Bacchus Groh (Pt 5)

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a year and a half later...

laxus pov

"come on laxus! if we dont hurry, we will be late for the party!" my wife yelled from the bedroom. i sighed. i buttoned up my dress shirt and tucked it in my pants. i pulled on my jacket and straightened my tie. "are you ready yet?" i called back. she responded by walking in, sporting her one piece strapless dress and putting in her earrings. "yeah, im finished. the kids are already with the sitter. we are ready to go," she said. i nodded and we headed out.

"did you bring the gifts?" she asked as i parked in the parking deck of the hall. "i just have to em it out the trunk," i walked around and popped the trunk. i pulled out the boxes and stuffed them in a bag. i put it over my shoulder before following her inside.

it was a cool evening in the hall. since we are pretty far down south, we didnt get snow this year so that's good, i guess. the kids really wanna see snow so we were gonna go up north to lisanna's parents house after the Christmas party tonight. plane takes off in the morning. i put our gifts on the huge gift table. "who was your secret Santa, honey?" she asked as i took out the gifts. "chris..." i grunted. of course it was him. we did the drawing at the office a month ago and out of all the CIA, out of all the families included, i had to pick the one person i didnt want to be bothered with. i had given up long ago on finding where he lived. him and bacchus have been together this whole time. aint nothing i can do to break em up any more so i just buried my feelings again. that and avoiding him and bacchus like the plague have been how ive gotten though this but of course, fate wont let me leave them alone. i was content with never seeing them again. i really was. seeing him again just reminds me how bitter i am about it. seeing how happy him and bacchus are together just pisses me off. i dont even know why! seeing him smile for someone else just ignites such a strong feeling of jealousy, anger, hell....even a bit of hatred towards bacchus. its horrible cause they work sooo well together. they are sooo good together. like they are the perfect couple. really pisses me off.

"what did you get him?" she asked. "i didnt really know what to get him so i just got him a card," i grunted. i still remember his birthday party. bacchus had actually came to me. he had the audacity to come to me to ask what chris likes. he couldn't decide what to get him so he asked me, someone who should have known. naturally, i told him something that chris would hate cause i was still trying to break em up  at the time but you know what happened? i heard they argued, got pretty heated too, but they didnt break up. instead, bacchus told me that chris loves it now. it only made them stronger as a couple. can you believe it? i was soo hell bent on tearing them apart, that i actually made em stronger. it was at that time that i decided to give up. just avoid them both till i completely forget their names. doesn't help that him and my wife are 'besties' as she puts it. i still manage to avoid em but not today. "ok people!! lets get the secret santas out the way before we get to drinking and forget about em!" chimed mirajane over the speakers. a bunch of cheering. i sighed.

i really didnt want to be around when he gets my gift. a bit embarrassed about it. when i saw i had to get him a gift, i couldn't think of a single thing. not from the time we been married, not when we dated, now while we are divorced. not a single thing to get him and its that one fact that threatens to revive all the feelings i used to have for him. every single time something like this, it reminds me of how terrible i was to the perfect man. how my body still yearns for him. sure i can be with my wife like normal now but....well i still use the dildo from time to time when i cant get off from her. i swear it feels like everything is designed to NOT let me forget him. they started grabbing their gifts. i watched chris open the card. a smile before he folded it and put it in his pocket....then he just moved on. why does that tick me off soooo fucking much? i couldn't expect a huge reaction so why on earth did i want that? why did i want him to appreciate my gift? i felt a patting on my arm. i looked to see bacchus in a suit and tie. he held out a small box. "you didnt go get it so i figured id bring it too ya. merry Christmas!" he put the box in my hand. i sighed, unwrapping it. it was....a snow globe. i wont deny it was pretty nice though. he chuckled. "its not much but its to thank ya," he said, standing next to me, watching as everyone started dancing. chris and lisanna was dancing together, making my heart skip a bit. i almost miss the times when they were mortal enemies. made me feel like i still had a chance of getting back with him. "thank me?" i grunted, putting the snow globe in my pocket.

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