Bacchus Groh (Pt 4)

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four months later....

laxus pov

"i dont want to do this," i grunted. she walked around the table, making sure the settings are set properly. "i do, laxus. ive been treating him like the worlds biggest prick for having my husband for soo long. acting like he could take you away if he is around you for any amount of time. just thinking that you and him used to be together and you still had feelings for him made me scared that one day you wouldn't come back cause you would have ran away with him but now....i see that he isn't the one to blame. having to hear from mira how you guys broke up was pretty intense. i mean....27 times, laxus? that's a lot. i dont know how chris could have dealt with that. he deserves better and now i finally see how terrible ive been towards him without even meeting him. how i treated him was because of my own insecurities. he has been trying to tell me that he has had it with you. it was always you that came onto him, never the other way around and i cant be sorry enough so yes, laxus. him and his new man are coming over to dinner so they can meet the kids and everything. i get the feeling that me and chris could totally be besties," she fixed the place settings and adjusted the chairs. damn! why did she have to go in on me like that? that was just too much. i looked at the clock, 7 pm on a friday night. she had actually reached out to him asking for this. there was a knock on the door. "oh! they're here! i wonder what they brought," she chimed as she made her way to the door. it opened. "im soooooo sorry we are just now meeting!" she chimed. awe shit. here we go. i took a seat at the table. the kids got in their seats. "we brought some wine and cheesecake for desert!" shit. i hadn't heard his voice in i dont know how long. im still not allowed to be on his team but its not her this time. its him. he wont let me any where near him so that she can feel at ease. its....its not like i wanna be near him any more, its just....shit. im lying. im pretty sure the feelings are gone but he was a great companion and friend. i miss that. he took a seat caddy corner of me  while lisanna sat next to him directly across from me. then....his new man took a seat next to me. he bumped my arm. "sorry man. didnt mean to hit ya," he muttered as he got comfy in the seat. "soooooo....ive prepared a wonderful spread for us. its some home made roasted chicken....." lisanna started naming the different food dishes she made. "hey..." i looked at his man. "im sure she is but....i wanna make sure, is she a good cook?" he said. i turned to look at him. his tee was tight, especially around the arms. he had a bun with weird eye liner under his eyes. chris is into this now? what the fuck. "of course she is," i muttered before turning my attention back to the food. "ok...before we dig in, i hope you guys dont mind but we like to say grace. everyone hold hands!" she chimed. i reached across and took her hand. a strong hand snaked in mine on the table. everyone bowed heads and she started the prayer.

dinner was ok. didnt feel as awkward as i thought it would be. lisanna and chris hit it off as expected. the moment the threat that he could take me was taken away, its like they are best friends. they sat on one sofa talking while taking care of the kids in the sitting room. me and his new man, whom i learned was named Bacchus, had taken a seat in the living room and were watching tv. it was....i dont know. it sorta felt awkward.

" are the ex husband," he muttered after a moment of silence. "yeah," i admitted. "still have feelings for him, dont ya?" he asked. "i did. it was pretty awful how me split but im getting over it," i said. "you crushed him. a lot more than you will ever know. i had heard he broke up with his last boyfriend cause he didnt wanna create another you," he said. shit. didnt know that. "shit," i muttered. "he was looking for years trying to find someone who will actually care for him. i think it was fate we met at that sorority party six months ago," he said. "probably was," i agreed, wishing he would stop rubbing it in. "i mean....he is sooo perfect, laxus. he got money, good looks, is genuinely caring and loving. you know, i was homeless when i met chris," he said. i looked at him. he was smiling with a dark blush. "really?" i inquired. "i swear its the most romantic thing in the world how we got together. he was a guest at the party. i was a drunk, shit....i still am a drunk, homeless man who would stumble in and fuck up their party, until  i met him. i was soo drunk i couldn't see straight. i was used to being the only guy there so when he showed up, taking all the girls' attention, i was pissed. we fought, or more like he beat my ass into the ground, and that's when it happened. i had never been beaten in a fight, especially while drunk, so when he beat me into the ground in front of everyone, i just had to have him. sooo....i took him up to Minerva's room and he beat my ass into the bed. best night ever and that wasn't even the beginning. Minerva kicked me out the sorority that next morning. i was out on the curb feeling like shit when he saw me. he demanded i get in the car with him. thing i knew i had a home, clothes, and a man who i was entirely convinced was giving me the run around. i thought he was some cruel son of a bitch who was taking already broken people and destroying em. aint that something?" he said, his blush darkening. "yeah," i muttered, gritting my teeth.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now