. no. this wasn't revenge. i never told him my true feelings. i had only recently came clean about the state of our finances concerning the penthouse, which by the way, he wants to move to a suburbs with a white picket fence and everything.

yeah. i had no right to stop them from flowing down my face. especially since this isn't the first time this has happened. no. last night makes...the fourth? no, maybe the fifth time i cheated on my husband with a woman. each time feeling like shit and intending on taking the secret of my infidelity to the grave and beyond. as i planned to do this time. no. my husband will never know of this. not of this time, nor the past or future times. shit. future times? i hadn't recognized it till now but i dont even plan on stopping. no. i will never stop. why? because of how it feels during. her supple skin and flesh that pales in comparison to chris's rather rugged and strong features. he moaning that made her seem soooooo unladylike. shit. even the simple process of removing her clothes was simply exemplary. the tantalizing feeling of unhooking her bra and pulling off her panties. the blush. oh god the blush that would quickly flood her entire body as she was bared before me. tsk....until i joined her in the freedom of clothes. i sobbed, realizing that i truly wish to lay with her again, and again, and again. i dont know, she might just be like my closet wife or something. is that a thing? cause i REALLY want that to be a thing. i sighed. yeah. im gonna lay with her again. i already an infidel. whats one more time?

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now