chapter 34

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the next day....

reader pov

"WWWHHHHAAATT!!" i just shrugged. "i wouldn't have believed it if i wasn't wearing the ring myself," i said. it glistened in the light of my office at work. mirajane came in to file a report when she spotted it. her eyes were wide. "you mean to tell me that laxus proposed?" she looked at me with utter disbelief. "more like demanded," i said. she started laughing hysterically. "oh that's funny. that's rich right there. to think that after just a few months together, he wants to get married. i dont know, chris. he might just be desperate," she said. i shrugged. "he had a very compelling argument about why this is a good move for us," i said. she crossed her legs and arms as she sat in the chair. "im sure he is fine with this but look like you dont really know what to think," she said. i sighed. "its just....i dont know about this. isn't it kinda early? i mean....we've only known of each other's existence for almost a year now. yeah we live together, been living together longer than we've known each other but i dont know. marriage is a big deal," i said. she looked at me with a grin. "sounds too me like you like the possibility that you two could break up and you would be free. cant just break up if you are married, right?" she shrugged. i sighed. i dont want it to be that. i really dont. i got mad love for the blondie. i want what makes him happy but.....shit. it might just be that. im not liking the thought that ill never be able to have another man again. of course....all ive had was laxus since we got together so that wouldn't really change. i dont know. maybe its marriage that is the scary part. im just not liking the idea that ill be married to one guy till i get old and die. "I think just being married is the scary part. wearing the ring. being with laxus till we get old and die. its the ultimate long term relationship," i said. she chuckled. "if you aren't that comfortable with it, just stay engaged. it will make him happy and you can take as much time as you need to sort out your feelings about it. there. problem solved," she said. i sighed. she stood up. "now. im gonna go back to my office and tease him about wanting to get married to the guy he hated just a few months ago. you have a nice day. ill talk to you later," she chuckled as she walked out. i sighed. i dont know. im not sure what to think here. on one side, me and laxus forever. get married. get a nice house in the suburbs. maybe a kid or two. on the other side, no more single life. no more getting laid left and right more loneness. no risk of not being satisfied after going at it. laxus is sexy as fuck. i could stare at him for at least 2 hours without getting bored. i still cant say i know him very well though. he hasn't really opened up to me. dont know any particular likes or dislikes. he didn't answer 80% of my questions. grunted a yes or no for 15 of that and didn't give much detail on the last 5. the guy is a fortress when it comes to stuff like that. ive spent this whole time analyzing him but haven't come to know him yet. nothing about his behavior follows 'typical laxus behavior'. the only thing characteristic about him is that he works a lot and is a sour puss about everything. only smiles with me or in anticipation of being with me. other than that, is a cold scowl like the world is out to get him. i have know idea what is going on in his head and it drives me crazy. im gonna make him open up to before i even think about saying 'i do'. that is the first step to coming to love him unconditionally. yeah. that's what im gonna do.


laxus pov

i just couldn't take my eyes off the ring. its gonna be official soon enough. ill never have to worry about him leaving me for someone else. i can live the good life where i actually have something to smile about for the rest of our lives. dont have to worry about converting back to my old ways. i want being in my undies at home to become normal. like second nature to me. actually putting salt in my food so that it will taste better and not bland. having a reason to come home everyday at a decent time. not being bored there at all. chris is literally everything ive been missing in life. its been almost a year now and im hooked. just from how he lives life every day. he wakes up differently from me. more energy. happy. its rarely a time that he isn't smiling. he walks around in his undies like that is the most normal thing in the world. gives me the 'why ARENT you in your undies. everyone else is. get with the program and lose the clothes' look. demands that i do cheesy shit with him at least once a week. is actually cheesy shit day. he sent me an email about a date night tonight. hmm....we should go on a trip. i dont know where that thought came from but i feel like a trip of some sort would be the best thing in the world for us. just us on a nice beach. spooning in the moon light. awe damn. some of his cheesiness has rubbed off on me. im gonna plan a trip for us. he dont need to be here to work. we can just take off. ive got some vacation time saved, about 6 months worth of paid vacation if im not mistaken, we can just take like a week at a nice resort. just me and him all day. i texted him.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now