Scorpio (Pt 2)

630 20 5

later on that day....

reader pov

i looked at the file for a really long time. this case is rather interesting. its a very powerful terrorist organization that is situated in this city but their numbers are really small. from the information i have, they only have around 10 people. not even henchmen. just ten people. i dont understand how they could be considered so powerful. i dont have any names or appearances so where can i start on this? i guess the best thing i could do is gather some information. im sure scorpio knows a lot more about this city than i do. i cant ask him flat out but im sure i can get  him to give me something while we hang out today. after watching some tourist videos, i got a text.

scorpio: my house, now

i raised a brow at the message. didnt think he was the demanding type. he seemed rather playful about everything in my opinion. i looked at the clock, 3:23 pm.

me: isn't it a bit early? i thought you had some stuff to do

scorpio: already done. you coming or what?

me: omw

i did think it was a bit odd that after having sex one time, he all of a sudden wanted to hang out. i mean...who does that? i was sure that would be the last ive heard of him but i cant be mad. this is a good opportunity to find out more about this city  and.....well im super bored. looking at tourist videos is awfully boring especially when i have to do it alone. i grabbed my keys and headed out.

it was a quarter till four when i finally pulled into his driveway. there was two sports cars in his driveway. either he had more than one or someone else lives here too. doesn't really matter to me. i got out the car and headed up to the front door. i knocked a few times. i heard some footsteps before the door opened, revealing a shorter woman in a huge man's dress shirt. she had mermaid earrings and long blue hair. didnt really match with her scowl. "can i help you, sir?" she grunted. "admiring your absolute beauty...i mean (clears throat) im here to hang out with scorpio. he said for me to come over about a half hour ago," i said. her face softened for a bit before returning to a scowl. "are you another of his weird friends? ive never seen you before," she grunted. "im just here cause he asked me to come," i shrugged. shit. i forgot the bottle in the car. "give me a minute. i forgot something in the car," i turned and headed back and grabbed the bottle out of my back seat. it was actually the same brand of liquor from last night. i headed back up to the door. she looked at the bottle. "where the hell did you get that from? do you know how expensive that is?" he seemed shocked. "i owed him a bottle from last night. i figured id get the same one i was drinking since he seemed to like it," i shrugged again. "AQUARIUS!! WHO IS IT AT THE DOOR!!!" the yelling of scorpio from the background. she snatched the bottle from me. "SOME GUY WITH A BOTTLE OF THE GOOD STUFF!!" she called back. she jogged inside, leaving the door open. gonna assume that means i can come in. i walked inside, closing the door behind me. she had disappeared into the house. i followed what im sure was the path to the living room. i walked into the room with a huge sofa in the middle of it. I could see his red and white hair sitting on the sofa. i walked over and joined him on the sofa. he looked at me. "where's the bottle?" he asked. "aquarius took it from me and ran away," i shrugged. he chuckled. "yeah, she does that. she will be around later on. whatcha wanna watch?" he asked, lifting his remote. "whatever. im fine. i figured this was better than sitting in my hotel room and watch YouTube videos," i shrugged. he shrugged and started flipping through the channels.

she did return about an hour later sporting a long blue dress covered with diamond encrusted sea shells. apparently she has a fascination with the ocean. she stood in front of the tv. "soooo what do you guys think?" she twirled a few time. "beautiful," i said. she smiled. "makes you look fat," scorpio shrugged. i looked him like he was crazy. i heard sniffling. i turned to see she was scowling with tears flowing down her face. "well i guess ill go buy another one," she grunted through clenched teeth. "i dont know what is wrong with his eyes. all i see is a photo ready red carpet woman. the dress just brings out your natural beauty," i said. scorpio hit my arm. "you susposed to be on my side," he grumbled. she smiled at me but scowled at him. he stood up and pulled her into a hug. he whispered in her ear. she smiled. "then i guess ill forgive you," she grumbled. he pulled away and pulled out his wallet. he handed her a card. another hug and a peck on his cheek before she jogged out the room. he sat on the sofa next to me. i raised a brow. he looked at me. "what can i say? my sister loves money," he shrugged. "sister?" i asked. "is it a problem if my sister lives with me?" he raised a brow. "nope," i said.

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