chapter 22

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the next day...

reader pov

i had called everyone in to my office to see how the training was going. we have been at it around 24 hours now and i wanna see if we will reach our goal in time. "they are picking up the gadget functionality rather easily. im surprised at their progress," reported mirajane. "they already knew the in and outs of guns. i just had to show them how to reload faster, where to store extra ammo, and how to use the machineguns," reported gray. "they are sorta slow on the up take when it comes to infiltration and stealth. moving quietly as opposed to just busting in and screaming 'FBI/POLICE' is a huge difference for them," reported loke. "do you think they will be ready in time?" i asked. he chuckled. "they will be ready whether they want to be or not," he said. i nodded. i turned my attention to laxus. he kept sipping his coffee absentmindedly. "how is the training going, laxus?" i asked. gray nudged him to snap him out of it. "damn amateurs. dont even know how to fight to save their lives," he grumbled. i sighed. "im not gonna go over formations and tactics till the day before because i want it fresh in their minds. ok. everyone is dismissed. keep up the good work," i said. they nodded and headed out. i sighed. seems like everything else is going well except for the hand to hand combat. i guess ill have to see what i can do.

"COME ON YOU DAMN IDIOTS!! THE MOTIONS ARE SIMPLE!!" i could hear laxus yelling from around the corner. i walked up to the door and peaked inside. laxus was using natsu to demonstrate some grappling moves that are completely out of place. if we move the right way, you will never need to put your hands on anyone longer than a few seconds. i opened the door and stepped in. they didn't even notice because of laxus's screaming. i clasped my hands together loudly to get everyone's attention. "the hell are you doing here?" grunted laxus. i walked over to stand next to laxus. he shoved natsu back towards the crowd. "im just here to tell you a few things that might help you guys understand the point of hand to hand combat in a stealth mission. first, grappling is not necessary for this mission," laxus grunted at that," if you move the way you are all trained, you will never need to put your hands on anyone longer than a few seconds. this operation its taking place late at night so the henchmen will be sleeping. there will be a few on patrol but the most of them will be sleeping. hand to hand combat for this mission is to stop them from yelling or screaming. 'why?' well if one of them screams EVERYONE else will wake up and we will all die. another thing this is useful for is disarming a patrol guard. ideally, you want to knock the out in just a few quick strikes," i said. they seemed to think it over. i turned to laxus. he was fuming. i guess it makes sense. he probably has been teaching them grappling the whole time. "i didn't think you would teach them grappling for a stealth mission," i whispered to him. he just grunted. "now....a certain degree of grappling is necessary when dealing with people as big as laxus. as im sure you could guess, a few strike from someone like me wont be enough to KO a guy like him," i said. they nodded. "id like to see a demonstration," said a guy in the back. everyone nodded. i grinned. "laxus, would you please assist me in a demonstration?" i turned to him. he grumbled something. i took a deep breath and started dancing on the balls of my feet. "gimme everything you got. no holding back. this needs to be real," i teased.

he crotched and charged at me. a hard smack right across his face. he reflexively rubbed his face. a hard right to his jaw put him in a daze. i grabbed his other wrist and twisted it behind his back making him lose his balance and face plant on the ground. i twisted his wrist up on his back and took a seat right on the small of his back. he grunted. "at this point, the daze from the right in the jaw would stop him from shouting for a few seconds at which time," i pulled out my gun, with the safety on, and put it to the back of his head. "BAM! no more laxus, which means no more huge henchman," i said. i couldn't help but notice that laxus has an AMAZING ass. i grinned. "the view isn't too bad either," i gave it a nice squeeze. he grunted in surprise. i put my gun away and got up. i clapped my hands. "lets all give it up for my assistant, laxus. he really gave it all he had," i said. they started clapping as he got up. he had a dark blush as he turned to face the crowd. "now. everyone pair up," i said. they fumbled around to  find a partner. i felt eyes burning holes in the side of my head. they seemed to find their partners. "i want to see some sparring for the next ten minutes. if you land on your back or stomach, its one point to the other guy. losers will do ten laps, no breaks no water, around the gym," i pulled out my cell and set the timer. "ready?!" lots of yeahs. i turned to laxus. he was in a fighting stance. i nodded. "GO!" i set the phone down and dodged a swing from laxus. i could feel his rage. i grinned. i dodged a few more swings, while placing a few of my own, and when he was losing his balance, a well placed hard roundhouse to the jaw and he spun three full times before hitting the ground on his stomach. he groaned as he got up. "tsk tsk laxus. just because you are stronger and bigger than me, dont mean you gonna win," i teased.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now