The Missing Link (Pt 3)

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1 week later....

laxus pov

"what do you mean you cant find him?" i grunted. director mavis just solemnly shook her head. "that's the thing about him being a department head of the CIA, counterintelligence department nonetheless, if he doesn't want to be found, not even we can find him. i cant even open a case against him since he is still doing his work from...wherever he is at," she shrugged. "you cant just do like a trace with the IP address or use the gps to find him? i know he cant hide forever," i grunted. she shrugged again. "another thing that makes it infinitely more difficult to find him. he has access to all the systems, you know, him being the head of IT and all. im afraid you are in some deep doo doo here, laxus. i dont know what you did to him but he has disappeared off the face of the earth," she said. shit. why on earth would he have just disappeared like this? he cant still be messed up about it. its been a week! now he is just acting like a child. i mean...did i really fuck up that bad? to not hear nor see him for an entire week is really....shit. they started flowing again. i thought i had ran out but apparently not. its still getting to me. his smell from the bed is gone. just me. his pillow is literally the only reminder that he was even at my house. he never bought additional clothes. his suits just look like an aisle at men's warehouse. dont even remind me of him. shit. his pillow, his fucking pillow that he insisted on buying just so he could be more comfy cuddling with me, is the only reason i can even remember his face. what is going on with me? its getting soo hard to remember what the bastard looks like! how on earth can i have been married to him for the past two years and his annoying pillow is the only thing keeping me from forgetting that he was even here? didnt i love him? didnt i spend every day longing to see his stupid grin? get fucking depressed when he had to go away for cases? what the hell is wrong with me?! "," she handed me a tissue. i used it to wipe my eyes. "im sure he will come around eventually. he just needs space and time to sort this all out in his mind. then he will come for you," she said. shit. its getting harder and harder to believe that. ive checked everywhere. i looked at his house, the penthouse, even the fucking houses owned by blue Pegasus from way back when for in case he ran away to some place familiar but he is no where to be found. meanwhile, im stuck sleeping on a couch while my daughter has my bedroom cause i cant afford to move right now. im out of options over here. i really am. can barely take care of the 5 kids i have and keep myself above water. ever since i was 'reunited' with lisanna and ive left her, she has been taking child support from me. im pretty much back where i started before i met john. life fucking sucks. "i mean...i dont really know what to tell you, laxus. we pretty much exhausted all our options. at this point, you would literally have to comb the city to find him. i can give you temporary leave for a week but that's all i can do," she said. shit. that really does sound like my only option here. "thanks, director," i said. she nodded and i headed out.

reader pov

the terrible thing....the terrible thing is that i wanted to fix it. i wanted to over come this as a married couple but this proves it. because of this right here, there isn't anything worth saving. nothing worth fighting for. it should have been sooo easy for him to find me. im sure he probably went to all the places that he knew were familiar which is why he never went to the house that we were susposed to buy together. probably didnt even cross his mind. i literally left the penthouse and went straight to the house we were susposed to buy. i ended up buying it my damn self and signing the deed and paperwork. just so my realtor's work wouldn't go to waste. now im sitting in the living room of this big 5 bedroom house in the suburbs of red skull city all by myself. he didnt stop by. none of the security cameras even showed his fucking car passed by. i watched them all religiously, hoping against hope that he would have stopped by here by chance. 'im 99% sure he isn't here but 1% means i should at least check' should have gone through his mind. its sad. its really sad.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now