12 Years Ago...(Pt 2)

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Authors note: that's right people. this chapter will tell what happened 10 years prior to the story.

3 days earlier....

laxus pov

"i dont want to move anywhere else. i want to stay here," i said. for some reason he kept trying to get me to look at some house he insisted on buying. "come on laxus! at least look at it. im sure i have great taste when it comes to picking out houses. i guarantee you will LOVE it," he said. i walked away from his office. "im gonna email it to you, babe. you gotta look at it," he called after me. i dont care. im not moving out and he wont be able to make me. ive been living in the penthouse for the past 12 years now and im not going anywhere.

i returned to my cubicle at the office. i saw the notification. i clicked on it.

babe, i want you look at it. that's all. i dont need anything else. just look at it, for me.

NEW HOUSE.pdf attachment

i just deleted the email. im not even giving him the chance to sway me on this. not even a second glance. am i being a little stubborn? fuck yeah i am. my penthouse is....familiar. the only thing i haven't let him change in the past two years we've been married. he changed the bed, the tv, the sofa, the wall paint, put paintings on the walls, hell! i even let him change the brand of boxer briefs i wear. yeah, no more fruit of the loom. only Calvin Klein now. he kept saying it makes me look like a model but whatever. i dont care about that. im not moving out of the penthouse. period. he can drop it any time he wants. MY penthouse.

about twenty minutes of arguing with the screen about how i want to keep my penthouse and i noticed the time. it was just a few minutes before lunch time and i haven't gotten mine yet. i got a text.

chris: sorry babe, im not gonna be able to make lunch today. i have a few meetings. love you bunches xoxoxoxoxo

i sighed. another day of eating lunch all by myself. i googled a nearby place to eat. i dont wanna spend another day all by myself in the cafeteria. i found a little coffee shop with great reviews on their sandwiches. i grabbed my jacket and headed out.

as soon as i walked in the coffee shop, i felt a burst of warmth. eggs, bacon, and steak lingered in the air that drove my senses wild. i also felt a weird aura of....familiarity? like i had been here before....many times. its weird cause im sure this is the first time ive been here in my entire life. maybe that's what they are going for. make people feel at home. i dont care. all i know is that i have the uncontrollable urge to shovel everything they make here in my mouth. i walked over and took a seat at a table. the place was full of people but it felt...comforting. there is a lot of love packed into this little place. i motioned for a waiter. a woman eager walked over to stand next to my place. she looked at me. i looked at her. she was quite beautiful. short white hair, ample bosom, curves in all the right places. shit. i looked away as all the blood in my body rushed to my face. she was sexy. really sexy. i need to get out of here. i stood up and started to walk out but she grabbed my arm. "please....please dont go, laxus," she whimpered. "how do you know my name?" i asked. im absolutely sure ive never seen her in my life. "just please...sit down," she pulled me back and set me down, taking her own seat across from me. she held my hand on the table. the tears were flowing down her face as she looked at me. "i need to go," i said, standing up. i know myself and if i stay here any longer, ill cheat and chris will find out cause he is too good for his own good and i dont want that. she easily pulled me back down. for some reason everything in my body told me to listen to what she said cause she is a lot scarier than she looks. "how...how have you been? where did you go? how....how come you didn't call me or try to find me or anything?" with every question she cried a little harder. "i have no idea what you are talking about. i dont even know who you are," i grunted, desperately trying not to look in her blue eyes. "my name is Lisanna Edna Strauss-Dreyar," she said. i couldn't help but laugh. not only is she related to mira, she was married into my family. shit. do i have any brothers or sisters? i haven't talked to my own family in a decade so i dont even remember. "that's an interesting name," i thought aloud. she chuckled, wiping away some tears. "yeah. doesn't exactly roll off the tongue but yeah. we decided i would take both names and the two girls would have mine while our two boys would have yours," she said. i raised a brow. "i believe you have me confused for someone else," i said. she chuckled. "id think id remember my own husband. its been 12 years but i still know your face," she said. me and her? married? four kids? no, no. not possible. "how is that even possible?" i could feel the sense of panic building. how on earth had i not known this? she dug around in her pocket and pulled out her wallet. she pulled out a family photo of her, two boys, two girls, and....me. we were all smiling in the photo. "tsk...even though we weren't as happy as this picture would make you believe," she commented. nonononononono i cant be married to her. im married to my husband chris. this isn't real.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now