chapter 26

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the next morning....

reader pov

i sighed. of course they were able to convince mavis. "what book was it?" i asked. gray chuckled. "Men's Monthly. just a body builder model catalogue," he said. mirajane looked at him. "why do you have a sub-you know what? never mind. we dont even have time think about that. what we need is a plan to get you noticed by zeref and the other guys," she said. "as far as i know, they believe ive been kidnapped. probably figured im dead by now soooooo this plan wont work," i said for the umpteenth time. "tsk....i doubt it i mean look at you! you are a planner and a wiz with words. more likely to have talked your way out of it," grunted Bickslow. i sighed. they started arguing about the details of the plan. i decided to see how lucy was doing.

me: yo lucy!! long time no hear from

lucy: duh i have a life, unlike you

me: have no idea. what are you up to?

lucy: nothing just having the time of my life

me: mm hmm go on

lucy: island escape with rogue

my eyes widened. "guys!! i have a way to find out where zeref and rogue are!!" i said, the excitement building. they all looked in my direction. "im gonna try to call her. get a tap set up immediately. be silent about it," i said. they nodded and began moving about. i called her.


you didn't need to call me

i needed you to hear my reaction live...(clears throat) WWWWHHHHAAAATTTT!!!!

oww chris!! you didn't need to shout in my ear

yes the fuck i did. i cant believe you didn't invite me on your trip to what ever island!! i could have brought orga. we could have went to parties and danced and shit. hell! i probably would have had sooo many threesomes its unreal

your selfish as fuck, you know that? besides, i couldn't invite you. we didn't even have time to pack shit. rogue just woke me up in the middle of the night talking about 'my boss sounded the emergency alarm' or some shit. 30 minutes later and we were on a plane taking off to only god knows where. im glad this island has good reception or i would have died. right then and there.

i feel you on that one. my cell and laptop are life

yeah....ANYWAY what are you doing? i know i haven't been around much to pry on your life so i want details

im not gonna tell ya till we talking face to face. i have some details that will MAKE YOUR FUCKING MIND EXPLODE

mm hmm like you could blow my mind with your shit. GET REAL

bitch i got pictures

GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE send them to me. now

tsk...i told you. you not gonna see all the shit i did till we see each other again. do you know where you are at? im gonna call orga and get the tickets bought. we could totally use an island vacation

hell if i know. hold on, ill go ask rogue....(footsteps).....hey babe. where the hell are we? (background: i cant tell you. babe. its a secret.....wait...who are you talking to?)...chris....(WWWHHHAAATTT!!! i need to talk to him. NOW).....uugghh dont be trying to snatch my phone like that.....mmph what the hell is wrong with you!!.....rogue: Chris?! is that you?!

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now