chapter 28

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the next night....

laxus pov

"ok people!! we are gonna head out right now! laxus, you will extract chris. mirajane, you will extract freed. we are gonna get on the jet skis and head out. are we ready!!" everyone cheered. i couldn't help but grin. chris is gonna get on the jet ski with me. i shook my head at the thought. gotta focus. ok. we got on the skis and headed out.

the island was surprisingly big. we were heading towards it in a huge group from the north and west. the only thing you could hear were the sounds of engines running. we split up and surrounded the island. i was instructed to meet mira at the back of the island. that is the place that they are more than likely to come out from. i heard the big horn sounding. "COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!! THIS IS THE CIA!! WE ARE HERE TO ARREST YOU!!" the insanely loud voice of Bickslow over the loud speaker. him and the majority of the force were at the front of the island to take care of the henchmen. there was loads of gun fire. i sighed. the back of the island was completely dark and there was a boat waiting. we sunk it so the other guys couldn't escape. we just waited with flood lights ready for them to come out. we brought a small force for to take care of them. chris estimates that it will be him, freed, zeref, rogue, lucy, and maybe 10 henchmen with them. the others were sent to keep the main force busy. "does everyone have their guns ready?" said mirajane. i nodded. i got off the jet ski and pulled my gun. we all got in position. i heard some running. "....we gotta go!!...the other henchmen wont be able to hold them off for long!!..." it was chris's voice. as soon as they got out on the beach the flood lights were turned on. we all opened fire, taking out all of the henchmen. chris froze. as expected, zeref and rogue stood in front of him. "this is the CIA. put your hands in the air and come quietly!" shouted mirajane. they looked around panicked. "oh no!! save me!!" whimpered chris. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, ROGUE!!" lucy shouted. "drop your weapons and put your hands up now!!" shouted gray. they all put their hands up. weapons hit the ground. chris ran from behind them right over to me. i pulled out an extra gun and handed it to him. he cocked it. "CHRIS WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!!" shouted zeref. "simple. the CIA is here to arrest both of you now on the ground with your hands behind your back," he said. they started grumbling to themselves. "come on lucy. its safe over here. ill explain it when we get back to the city," he motioned for her to come over. she nodded but before she could run, rogue had grabbed her. he pulled her close and put a knife to her throat. "DONT MOVE OR I-" a gunshot and he fell to the ground. chris cocked his gun to get rid of the empty shell. Lucy's eyes widened. "come one lucy. zeref isn't stupid enough to try and take you hostage," he motioned for her to come over. she nodded and jogged over to us. zeref dropped to his knees with his hands up. wow was this easy. chris grabbed some hand cuffs and walked over to him. he grabbed on wrist and put it behind his back but before he could grab the other, zeref pulled out a gun and shot him in the arm. my eyes widened. another gunshot and zeref went limp. i drop my gun and ran over to him. he was writhing in pain gripping the wound in his fore arm. it was leaking blood. i was surrounded by people i held him down while mira brought the medical kit. she put on gloves and got some tongs. "HOLD HIM DOWN!!" she screamed. i straddled him and held him down. he was crying and struggling in my grip as she dug out the bullet. she tossed it in the sand and began cleaning it. she poured alcohol on it and cleaned up the blood. she wrapped it tightly. "OOOHHH FUCK THAT HURTS!!" he screamed. "we have to get him to the big ship!" i nodded. he seemed to calm down. ok. i got off him and helped him up. i helped him to my jet ski and we got on. he put his good arm around my waist and buried his face in my back. i took off.

we had to ride past the front of the island. there were bodies everywhere. looks like only about 50 survived. there was coast guard handcuffing them and taking them away. we got on the big ship. i helped him to the medical wing. he got on the gurney. i sighed. of course this was too easy. some one had to get hurt. why couldn't it be me? ive been shot before. several times. it still hurts like hell but i would have been just fine afterwards. the doctor undid the bandages and looked at it. he groaned. looks like he might pass out from the pain. "this guy is lucky. if it would have been just a little to the left, he would have lost the use of his hand. it looks to have only cut through meat with a few tendons but he will be just fine. it should heal up in a few months to be stronger than before," he said. chris had passed out  a few minutes ago so the doctor just stitched up the wound and sanitized it. he put a brace and cast on it. wrapped it real tight. "ok! he is good to go," he said. i nodded and the doctor walked away. i sighed. i pulled up a chair next to him. of course he would be the one guy who didn't get away from this unharmed. my first time seeing him in the past few days and i had to watch him get shot. watch him writhe in pain. have to hold him down as they performed first aid. of course!! like i didn't want to see his annoying ass smiling face. he didn't even rub me inappropriately the whole time we rode the jet ski! not that i wanted him to or anything. its just.....shit. maybe i did want him to do something like that. im super weird now. i feel starting to change. bit by bit. i think this annoying motherfucker might be growing on me a little. either that or the sex. bit by bit im starting to change. i dont know if that is a good thing. is it? going from being obsessed with work to....not i guess? i get the feeling this guy would make life with him fun. some how. i chuckled. what the hell is wrong with me? like this guy could make MY life fun. im pretty boring. my day is boring. wake up, work out, shower, work, eat, then go to bed. 24/7/52 for the rest of my life is what i planned. i didn't even plan on retiring. i figured give me a decade and id be in the office permanently. what could this guy do to make that any better? fucking stalk me all day? insist i go on cheesy ass dates with him and shit. get real! like that would change me. he must be crazy to think that he could change me in any way. he will realize it soon enough. when we go on a date or whatever, he will see. yeah. ill show him.....(he fell asleep)

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