chapter 14

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present time....

laxus pov

shit. its been bugging me all day. every since i woke up earlier, ive had the uncontrollable urge to kiss chris. i dont know what he made me do last night but i dont wanna do it again. thank god the boner went away on its own but this urge.....its like a burning sensation. like my body is yearning for his touch. what the hell am i thinking? ill be damned if i ever become one of his groupies. i shook my head at the thought. no. never. not me. im much better than that. ill be damned if i end up fawning over him like everyone else in the fucking CIA. shit. even ezra is thinking about now. i can tell. its really getting on my nerves. first he just comes in only one rank below me. what the hell?! how can he get with such a high rank with the education he has? the guy only has a degree in what? isn't that like common sense? you dont need a degree in common sense. you should have that already. he didn't have to pay all those thousands to get a degree in common sense. its fucking ridiculous. i shook my head at the thought. i need to focus. get my mind back on constructive things. yeah. i sighed. its still bugging me. like a never ending scratch in the back of my head. i dont know how to handle this. i dont think i want to know how to handle this. easiest way to get rid of an urge is to do what the urge is telling you to do. no. not gonna happen. i can already see his smug face. im not gonna deal with that look he gives. like he knew it would happen sooner or later. like he was just waiting for it to happen. pisses me off at the thought. i almost dont wanna tell him he is being targeted by assassins. shit. i gotta stop. im just gonna send him a text.

me: you are being targeted by assassins. tread carefully

i put my phone back on my desk and went back to work. my phone buzzed from a text. i grabbed my phone quickly to see what he sent. shit. its starting to get to me.

chris: send me all the info you guys have on them via secured email. ill check it asap

i bet he didn't even flinch at the thought of being targeted. like he knew it might just happen. probably had it already as part of his plan. i compiled the email on the assassins and sent it to him. i need to go home to clear my head. i dont think this is healthy. i gathered my things and headed out the door. i was stopped by mirajane. i looked at her she grinned. "what?! you are actually gonna go home on time? this new lover must have got you whipped!" she chimed. i sighed. chris isn't my lover. not by a long shot. not him. not someone like him. no. i sighed. my mind is getting foggy again. i shook my arm loose from her grip and headed out the door. "have a nice night, laxus!!" she called after me. i sighed. i sure hope i didn't make the mistake of getting with chris last night. this is gonna be hell.


reader pov

i took a deep breath. it was difficult with orga sleeping straddling me but i made due. ok. dont panic. dont panic. this will all work itself out. gotta say i was thrown off guard when laxus texted me. itll be just fine. ok. im good. orga and sting have already taken precautions to keep me alive. this just means the threat is real now. i really am being targeted by real assassins now. as opposed to them just thinking i am. shit. im gonna need orga around a lot more now. im sure he wont mind. he already wants to spend every second of every day with me. kinda like how sting wants to with natsu. i rarely ever see natsu leave. i dont even think he is working anymore. im sure its fine. sting was probably like 'ill take care of you. i just want you to be here with me' sorta like orga was with me. i might have to start dating orga again. i dont know. have him fawning over me more than he already is. i swear is like we are on and off. he probably thinks we were never not dating. i was just being weird. i dont know. im not all that worried about it. he started groaning. i felt him give my neck a few kisses. he grinned. "gonna travel the world and do stuff," he whispered. "you could say that. we might even..." i kissed his neck,"...go to paris and...." i ran a hand down his back,"....go on a date," i whispered. i could feel his grinning. "you like a real date?" he asked. i nodded. he leaned up and kissed me. soft and passionately. i really have to stop playing with this guy's emotions. its starting to get to me. he pulled away. another groan. "sting wont be shippin us off till a couple o days from now," he grunted. i sighed. "that's too bad. i was hoping we could go to paris or something. maybe, make out on the Eiffel tower," i kissed his neck seductively. i honestly give zero fucks where we go, i just need to get out of here. he sat up on me. he seemed to be thinking about something. " gonna try to get him to handle it soon. see if we can leave tomorrow or sumthin," he said. i shrugged. he smiled and got off me. went right into the bathroom. i heard the shower going. ok. i need to think. how to handle these assassins. ok. first, i need that information. i gotta get to my computer so i can read up on them. ok. i sat up in bed. shit. i hope one of them isn't a sniper. naw. if one of them was a sniper then id be dead already. ok. im good as long as i dont meet anyone new. yeah. dont drink nothing either. or eat. shit. this is gonna be harder than i thought.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now