Doran's Culmination (Pt 5)

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three months later...

reader pov

i kissed his chest. flicked his nipple with my tongue, earning a hitched breath. i slid one finger in as i sucked tenderly on his nipple, letting the bud move with my tongue. i never realized how much i love foreplay. always gets me in the mood. from how he is shaking and quivering from my touch, id say he likes it too. i slowly fingered him, savoring his puckering. i traced the definition of his chest with my tongue, licking the crevices and valleys and working my way down. i slid in another finger as i sucked on his belly button and stroked him with my free hand. his breathing sped up and his heart raced. i worked my way lower but before i could put his legs on my shoulders, he quickly pushed me away, shuffling out of the bed. oh that's it. ive had it. every time? EVERY SINGLE TIME! i sat up on the edge of the bed. "what the hell, doran? why do you keep running away from me?" i asked. he just cowered in the corner looking at me like i was walking towards him with a knife and manic eyes. "i-i-i cant! i wont...i wont let you!" he said, still shaking. "why not? it will feel good, trust me," i motioned to the bed," come on. i wont bite...hard," i grinned. his eyes widened. "n-n-no!" he shrunk away from me again. i stood up, letting my throbbing boner fling in the air. "why do you look so scared every time i go to eat you out? i swear you look at me like im a serial killer," i grunted. i started walking towards him. he tried to make himself small in the corner of the wall. i knelt down next to him. "look at me," he precariously looked at me," im not gonna hurt you, regardless of what happened in the past to you. you are my BOYFRIEND, not my slave, plaything, tool, or person who's asshole i use as a fleshlight from time to time. i just want to enjoy licking your asshole, doran. swirling my tongue inside and around while biting your cheeks. whatever you think im gonna do that has you so scared, im not gonna do it. just....come back to bed and let me get rid of that for you," i grabbed his throbbing dick, earning a whimper. he nodded. i leaned in, pressing my lips against his warmly. he kissed back desperately, leaning on me. i picked him up and carried him back to the bed. i got on top of him, not breaking the kiss. i started kissing his neck, his chest, his nipple, his belly button before taking him in my hand and stroking him firmly. he resisted but finally relaxed, letting me put his legs on my shoulders. finally....after all this time, he is finally letting me eat that pretty pink hole. i kissed it, sending a shiver all through his body. i pushed my tongue in gently, massaging the first ring with the tip. i felt his toes curl up as i licked and nipped at the soft pink flesh. "f-f-fuck!" he clenched, cumming on his chest. he struggled, pulling away from me and....well running away again, this time falling off the other edge of the bed. "goddamn it doran!! will you just sit still and let me make love to you!!" i yelled much more loudly than intended. he got up quickly and got in the bed, this time laying on his stomach and burying his head in a pillow. i sighed.

the next morning....

he was already out the bed when i woke up. i looked at the clock, 7:46 am. really? he turned off my alarm? i have to be in my office in 14 minutes. that's it. he has to go. simple. ive tried and tried to make it work but he simply wont let me care for him. actually treat him like a human being. actually treat him like he is susposed to be treated. he literally refused to let me love him. that's right. i know its only been a short time but he sorta grew on me, just like scorpio did, only this time ive had it. im tired of trying to love people who wont let themselves be loved. this is the third time. first it was laxus, then scorpio, and now doran? nope. im cutting this off before i get to the point of crying again. i got up and walked in the bathroom. i took a long hot shower. i headed in my room and got dressed in some casual blue jeans and a white tee shirt. i slipped on some socks and some tennis shoes. i grabbed some trash bags and headed out.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now