chapter 33

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later on that night...

laxus pov

this is it. practically the best thing about dating him: he will be here when i come in. i took a deep breath. i unlocked the door and walked in. i looked around. no lights we on. nothing cooking. i didn't hear the shower going. where is he? i was starting to panic. i looked in my room in the bed. nope. empty. made like it was this morning. what the fuck?! he said he would get off at five so he should have been here when i got off work. i sighed. he probably had to work late. i checked my phone. no messages or missed calls. what the hell? im sure he would have at least texted me that he wouldn't be here when i got here. i was about to call him when i heard the door open and shut. i jogged back to the living room. he walked in and stretched. "where the hell were you?" i could sense the frustration in my own voice. he chuckled. "SOMEONE forgot to give me a key. im not breaking the door down. i simply took a walk around the area till i saw your car pull up," he said. i face palmed. of course i didn't give him a key. "just take the one under the welcome mat," ive never felt so embarrassed in my life. he walked over and picked it up. put it in his wallet. he walked up to me with a shit eating grin. "ooohhh someone missed me. i can see the panic in your eyes," he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a kiss. i sighed. i pulled him closer. yeah. i was panicking. i thought some thing might have happened. i pulled away and rested my head against his. "i worked up a sweat and i need a shower," he pulled away and walked into the room stripping. i walked in after him shedding my work clothes. he walked in to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. i laid on the bed in my undies. im here much earlier than i normally would have been. i normally wouldn't get here for at least another two hours but im here. i left on time. he came out a few minutes later in a towel. he walked over and put on some undies. i went into the bathroom. took a good shower. i walked out and put on some undies like him. he chuckled. "are you getting used to the liberation?" he asked. i shrugged. "im gonna make some dinner," he walked into the kitchen. i took a seat on the sofa and flipped on the tv. i just cant get over how different this is for me. home around 6:30. showered and on the sofa by 7. now im just waiting for dinner. sorta feels....comfy. cozy. house is starting to feel a bit more like a home. he walked in with two plate and set them on the coffee table. he handed me a fork. it looked amazing. baked fish with lemon sauce, baked potato with sour cream and cheese, and a nice helping of broccoli with some butter. i took a bite. melts in your mouth. "best part about this, dished take two seconds to clean up AND there are leftovers," he said. good food. easy clean up. yeah. i can get used to this.

1 month later....

reader pov

i was woken up by the smell of throw up this morning. i snapped up, shuffling my arms from around him. he started coughing. "laxus whats wrong?!" he just groaned. i started pulling him on his back. he cringed and threw up again. its soaking into the sheets on the other side of the bed. he started hacking. i opened his eyes. blood shot with little tears. he was sweating profusely. "h-h-help...m-m-me," he went into another hacking fit. i grabbed my phone and called 911. gave them the address. i made him sit up. he looked woozy. he leaned on me. threw up again. i barely dodged it. i felt his forehead, really hot. i dont know what this is. i heard a knock at the door. i put on some pants and a tee. i dodged him throwing up again. all of a sudden im regretting taking him to a buffet last night. i grabbed him some clothes. i dressed him. helped him out of the bed. i cleaned his mouth off. he looked like he could fall asleep at any minute. he looked at me with half lidded eyes. i helped him to the door and opened it. the paramedics helped him on a gurney. i jogged back and grabbed my cell and a laptop so i can work from the hospital. i headed out with them.

i had to call us off work. we got to the hospital and he was admitted. doctor came in. "could you tell me what happened?" he asked as he looked at his charts. "i have no idea. i woke up to the smell of throw up. i looked to see what was wrong. he had a fever, constantly throwing up, coughing. i dont know what is wrong," i said. he nodded and pursed his lips in concentration. laxus was breathing hard in the bed. he gripped my hand. i looked at him. he opened his eyes. "FUCK ME!!" he damn near fell out the bed trying to kiss me. i had to hold him down. he was angry. "WHY WONT YOU LOVE ME!!" he just started sobbing. "I HATE YOU!!" he screamed. "he kept changing personalities the whole ride here," i said. he chuckled. "im sure he will be fine. i think i have an idea what is going on with him," he jotted down some stuff on a slip of paper. he handed it to me. "he can go home later on today. that should help with the nausea. he will probably have a strange appetite, consistent mood swings, aches and pains, as well as an odd sexual appetite. get ready for a rollercoaster for the next few months. oh....and congratulations," he nodded and headed out. i was confused. i looked at him. he was sleeping peacefully, gripping my hand. i dont even care. as long as laxus gets better.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now