Laxus Issac Dreyar-(L/n) (Pt 4)

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another year later...

reader pov

me and laxus were headed home from work on a warm friday night. "we should go out to eat," i suggested. "we went out yesterday," he muttered. "then bowling," i said. "did it Tuesday," he said. "laser quest?" "monday," "shit...what can we do?" i asked. "actually stay home for once. we always go and do something several times a week. why not just chill out at home for the weekend?" he said. "because that's boring," i grunted. "you think its boring being with me?" he raised a brow. he took our exit on the highway. "yeah, i do. you are mega boring, laxus. i feel like im getting older by the second just being in the car with you," i muttered. it hadn't hit me till just a few weeks ago. i 30 now. laxus is 36. mavis is 25. i mean the last 8 years just flew by like no one's business. "that's what happens when you chase love for so long," he muttered under his breath. " that's what happens when you get married while still young and naïve," i muttered. he turned into the driveway. "but you weren't naïve. it was my fault the first time failed so miserably. i was confused. i had just came out a ten year dry spell. i had a bunch of new feelings that i had long since forgotten how to subdue. i was ashamed of my compulsive cheating and tried to hide it. it just wasn't meant to be the first time," he got out the car. i got out too. i followed him to the door. "and because of that, i had to go on what im gonna dub my own personal journey that lasted 6 fucking years trying to find someone who could fill the hole you created in me," i grunted as we walked in the house. "and when you had finally found someone who could, my crazy ass decided he had to go," we made our way to the bedroom and started changing into house clothes. "an almost three years later, here we are. living under the same roof, in the same room, in the same bed, ready to get married again, riding to work together, on the same team again. its been a journey," i said. he looked at me, his eyes widening.

"ok, so maybe i am a little stupid for me to be so smart. i mean, to want to marry the man who gave me my first soul crushing heartbreak in my whole fucking life. my second relationship cause the first one with orga was moving WAY too fast. the guy wanted to get married after even knowing of each other for only two weeks but glad we waited. im glad you cheated on me 27 times and we got divorced. im glad for every heartbreak in between and im glad that no matter how many times i tried my absolute hardest to get you to leave me the fuck alone, your persistent ass wouldn't do so, because then i wouldn't be here right now ready to retie the knot with you so...." i pulled out the little box i had in my slack's pocket. i had had it in there all day with this moment in mind,"...would you mind if i called you husband again?" i opened the box and presented it to him.

he just looked at the box for a really long time. he reached in and pulled the ring out. he slipped it on his finger. he walked over to the nightstand and pulled out another box. he pulled out another ring and walked back over. he slipped it on my finger. "what do you want for dinner? i was thinking fish and chips," he pecked my lips before walking out the room. "sounds....good?" i raised a brow. i honestly expected a bigger reaction but i guess that's fine.

after a nice fish and chips dinner, a long relaxing bath together, and some cuddling while watching tv, we retired to our bed. i pulled his back to my chest and snuggled up to him. "night babe," i whispered, getting cozy. all i got were sniffles in return. " ok?" i asked. " fine," he whispered, sucking up snot. "its fine. just let it all out," he just started sobbing his eyes out. guess it was a delayed reaction. either that or he was holding it all in. i just rubbed his stomach as he sobbed. a solid five minutes of him crying before he started calming down. "its not healthy to hold that in," i muttered, digging some more tissue out the night stand and handing it to him. "didnt think it would ever happen again," he blew his nose," i mean....i just got engaged for the third time in my life. first two failed miserably so....well i cant help but hope this one works out in the end. i dont know if i can handle another divorce," he muttered. he tossed out the tissue. "well i wouldn't wanna marry you if i wasn't prepared to live out the rest of our lives together, you know, like the first time," i said. "yeah but....well i made that vow two times and broke both of them due to some dumb shit. i have five kids. compulsive cheating disorder from the first time. an ex wife and an ex husband. shit, i got so much baggage you could call me a travel agency," he muttered. i giggled. "yet for some reason we are still here, after eight years engaged AGAIN, getting married AGAIN cause you refused to let me go, even when i had moved on already," i said. "why would i let you go? ya took my gay virginity and made me fall in love with you for the first time in a decade. you were so good to me, even when i treated you like shit. still stayed for two years knowing that i was out cheating with women. naturally you are my soul mate," he rubbed my hand on his chest. "you are the worst soul mate a guy could ever have," i muttered, resting my head on his. he chuckled. "i love you too," he kissed my cheek.

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