Laxus Dreyar (Pt 2)

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the next day....

reader pov

i sighed. why am i doing this? why are earth am i doing this? this was susposed to be a date. not....a quickie in the bathroom. he gripped my hips as he sucked me, not letting me leave. he forced me down on the toilet seat as he got more aggressive in his bobbing. shit. the knot formed in my stomach. i clenched hard, cumming in his mouth. he slurped it up unashamedly before pulling me out his mouth and stroking me. he stood up, quickly starting to work at his jeans. i stood up, gripping his hands. he struggled, trying to pull his pants down. "laxus....i understand that the heat is getting to you but....really? we are susposed to be dating, not finding a place to have s--" he just kissed me. how on earth do i keep getting myself in to these situations? i swear all i do is attract craziness. he was ferocious, gripping my neck so i couldn't pull away. he started kissing my neck, pulling me closer and stroking me with his free hand. "laxus!" i gripped his shoulders and pushed him against the wall, earning a glare. "what has come over you? this is a DATE. not a guyspy hookup," i grunted. "im horny," he deadpanned. "there you go using that 'i' word again. not thinking about me at all. you are losing points, laxus. we are susposed to have a relaxing night out with movies and dinner and picnics under the fucking stars, not fucking in some dirty public bathroom," i said. "i cant help it! you just so fucking sexy and i missed you way too much. im missing 6 years of intimacy, babe. 6 FUCKING YEARS. i hate not being able to kiss you 24/7 so excuse me if im getting proximity horniness," he muttered. "what about me? why is it soo hard for you to think about anyone else but you? this is another one of those times where im trying to make this work and you wont let me, laxus. the same exact reason we arent still married. i want this to work, laxus. for some fucking reason i want this to work so will you stop giving me every reason in the world to walk out that door right now?" i said. "i hate the lack of intimacy, chris. i have to fight you tooth and nail just to hold your hand. you rarely kiss me. dont....touch me inappropriately like you used too...." a dark blush appeared on his cheeks," used to the contact, babe. i had grown accustomed to never having personal space with you," he grunted. "i had to spend the better part of the past 6 years alone so yeah, im not in a rush to get really intimate right now. being in the house alone for so long has forced me to get used to being by myself so personal space is something that i grew to need so no, laxus, im not gonna spend every second of every day touching you in some way," i said. "but what about me? what about my needs?" he growled.

"funny how those things arent getting through to me, huh? what about me? what about my needs? those two questions were what i asked myself every single day being with you. you hated intimacy when we were married, laxus. to the point that looking me in the eye for too long would make you uncomfortable. i never needed much from you. i was ok with just holding your hand, a peck every now and then daily, hell a hug from time to time! but no, not with you. i did what i had to too satisfy my own needs for intimacy. you wouldn't give it to me so i had to take it, regardless of how you were feeling at the time," i said. he sighed. "i....i might just be the worst person in America," he grumbled under his breath. "i told you that several times yet you are still here, still trying to be in my life, for some reason totally convinced that i should be here with you too. you are trying to earn my affection, laxus. not the other way around. you need to go at my pace, whether you want to or not. use self control and control your urges cause if this happens again, im gone. you wont see me no more either. ill make sure of it. as much as i love you, i know that i deserve better than you," i glared at him. "you always say that," he grumbled under his breath. "well you have yet to prove me wrong," i went to walk out the door but he grabbed me. " still super hard," he grunted. "masturbate," i said. "you are hard too," he muttered. i looked down. shit. huge tent. i walked back in and closed the door. "this one time. that's it," i growled, pulling him into a kiss.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now