chapter 24

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mavis pov

he tossed the report on my desk. i picked it up and started looking it over. "lost 6 out of 30. 9 injured in the hospital. for an operation just made up a few days ago, im not gonna lie, this is a steaming pile of success," i grunted. he smiled. "dont forget that we've permanently handicapped blue Pegasus. they wont be able to make a full recovery from this for at least 10 years. that gives us plenty of time to locate the top executives and zeref and take them out. now all we have to do is find them," he said. "find them? why weren't they part of the original operation?" i asked. "i would call that over reaching. if we were to storm that fortress he has as a mansion as we are now, losing 6 out of 30 would be a downright dream. we'd be lucky to get away with all of our CIA agents," he said. i sighed. cant deny he has thought this out thoroughly. i closed the folder and handed it back to him. he grinned. "my group was the only one who came back unfazed. lost no one, no injured. makes sense since i led them personally," he smirked. i shook my head. "the other CIA more than likely gave you the best of the group. probably told them some type of incentive about making sure this mission was a success," i suggested. he pursed his lips. "shit....that totally sounds like something they would do. i really should have chosen the groups," he grumbled under his breath. i shrugged. " did well. i talked to a few of the agents who came back last night and i could tell right off the back who was in your group. nothing but smiling faces. they all told me that they have never had an operation that was sooo dangerous turn out to be soo easy. 'chris is amazing. i wish he was my boss.' and 'i just felt with that guy. like every step i took from the moment i stepped out the van was planned down to the utmost detail. it sorta makes me feel like there is something we are missing. that's just how easy it was.' are just a few of the comments i jotted down," i said. he grinned and scratched his head nervously. "so...whats next? im sure you have already started thinking about how you are gonna take out the remnants of blue Pegasus," i said. he shook his head. "i haven't put any thought in to it all," i was surprised. "no thought whatsoever?" he shook his head. "figured i should take a back seat for the rest of this mission. let the more experienced agents take control and chill out," he said. "and how did the other agents take it?" i asked. "i was gonna tell them after i got done talking to you," he said. i sighed. "i dont think they will like this, chris. they probably are thinking since you led this mission in the beginning, you should lead them till the end," i said. he shrugged. he sighed. "i already know that there is animosity amongst the team. i the youngest, least experienced, i just joined the CIA like two months ago and i was leading this case. they only follow me because they believe ezra thinks its best. id like to assume a more supportive role, at least till the end of this case," he said. i sighed. "do you have any idea who you want to lead this case? laxus, mirajane, gray, juvia, loke, even Bickslow. im sure any of them would be qualified," i said. he seemed to think it over. "id say it should be Bickslow hands down. he has been undercover for almost as long as i have and probably has been with the CIA longer than ive been born. i trust his judgement," he said. i sighed. "i guess its really up to you and your team. just talk it out with them and come to a decision," i said. he nodded and headed out. i phoned Makarov.


FBI this is chief Makarov

its mavis. just wanted to let you know the results of the operation that occurred last night

ok! fire away

lost 6 and 9 were injured in the hospital but they were still able to accomplish the mission

ok, ok. still sad we lost some but overall id say it was a success. could you send me a list of who died? id like to tell the families

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