Silver Fullbuster (Pt 1)

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author's note: halfway through your personal journey now

1 year later.....

lisanna pov

"w-w-where are you?" he grumbled. "just hold on! it takes time to get thing ready," I called into the room from the bathroom. I looked at the thing. long and thick. I fucking hate doing this. I really do. lately its been getting worse. instead of being with me, he would much rather have....this ridiculous thing. I picked up the ridiculous bottle of lube and squeezed a ridiculous amount in my hand. I lathered up and down the length, coating it till it dripped a little. every marriage gets a little kinky, right? at some point in every marriage, the husband will prefer a 9in dildo over being with his very own wife, right? ive tried everything. lingerie, lace, rope, all the normal stuff a woman would do to make herself more appealing to her man but nope. not with laxus. he just looks at me with a blank stare. 'I get the feeling you paid more for less clothing. whatever, I don't care. where is the dildo?' I swear it pisses me off in soooo many ways. he doesn't touch me, period, unless im shoving this thing up his ass. one time when I went to visit my parents, I had came home early to find it mounted on a stool. I walked in right when he was sitting down on it. he didn't even stop nor was he embarrassed by it. 'close the door. I don't want the kids walking in on this' he said. I swear my husband can ride a dick better than I can....and his blowjobs? when my friends ask for advice when it comes to that, why do I feel like I need to ask him how to properly blow cock? why does my husband have to be the one who was gay for like three years? how come his husband could get him off 1000 times better than I ever could? why me? "WHERE IS IT!!" he yelled from the bedroom.  I sighed. he is in heat more often than not now. if I don't do it, who knows what he would do.

I took the huge thing into the bedroom. he was writing on the bed, stroking himself and looking at me with blood shot eyes. he has only recently let me do it for him. at least...if I do it I can feel like I'm being intimate with my husband again. I walked to the edge of the bed, the thing swinging in the air. I laid down on my stomach. tsk....I even still wear lace and rope for this. even though all I'm doing is helping my gay husband masturbate I still wanna feel sexy for him. he rolled his hips and spread his legs, opening himself up for me....or rather this dildo in my hand. it was pretty difficult but I managed to push it inside him, slowly. oh god did he hate it when I just shoved it up there. apparently I wasn't showing him love by ramming it up there. no. I have to care about how I shove it up there. he rolled his hips as I pushed it all the way in their. his breathing sped up. he took deep hitched breaths as he stroked himself in time with my arm thrusts. yeah, I'm literally just helping him masturbate. he probably isn't even thinking-"h-h-harder!" he moaned. I felt like a lancer shoving this thing inside him. he lifted his legs higher, making it do deeper. "HARDER!" he yelled, stroking himself more firmly. my arm was getting tired but I tried my best to thrust harder. "HARDER!!" he pleaded, tears flowing down his face as he desperately tried to beat off. "im not that strong, laxus!" I said as I used both hands to thrust. he gritted his teeth as he gripped the dildo from my hand and pulled it out. all I could do was watch him sit up and shove it right down his own throat as he beat off till he came. he pulled it out and tossed it on the ground. he sat on the edge of the bed with his face in his hands, whimpering lowly. I sat next to him and rubbed his back soothingly. "babe...whats wrong?" I asked. he angrily hit the bed beside him, his face twisting into a grimace. "it hurts! it hurts sooo fucking bad. the angle isn't right, the thrusts aren't strong enough, you used lube. everything is wrong!" he grunted through gritted teeth. yeah, this happens every time I do it too. the one time I can at least act like im being with my husband just doesn't do it for him. "what can I do?" I asked, dreading his answer. "grow a dick and be stronger than me," he grunted sarcastically as he got up. he grabbed the dildo and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. what the fuck!! what did I do to make him sooo fucking angry? im sorry, laxus, but im NOT A FUCKING MAN!! I cant deal with this right now. I just cant. I don't know what I can possibly do to help him through this but...apparently I need to do some more research or something. I cant keep doing this and not being able to keep him happy. I need something. I...I really don't wanna ask him but....I might need to. see if he can help me get around this. im not gonna tell laxus though. who knows what he would do.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now