Bacchus Groh (Pt 1)

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Author's Note: last leg of your personal journey. also the longest. yes, you and laxus will get back together, but it will not be easy to say the least.

4 months later...

reader pov

cana: party tonight?

me: where at?

cana: at my sorority.

me: eh....i guess ill come after class. i dont have anything else to do. do i need to bring anything?

cana: booze. lots of girls here who will be all over you, giving zero fucks about you being gay. you need to loosen up

me: fine

"first you read in class, now you are texting? please remind me why you are still number one in this school," muttered hibiki. teach handed us the worksheet. i quickly filled it out and turned it in before he could return to the front and start teaching it. "cause im a fucking genius,"  i shrugged. he chuckled, handing in his test a few minutes after i did. still the first two done in class. i didnt think we would share soo many classes but im glad. not many people i can say are just as smart as me. if he managed his time and work correctly, he could easily work for the CIA too, as another department head. "so what are you doing tonight? me and doran are gonna chill in our room cause we have no lives. figured your living room would be much more comfy," said hibiki as he packed up his things. "i dont mind you guys watching tv at my house actually going to a party," i said as i packed up my things. he raised a brow. "you going to a party? where at?" he asked. "sorority," he busted out laughing. "sorority? as in 30 drunk girls who give zero fucks if you are in a relationship or gay? no thanks," he got up. "its not like i was inviting you too," i shrugged as i got up. "is your door unlocked?" he asked as we headed out. "nope. you can use doran old code to get in. i haven't changed it cause im lazy," i shrugged. "guess ill see you.....probably late tomorrow morning," he said. i shrugged and we headed out.

after grabbing a couple of bottles from the liquor store, i headed to cana's sorority house. it was already bustling with people. they.....they didnt seem all that crazy though. guess i was picturing a frat party. i got out my car and grabbed one of my bottles before heading in the front door. there was a bunch of girls, lots of drinking, but no....shenanigans that is typical of frat parties. looked pretty chill. i had made sure to change into something comfy since i might be here for a while. i walked in, immediately noticed by every girl in there, and was ambushed. i was dragged over to a big sofa and sat down before the questions flowed. i was being felt up and smelled. ok....i dont know if this was such a good idea. guess that's why she said bring a bottle. i popped the lid and started drinking, downing a quarter of the bottle before i spotted cana weaving her way through the girls. she sat on my lap. "scatter you rabid dogs!!" she screamed, shooing everyone away. they pouted but dispersed, returning to their places and drinking. i sighed. she moved to sit next to me, leaving her legs on my lap. "why did i agree to this?" i thought aloud, taking another swig. "cause you are stupid," she said, constantly typing on her phone. "why did you want me to come here?" i asked. she looked at me. "all this vagina!! i mean damn! if im not watching silver's kids or going to school, im surrounded by vagina. its good to have some dick around, even if that dick isn't available," she shrugged. "eh...i though you would say 'every party of all girls needs a gay guy'," i said. she chuckled. "that too," she said.

i was casually chatting with cana for a while when i heard some screaming. loud shrieking of girls as they all scattered from the door. a man in some tattered jogging pants and a tee and a bottle of liquor in his hand.....well stumbled into the sorority, tripping and falling flat on his face. cana said nothing, just glancing at him before continuing to text. after a moment of shrieking, the women calmed down before returning to drinking. i looked at the man. he was still laying down, occasionally looking up to take another drink but not moving from that spot. "i assume this is a regular occurrence?" i asked cana. she nodded, not batting an eye. the man looked up at the sound of my voice. he glared at me before stumbling to his feet. he stumbled towards me, glaring between me and cana. he stood before me, reeking of alcohol. "what....the fuck doin here!" he grunted. "i was invited," i said, taking a drink of my bottle. "i dont like you. i....i want you to leave," he glared at me, barely able to stand up. "im good," i shrugged. ill admit...i was starting to feel the buzz. "ill.....make you *hiccups* leave!" he reached down and grabbed me hand. i rolled it out his grip. a hard shove in his chest, revealing a pretty ripped body but that's beside the point, and he stumbled back, hitting a table before falling to the ground. he looked at me the entire time he fought to his feet. he took another swig of alcohol. "OUTSIDE!!" he yelled, gripping my shirt and pulling me up. eh....just cause im a little tipsy dont mean i dont know how to handle myself. i gripped his wrist, twisting it behind his back before landing a heavy kick to his shin and pulling him forward, slamming his face hard into the ground. there were gasps. "who is this guy?" i asked cana, who paid no attention to what just happened. "some homeless drunk guy who wanders in here from time to time. no big deal," she shrugged. he gripped my leg, attempting to pull me down. when i didnt go down, he used me to pull himself to his feet. he shoved me, only to push himself back. he took a long swig of his beer before tossing the empty bottle towards the trash can. he squatted, pushing his palms towards me and lowering his center of gravity.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now