chapter 23

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the next morning...

laxus pov

shit. that was amazing. i hate to admit it but those moans from the other guys weren't lies. i didn't even feel any pain. just lots of pressure at first. what the fuck? there was susposed to be pain. that's 50% of gay sex and depending on who you do it with, there is usually more pain than pleasure. there is no way. absolutely no fucking way he is that good at what he does. its not possible. he did it like he already knew where to go. already knew what to do. like this wasn't the first time face felt hot. that was my first time, right? with him? tsk....from the way he was moving, he definitely had some prior experience with me. shit! it was that night wasn't it?! the night i went out with him and that blond girl. i ended up getting drunk and everything else is blurry. he fucking date raped me. i dont even know how but he did. this guy....this guy is in his own league. some kinda enigma. no one will understand how he got soo good at what he does. ever. i sighed. im not gonna lie.....i kinda wanna go again. just to make sure last night wasn't a dream. like he didn't just beat my ass at work.....and at home. shit. just thinking about it is embarrassing as hell. its definitely not something you talk about out loud. this is a secret. a HUGE secret. i will not let mirajane find out about this. nope. ill die if she ever found out i had sex with chris last night. i heard a door opening. i opened my eyes and looked towards it. chris was coming out the bathroom in a towel with the biggest smile on his face. "good morning, laxus," he said it soooo cheerfully. he walked over and put on his clothes. "im sure you want this to be a secret, right? dont worry, im not gonna tell mira," he chuckled as he put on his tee. his socks. he slipped his shoes back on. "im gonna wait in the living room for you to get ready. you kinda brought me here," he waved and walked out the door. he shut it behind him. shit. i sat up. what?! i figured id feel it in the morning. my legs feel like i just woke up from anesthesia. the feeling is just now returning. what the fuck?! did he secretly inject me with morphine? there is no way. its not possible. i got up and out the bed. i walked in the bathroom. took a long hot shower. felt something cold and slimy running down the back of my leg. shit. i scrubbed it off really good. i got nice and clean. ok. i stepped out and toweled off. i went back in the room. i changed the soiled sheets. ok. i got dressed in some other clothes. ok. its sorta like last night never happened.

i dont know. do i really want it to be like last night never happened. ill admit i feel really good right now. really relaxed. head is clear. like i just took some medicine to get rid of a long time cold. like i got a really good massage. i walked out the door.

 "soo....why is your house so empty? WHOA are you empty inside? that kinda sucks," of course he wants to aggravate me this early in the morning. "i dont need any of that other shit," i grunted.  its weird. kinda curious as to how it was for him. i should ask before we get to work. " was last night for you?" i asked. he smiled. "best sex of my life, and coming from a guy like me, this is saying ALOT. how about you?" he said. i sighed. "every rumor about gay sex destroyed," i grumbled. he chuckled. "its fine, laxus. dont be soo embarrassed about it. you looked very manly taking it," he said. yeah. my face felt hot. i pulled into the parking lot of hq and got out the car. i started walking inside. he stopped me before i got to the door. "umm....try to ask in private next time. yesterday was....lets just say i was embarrassed for you," he said. i sighed. "you need to stop fucking with me like that. dont be groping on me like we going out. its not that kinda relationship," i grumbled. he chuckled. "so that turns you on, huh?" my face felt hot. he chuckled. "dont worry, starting...." he grabbed my ass. i shivered. he let go. " i will no longer sexually assault you," he laughed as he walked inside. i swear that guy will be the death of me.

reader pov

i walked into my office. everyone else was already there. i took a seat at the head of the table and laxus sat next to me. i had to suppress the chuckle. laxus still had a dark blush as he sipped his coffee absentmindedly. "ok people. the operation will take place around 11 pm tomorrow night. if everything moves smoothly, we will be done around 1 am. today i want everyone going over the last of the training because around...." i looked at my watch, 8:45 am. i was 45 minutes late for work. so much for keeping me and laxus a secret,"....noon today. after which, we will start going over formations and tactics. it will be a group activity which means we will all convene. is there anyone who doesn't think they will finish their training before noon?" i asked. they shook their heads. "ive already taught them all i know about the gadgets," said mira. "i dont have anything else to teach them about guns," added gray. "they still need more practice fighting," grunted laxus. i nodded. "how about you, loke?" i asked. "they are golden. they have the basics down," he said. i nodded. "ok. please go over everything one more time with everyone and answer any questions. once that is done, everyone meet laxus in the gym. i want them sparring till noon. laxus, i want you running it like we did yesterday. 10 minute sparring followed by a 2 minute break till around 11 then they get rested up so we can go over tactics and formations at noon. any questions?" i asked. they shook their heads. "good. dismissed. ill be around today to see how everyone is doing. just got some stuff to take care of first," i said. they nodded and filed out. i sighed. im sure she will say no but i hope i can convince the director to lead this mission personally.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now