chapter 16

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the next morning....

cobra pov

i dragged my hand down my face. man was i easy. soooo easy. its like i was completely helpless against him last night. i know i was a blushing mess. i know i looked completely outta place. i mean....a guy like me?! ME! blushing at his every word. i dont think anyone in this world could be that good. shit. still felt good though. this guy was sooo passionate even to a complete stranger. made love to me like we had been married for years. my face felt hot. damn it. im blushing again. i sighed. too bad im not enough for him. shit. id gladly give up ass for the rest of my life if i could fucked like that every day. tsk....wish that would have been enough for him. i let out a deep breath. my legs are numb. i can barely feel them. i tried to move them. barely budged. i heard my phone ringing. i chuckled. looks like gildarts is wondering where im at. i sighed. i gotta will my legs to move if i wanna be outta here before the orga guy comes back. ok. i can do this. i took a leg and rolled over on top of him. he chuckled but stayed sleep. ok. i got off him and out of the bed. my legs were wobbly but held firm. ok. shower then out the window. ok. i limped over to the bathroom. he said these walls were thick sooo it shouldn't matter if i run the shower. ok. i got in. turned on the water. i let out a sigh of relief. been a long time since i felt cum rolling down the back of my leg. i smirked. he filled me up something fierce. at least i was able to make him cum. would have been devastating to find out i couldn't make him cum. i got cleaned up and stepped out. i toweled off. ok. im good. my legs were feeling better. the hot water helped a lot. i walked back in the room. he was sitting up typing on his phone. he looked at me with that shit eating grin. shit. my face felt hot again. i walked over and got dressed. i he got outta bed and walked over to me. he leaned in with a bigger than life smile. felt a strong arm around my waist. he kissed me. shit. i was horny again. i poked him in the leg with it. he smirked as he pushed his tongue in my mouth. felt every tooth. i drooled a little. felt him slipping something in my pocket. he pulled away. nononono. i chased him and reconnected. i ran a hand down his strong chest. i put an arm around his neck, trying to swallow his tongue. wow is this guy an amazing kisser. every second makes you want more. shit. my phone started ringing again. he pulled away. damn it! gildarts is getting on my nerves. he pecked me and let me go. he walked in the bathroom and closed the door. i pulled out the note.

Sting 404 555 7769 get rid of the boyfriend and he is all yours
gildarts should come tonight same time as you
visit me whenever you know where i be at

this guy is really something else. does this shit like its nothing. like he doesn't make people fall in love with him in just a few hours. how can he be all business like this. i heard singing. he is fucking singing in the shower. i sighed. all it took was a few hours and i couldn't kill him. my phone started ringing again. i shot him a text and climbed out the window.

"what the hell, cobra?! i called you like six times!" he was pissed when i got back over to the little base he made. i sighed. i cant stop thinking about him. shit. how can i not? i just handed him the note chris handed me. i sat down and let my mind wander. " he serious....about....this?" i looked over at gildarts. his eyes were wide as he looked at the little note. "i really wish he wasn't," i said. i mean....why would i want the love of my life being with another man? its fucking ridiculous. he chuckled with a light blush. "that's just not right, man. its not susposed to be this easy to get laid," he said. "you gonna fall in love,"  warned. his blush darkened. i was really hoping that would have turned him off. he chuckled. "he said tonight, right?" he whispered to himself. "tsk...good luck satisfying him. went three straight hours and was still horny after," i said. i grabbed the binoculars and looked back out. he had stepped out the bathroom drying his hair when the burly guy busted in. i could see his tent from here. him and chris chatted about something and the burly guy stripped. chris pulled off the sheets but before he could put more on, the burly guy tackled him into the bed. smothered him with kisses. chris rolled himself on top and they just started going at it. chris was going soooo hard, the burly guy was hitting the headboard. i sighed. he definitely went easy on me. if he would have did that to me, i wouldn't have been able to walk and there would have been blood. "gildarts, you gotta watch this," i handed him the binoculars. his blush darkened and a little drool escaped his mouth. "good luck trying to take that," i warned. he smirked. "i pray to god he dont go easy on me," he said. i face palmed.

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