chapter 2

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The next day...

Laxus pov

I woke up early this morning like usual. I got out of bed and took a quick shower. I put on my suit. Another day at the CIA. Its ok i guess. Better than being at my penthouse all day long. Makes me feel like i have no life. I grabbed my keys and took off.

"We have a new case for you today, laxus," Ezra handed me a case file. I looked it over. "It's a simple case but can grow to be really big if it's not kept in check," she said. I took a seat in her office and looked closer at the file. "A drug bust? And the police can't handle this because...." i didn't come to the CIA to be a regular police officer. "This particular case involves a massive drug raid by a gang with deep affiliations to a wide variety of terrorist organizations. The thing that makes this gang so dangerous is that they tend to be everywhere, especially in high places. They seem to be making a move. This man," she reached into the folder and pulled out a picture of a man with long black hair and loads of piercings. "Is gadjeel. While he is one of the lower ranking members of the gang, he holds lots of clout with the higher ups. We dont have enough evidence to take him in right now so i need you to follow him around. Get to know his life a little better. Get as much info as you can, including where he goes often, where he stays at, who he hangs out with," she motioned that the list continues. "Oh great, and im assuming you also wanna know who he had sex with last night to?" i said sarcastically. She wasn't amused. "This is serious, laxus. So serious that we are putting our best agents on this. You and mirajane are to begin recon immediately. I want a full report on my desk by tomorrow," she said. I sighed. I put the picture back in the file and stood up. She grabbed my hand before i was able to walk out. "...did you give thought to my proposal?" she asked. She had a light blush. I shook my head. I dont have time for shit like that. She just glared and shooed me out the office.

I walked over to my desk and took a seat. I started doing some research. "Oh come on laxus! You know that this could help you get that promotion you always wanted," mirajane came over to my desk and leaned over my computer. "I told you i dont wanna get ahead by doing stuff like that. I want to get there on my own with my own skills. I dont wanna fuck my way to the top," i said. It still pisses me off that she still wants that. Been asking me about it for years now. "Come on laxus. When was the last time you got laid? Loosen up man. What you need to do is go in her office and take out all of your stress on her," she suggested. I dont have any stress. Im good. I dont need that shit in my life. I need to focus on my career and get higher up on the ladder. Hopefully take her place one day. "Loosen up man. Seriously. You are all work and no play," she came around and leaned on the back of my chair. I had finally found this gadjeel guy in my records. "Is this the new target?" i just nodded. She chuckled. "He's pretty cute. I'd hit that," i sighed. "We gotta trail him for a while and gather some Intel," i said. She grunted. "How deep we need to get?" she asked. "Ezra wants the whole nine yards," i said. "Tsk...looks like we need to stalk this guy for a while. You got a location?" i did some more typing. "Satellite says he is located in blue skull city," i said. "Ok then. That's like three hours from here. We need to go," she got off my chair and walked away. I sighed. I got up and grabbed my jacket. I followed her out.

Reader pov

I woke up pretty early this morning. It's unintentional but i guess its fine. Dont really have anything to do today. Just need to get laid, maybe do some job hunting. I heard the front door open and close. I guess Lucy is off to work this morning. I got up and walked out the room, closing the door behind me. I walked down the little hallway, pass Lucy's open door. I was hit with the dense smell of sex. I reached in to close her door. I spotted natsu passed out on her bed butt naked. Or at least i thought he was passed out. I started pulling the door closed when he suddenly snapped awoke. He sat up in the bed and looked at me. I continued to close the door. I had almost shut it when he stopped me at the door. "Look man, im just closing the door. I dont wanna smell sex all d-" he just kissed me. A hard shove on his chest and he stumbled back. I wiped my mouth. "Come on man. You said you were still horny. Im still horny. Let's mess around," he kissed me again. Another shove and he actually fell down. "I know you wanna go, man," he grunted. "Not going to go at it with Lucy's boyfriend while she is at work. Im a lot of things but im not that sick," i closed the door. I took a seat in the living room. I sighed. I guess it's true her boyfriend has an interest in men. I flipped on the TV. I heard the door open and shut. A burst of the smell of sex. He must have come out the room. I heard the bathroom door open and shut. The shower followed shortly after. A few minutes later the door opened again. He just came straight to the living room and sat on the sofa right next to me. Butt naked.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now