Doran Bolt (Pt 4)

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later on that day...

uugghh!! this morning was draining. doran was all well rested while i felt like shit. getting woken up twice this morning before i had to get up for work really weighted on me. "are you ok? you have bags," commented mira as she turned in her report. "no. i need sleep desperately," i grunted. she closed the door to my office and took a seat across from me. "spill it," she sat back, crossing her arms and legs. i sighed. "apparently doran's ex boyfriend was pretty crazy. raped, beat, and mentally scared the guy before i found him. oh...and lets not forget to mention he stalked him to my house and threatened me before actually breaking in my house trying to get him back. i had to take doran to the police station and open a restraining order on the guy. turns out he already tried....three times. he breaks them every time. i swear, i might just have to ice him," i grunted. she chuckled. "the fact that he is still alive means you were merciful. he shouldn't worry about him any more. im sure you ruffed him up a bit," she said. " sure he will be back. ill just have to keep doran at my house till i can get rid of him for good," i didnt want to but...i just have to help the needy. he wasn't upset about it in the least when i told him on the way to take him to school. 'ill do whatever i can to keep you happy' he said. i sighed. i dont know if i like where this relationship with him is going. he seems...too appreciative? i dont really know how to put it. i sighed. i just hope this is for the best.

later on that day....

hibiki pov

he just walked in the room with a suitcase and started loading it up. "you leaving?" i asked. he nodded. "im living with chris," he said. i raised  a brow. "what brought this on? dont tell me you begged," i sighed. i really hope he didnt pressure chris into letting him stay with him. their relationship will literally implode. he shook his head. "he suggested it out of nowhere this morning. i dont know what happened last night but he seemed worried," he said. probably has something to do with jahar. i get the feeling he did something crazy last night but whatever. its not my problem. "are you going to work too? im sure he would take the opportunity to get ya while ya half naked and gyrating it for him," i shrugged. he shook his head. "i have a lot of work to do to make sure chris stays happy with me," he shoved his remaining clothes in his suitcase. "i have class so ill come back and get this later," he walked out. i didnt like how he said that either. why does he feel the need to make sure chris stays happy? im not saying that he should do the opposite but....isn't that a bit much? whatever. i dont care. im sure it will be just a few days. i flipped on my tv.

later on that night...

reader pov

"you can stay in this room, doran. im just letting you stay here till that guy from last night stays away from you. i get the feeling that what happened last night wont be enough to keep him away," i said. he wheeled his suitcase in the room and put it on the bed. he opened it revealing a burst of musk that nearly made me throw up. "no, throw all that shit out. i dont want that in my washing machine. close it back up and put it in a trash bag," i pinched the bridge of my nose. he quickly closed it and zipped it up. he took it out and back downstairs. i sighed. i walked into my room and closed the door. i stripped to my undies and climbed in bed. how on earth do i keep getting into these situations? i swear it makes no sense. like i just attract this shit for some reason. first it was with blue Pegasus, then the stuff with laxus, now i have a boyfriend who has a crazy ex. a knock on the door. "yeah," i said. "can" he asked. i pulled up the cover. "come on," i grunted. he opened the door, revealing himself in nothing but the skin he was born in. "i looked pretty stressed," he scratched his head nervously.

ok....i was pretty stressed. this new case she gave me has a lot of moving parts to it. he closed the door behind him and walked over to the bed. he climbed in with me. "o...ok. im ready," he whispered. i leaned over, pressing my lips against his warmly. he hesitated before kissing back. he leaned on me as he straddled my hips. i let my hands roam his body, feeling him shiver when they rested on his ass. he got more aggressive in the kiss, poking me with his erection. he pulled his hips away so he would stop poking me with it. call me weird but i love it when they poke me with their hard on. tells me they want this just as much as i do. i pulled his hips closer, pressing it against my stomach. i rolled myself on top of him as i kissed on his neck. his breathing sped up as my hands massaged his chest, tugging on his hardening nipples. i kissed on his chest, savoring his sweating and shakiness. he gripped my shoulders as i worked my way down. he pushed me away when i kissed on his navel. i looked at him with a confused look. he seemed to be enjoying it so why would he resist? "just relax," i whispered, moving to continue. he pushed back weakly but finally let me continue. i sucked on his nipples as i massaged his ass. i rubbed my head up his chest before kissing him again. he was throbbing against me. i sucked on his neck. his heart was pounding against me. "please....please," he pleaded, tugging at my undies. i let him tug them off. he pushed his hips against me, putting me into position. i reached blindly for a condom but he didnt let me get one. he wrapped his legs around my waist and gripped my neck. "inside, now," he growled against my lips, finally letting the lust take over. i complied, pushing against him. he lifted his legs higher on my hips as i slowly pu--he gripped my hips and pulled me inside all the way rather roughly. his breath hitched before he rolled his hips. he nodded. i started thrusting, taking long and full yet firm thrusts inside of him. "harder," he growled, moving to kiss my neck. i hit it harder as he sucked on my neck. i felt him shaking. "harder!" he growled against my neck. he gripped my shoulders as i pounded him into the bed. he lifted his legs higher, making his knees touch my elbows, constantly demanding to be fucked harder. apparently i couldn't hit it hard enough cause he forced himself on top and started riding me, quickly making me hit the headboard. his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he rode me at break neck speed, grinding his hips into mine trying to pull it off.  i spread my legs and gripped the head board as he slammed my head into the head board with his riding. i took a bunch of pillows and put them behind my head to cushion the impact. he clenched, coating my chest with his cum. i had came twice already! what the fuck! "s-s-shit!" i muttered as he somehow picked up the pace.

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