Bacchus's Oddments (Pt7)

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6 months later...

reader pov

i moved but it didnt feel like it was far enough away. i couldn't move too far since i still had to go to work every day. i moved to a small apartment on the complete opposite side of the city, that being the only thing that didnt remind me of the past. penthouses reminded me of laxus....and now big houses remind me of bacchus. the two greatest heartbreaks of my 28 years on this earth. how on earth could i have fallen in love sooo many times for them all to fail? first my compulsively cheating ex husband, then a criminal, then a mentally scarred stripper, then a deadbeat dad. i had thought i had finally found the one. that night at the sorority party about three years ago now. the drunk homeless man was supposed to be my husband right now but no......oh no. apparently im not allowed to be loved. to love other people. apparently im not allowed to be happy and everything to be good with my life. just when something good was finally happening, he up and gets murdered. MURDERED! to the point that someone literally broke into my house just to murder my fiancé. i had dug around for soooo long now, trying to find my fiancé's killer but whoever it was really thought ahead. the footage of that night didnt show anyone, not a moving shadow or a person fleeing. they didnt leave fingerprints or really any signs that they were in my house at all. a plan that was executed almost to perfectly. if i hadn't found that the window tampered with and the power line was cut to messily, only the CIA could have done it. to the point that there was an operation specifically targeting bacchus. i looked and searched for just a hint, just some hair or dead skin. flawless. evidence only showed that they entered my house while the power was cut like they knew i had a security system with backup generators. talk about cautious.

if i didnt know better.....well i might have said i did it. that i broke into my own house to kill my fiancé. at this point i had pretty much given up, simply trying my best to suck it up and move on. i tried, oh god did i try, to find out what happened the night but.....well i dont think its meant for me to find my fiancé's killer. i, a department head of the motherfucking CIA couldn't find even a single lead on his murder. i sighed. why me? why does my roaring 20s have to be filled with so much regret? people my age are susposed to be out partying and making all kinds of mistakes. never getting up early and staying up late drinking and carrying on. me....oh no, im the responsible one. i have an 8-5 job, just graduated college with three degrees. make over two million a year, been married and divorced and fell in love five times and all two years before i hit the ripe old age of 30. it still hurts. a whole lot too. just knowing that from experience, any relationship i get into is meant to fail. i mean seriously!! its like im cursed or some--there was a knock on my door. i got off the little sofa in my little one bedroom apartment and made my way to the door.

i opened it, feeling the burst of warm air on the summer afternoon on a Saturday....only to sulk immediately when i recognized my one visitor in the last three months. "shoot me if you want to but....i just cant stand to watch you sulk over this any longer," he muttered, raising his hands in surrender. "fuck off," i went to close the door but he didnt let me. "leave me alone," i grunted, trying to close the door. "tsk....and let you contemplate suicide? world needs the great chris for at least a few more decades. im coming in," he grunted, forcing his way inside. "why are you here?" i grunted. he closed the door before taking a comfy seat on my sofa. "move in with me," he stated. "no," i deadpanned. i dont know why he thought i would move in with him after being divorced for soooo long. if he wasn't right about me contemplating suicide....and well the lack of deadly weapons in my house thanks to mavis, he would already be dead. "you need the company. when was the last time you got laid?" he raised a brow. "last night at a bar. im not sexually frustrated. im lacking a relationship. get to the point so you can get the fuck outta my house," i demanded. "its simple: move in with me. ill be there to help ya get back on your feet, give ya a shoulder to cry on, emotional support, all of that. a little sex in there too wouldn't be bad either," he shrugged. "we are DIVORCED laxus. i dont know why you thought we were ok period. its over between us. if you wouldn't have--"

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now