chapter 5

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reader pov

i woke today a little different. normally id still be single but this time....there is someone i actually have to claim now. so its different. i actually have to monogamous now. cant just consider him a fuck buddy or a friend with benefits. nope. i actually have a boyfriend. i dont think ive ever had a boyfriend. even when i lost my virginity, i didn't date the guy. i cant say i have a lot of experience with this sorta thing. the main reason i didn't like to date is cause i was never satisfied. not since i lost my virginity. i wasn't able to be monogamous cause id wanna have sex too often. too much sex will make the hole loose then i really wont be satisfied. i think it will be different with this guy though. i was actually satisfied last night. im actually not horny right now which is like.....a really big deal for me. i finally found a guy who satisfies me. it might be cause i had to work sooo hard to even fuck him. it was soooo draining. i dont even know how many times i came. all i know is that when we finally finished, i couldn't feel my legs. to be honest....i still cant really feel them. its like i know that im laying down on him but that's about it. that's as far as i can feel them. another interesting thing is that im actually rising up and down because of his breathing. literally. its like im on an elevator. its kinda funny. ok. i can feel the feeling returning to my body now. my groin is super sticky. i felt his flaccid dick press against my stomach. i was still between his legs. feels like his arm was resting around my neck. his other was under his pillow. felt like i was laying on some steel. this guy is rock solid. no give whatsoever on his body. i wonder if....ok. now im kinda curious. i ran my hands down his back and to his ass. he snorted when i cupped his cheeks. i could feel his grinning. " too tired...babe," he started snoring softly again. yeah. these are no different. rock hard ass cheeks. i could barely squeeze them. i could feel him growing in his sleep. really easy to turn him back on. i dont know if that's a good thing. i had to work really hard to do him the first time. can my body even go another round right now? i felt a deep ache in my stomach. felt like i did 200 crutches in a row. sex will become a work out now. sex will actually make me work out to feel pleasure. i turned my head to look for a clock. i spotted it on his nightstand, 6:22 am. its really early. i dont feel tired either. guess i had a good sleep. makes sense. i was exhausted so that makes sense. i need a shower. long and hot. thorough. kinda like a full body cleanse. maybe a long hot relaxing bath. yeah. i think ill take a bath when i get home. i can feel my body quickly regaining energy. ill be able to move in a few minutes. shit. what will happen after this? when i do leave what will happen? didn't see this happening at all so i have no idea what to do next. only thing i really know about being in a relationship is that you gotta be monogamous. that's it. that's kinda the only thing i dont know everything about. im a pretty smart guy so that is different. i could feel him start to move under me. his legs quivered. i felt him put his legs around me and he rested his feet between mine. his arm tightened around my neck. tsk...he dont want me going anywhere no time soon. "...hey," i whispered. nothing. "...orga," he snorted. "y-yeah," he said. "...i kinda wanna take a long hot bath now," i whispered. he let out a low chuckle. "...i dont think the tub is big enough for the both of us," he whispered. "sure it is. just cant fill it all the way up," i said. he chuckled. "can we make it a bubble bath?" he asked. interesting suggestion but i guess i could get into it. "yeah i guess," i said. "o-ok. just....gimme a minute. i...still cant really move," he whispered. i grinned. "bet i can carry you," i said. "forreal? im like 250," he said. "tsk...i can at least try," i said. he chuckled. "o-ok," he said.

i can do this. the feeling in my body was coming back fast. i pushed up from off him. he had this goofy grin and i sat up and got out of the bed. i stretched. wow do i feel good. i might actually be able to do this! ok. dont get cocky. not just yet. ok. "where is the bathroom?" i asked. he just pointed to a door behind me. i turned and jogged inside. he had a Jacuzzi bath that was actually huge. makes sense since he is huge too. i turned on the water and plugged it up. i looked around and spied a bottle of bubble bath. i poured half of it in there. ok. the bubbles started forming. ok. go get him. ok. i jogged back to the bed. ok. i grabbed his ankles and turned him towards me. he was laughing the whole time. "dont make fun of me," i said. he had a goofy grin that showed his pearly whites. ok. i got to a knee and put his legs around me. i leaned down and he wrapped his arms around my neck. i hoisted him up. i put an arm around his waist. one under his ass. i stood up. i stumbled a little but was able to keep my balance. ok. after standing here for a minute im getting used to his weight. ok. i turned around. he was still laughing. i waddled towards the bathroom. i got to the tub. this is the hard part. good thing the tub was kinda low. i took my arm from under his ass and grabbed the bar for support. i stepped inside the water. it was scolding. good. takes a bit to get used too. i climbed in and slowly lowered him inside the water. "shit! that's hot," he grunted. ok. i sat him down and sat down across from him. just in time for the water to reach just under his pecks. i shut off the water. i took a deep breath. that was another work out. the tub wasn't that wide but it was surprisingly deep. "," shit. i was tired. he had a dark blush with another toothy grin. "never been carried like that," he whispered. "first time for everything," i said. i relaxed. the water soothed my aching muscles. his legs sat on either side of me on top of mine. we just relaxed for a while.

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