chapter 21

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the next day...

laxus pov

i woke up with a start. last night was.....shit. i dont know why but ive never been more turned on by him. just looking at him made me mega hard. its weird cause he is smaller than i am. way smaller than i am. i dont know why but my heart hasn't stopped racing since last night. 8 hours later and i still feel like ive finished running a marathon. feels....exhilarating though. the rush of adrenaline. the blood running all over my body, awaking muscles that i didn't even know i had. ones that i haven't used in years. im pretty sure i beat off in my sleep. i looked down. didn't wear clothes to bed again and judging from how sticky my chest is, im guessing my earlier guess was spot on. that was something else. it was like the combo of finally seeing him and him being half naked made me see stars. shit. im definitely gay. there isn't any doubt any more. i dont really know how i feel about being gay. its....really it just means i cant have kids. everything else is pretty much the same. instead of having sex with a woman, its sex with a man. instead of falling in love with a woman, its falling in love with a man. instead of marrying a woman, in some states, its marry a man. i dont know. i haven't had sex in years. maybe im just desperate. maybe i just want some type of action. it doesn't matter what kind. now that my sex drive has awakened, i want to have sex. shit. now im kinda curious. how do i stack up to other guys? i know i tend to be on the larger side. some might say im too muscular. i have insane definition. that is one thing im proud of. even though i didn't have sex, id like to believe im visually appealing. tsk....downright threatening. im not...little down south. i do crunches religiously so my thrusting might be....powerful. shit. i might scare people off with my stature. i remember orga. he might be a little wider than i am but im sure we are the same strength. he got his from street fighting. i have formal training. he is stupid. im smart. he is tall. im tall. we are only different in non aesthetic ways for the most part. im blonde while he is a green head. i dont know. i need to stop thinking about this. i need to get ready for work.

i got to work feeling....kinda giddy. ill be honest im kinda excited to see him. ill be damned if i let that show. i can already see his smug face. 'its ok, laxus. just give in to your admiration of me' or some other egotistical shit. that guy really pisses me off. he did all this shit making himself real important yet he acts like its not a big deal. its not exactly a good thing that the CIA wants to protect you. means that you are a target. people want you deal. ALOT of people want you dead. probably the whole underworld. the shit is crazy. i mean....he fucking lives here. we all go home for the night but he dont. he eats, sleeps, shits, and works in this fucking building. if i were like that, i might just go nuts. i dont think i could do it. the guy is insanely head strong. ill give him that. physically strong too. ive heard the noises from him and orga. the bed creaking. the moaning. the grunts. my mind is getting way of track here. i dont know where all this is coming from. i took a seat at the conference table in his new office. shit. another thing that's starting to get to me. ill admit i was distracted by his body last night but now that i look around, its fucking ridiculous. big ass office for little old him. huge computer monitors, a sofa set, a conference table with the chairs, and there is STILL room in his 'office'. his office is at least three times as big as ezra's. seriously. i dont think i even wanna know what rank he is now. i sipped some coffee as the rest of the team came in. mira and her happy ass. juvia and her stalking ass. chris and his fine ass. gray and his compulsive stripping ass. loke and his annoying ass. everyone has something about them that gets on my nerves. chris took a seat at the head of the table. he got all comfy. like he was born to be there. damn. i dont know why but it always gets to me. it just turns me on like a light switch. that smirk. that confidence. shit. my face felt hot just looking at his-"laxus?" " ass," SHIT!!! i didn't just say that aloud. i didn't just say that aloud. i didn't just say that-"umm....well thank you very much, laxus. you are pretty damn good looking too," he said. yeah. i fucking said it out loud. i looked at the rest of the table. eyes were wide. "what?!" its not like i meant to say it. it wasn't meant for him to hear. i kept sipping my coffee like it was liquor. shit. i kinda wish it were liquor now. from how hard everyone is looking at me right now, i feel like a fucking idiot. admitting that out loud. i dont even wanna look at his face. i already know he has a shit eating grin. "just get on with the damn meeting or whatever," i grumbled. i cant take another second of being the center of attention.

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