chapter 19

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3 days later....

reader pov

i took a deep breath. ok. i think the world has stopped for long enough. i need to think of a plan. ok. im a top executive of the gang now. i know what is going on now, at least in their eyes. i have more authority than sting and orga now. tsk....more than all of the branch family heads now. i dont know if this position is really all that good now that i think about it. sure im important but....i dont know. i feel like having this much power could be detrimental to the mission. i dont know. to take down zeref. he seems like a planner just like me so he wont be easy. what i need to know is what the CIA needs in order to take him down. ive gotten pretty far up on the hierarchy without even knowing what i need. i just get the feeling that having this much power is actually a bad thing. if anything, it might make me useless to the CIA. why? cause with this much power, come just as much responsibilities. maybe im just tired of being deep undercover. i dont know. maybe the stress of having to hide my true affiliations is what is getting to me. i was sitting in a room all by myself with a nice laptop to do my work on when there was a knock at the door. "come in..." i called. the door opened, revealing a taller man with weirdly cut hair and a tattoo right on the middle of his face. he wore a plain black and white suit, reminiscent of what all the henchmen wear. he just walked in and closed the door. "um....can i help you?" i asked as he approached me. he walked right over to me and got to his knees right in front of me and started working at my pants. "you do know that i didn't order this," i said as he unbuttoned my jeans. he didn't pay me any attention. he unzipped my pants and pulled my dick out. started sucking on it. i could tell he wasn't doing this for the hell of it. "start talking," i said. he made eye contact. "im...another....undercover....agent..." he said between bobs. i sighed. i can barely understand him with my dick in his mouth. "you didn't need to suck my dick to tell me that," i said. he shook his head. " wired...." he whispered. of course it is. "how about the bathroom?" i asked. he nodded. he took me out and started taking off his clothes. "the hell are you doing?" i said. he stripped to his undies. he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bathroom. he stopped at the door. and started kissing me as he backpedaled inside. i shut the door behind me. he pulled away. he took a deep breath and sighed. "that is one of the downsides of being CIA. cant risk drawing suspicion," he said. i took a seat on the toilet seat while he took a seat on the sink. yeah. kinda good looking. muscular. i get the feeling cobra would be even more perfect for this guy. he held up a hand. "not gay, chris. this is work," he flatly. i shrugged. "soooo....why is this the first im hearing of another agent? i haven't received any emails," i said. he took a deep breath. "i work for the director. she sent me here to aid in gathering info on the gang. probably figured you gained more power than you planned too and took some time to clear your head," he said. "wow. she must be a planner too," i said. he shrugged. "what are you undercover as?" i said. "a high ranking henchman. i got access to locations as well as weaponry. what are you?" he asked. " executive. my only bosses are rogue and zeref himself," his eyes widened. "guess you dont really need me," he said. i pursed my lips in concentration. im sure i could use this in some way. oh yeah!! "this could actually work out well. you will have to work as my communication with the outside. they took my cell and tracker soooo im gonna order another one and you can bring it to me," i said. he shrugged. "done. what do i need to do?" he said. i had to think. get a tracker so i can continue to be monitored by the CIA. they will be able to find this place. where ever it is. i can go back to being watched. "oh and by the way, rogue has left to go back to his own mansion. its just you and zeref here," he said. ok. "i need them to continue watching rogue. split the team in two with half on lucy and rogue and the other half on me once i get my tracker," i said. he nodded. he smirked. "guess mavis was right. you really do think just like her," he said. another shrug. "now how will you get outta here? you decided to disguise this as sex sooo it will look funny if we aren't fucking," i said. his eyes widened. he gripped the sides of his head in sheer panic. i chuckled. "looks like someone didn't think this through," i said. he was still panicking. i stood up. i walked over to him. "just play along," i whispered. i kissed him. he was hesitant but kissed back. i stripped to my undies and put my arm around his waist. i pulled away. "i need to send a message," i said. he got out his walkie from....i dont wanna know where. i paged a bunch of henchmen in an emergency. they should be here in around 5 minutes. ok. i started backpedaling towards the door. he followed. i pushed open the door and backpedaled towards the bed. i could tell he was panicking on the inside. i turned him around and pushed him on the bed. this guy's face was priceless. looked like he might tear up. i got on top between his legs and pulled the covers around our waists. i pulled away and kissed his neck. i chuckled. he was starting to get into it now. guess he has accepted that he is about to get fucked. " gentle," he whispered. "dont panic. we aren't having sex but i do need this to look real soo," i pulled off his undies. he was actually hard which is funny. i started kissing him as i ground my hips into his. he gripped my neck and kissed me harder. ok. he might be getting too into it. and the henchmen should be here in 3.....2....the door was busted down. i grinned. i looked at them in panic. the guy started kissing my neck. "whats wrong?!" i said. the guard was panicked. "Captain Bickslow you have to come quick!! there are crazy people outside!!" he shouted. ooohhh. i completely forgot to ask his name. guess that worked its self out. he grunted. "deal with it yourself. cant you see im busy," he grumbled. he kissed me. i pulled away. "this is your ticket out, if you didn't notice that. if we disguise this as a thing between us, then we can talk without drawing suspicion," i whispered as i kissed his neck. " real good at this, you know that? i had actually came to terms with getting fucked," he whispered. i shrugged. "im not gonna make you gay, Bickslow. im not that type of guy," i got off him. he sighed and got up. i think he might've been a little longer than sting. i dont know. we got dressed. i walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist. he put an arm around my neck. i put my forehead against his. "do the other agents know about you?" he shook his head. "i was sent directly by mavis," i pecked him," im gonna inform them about you. i want you to make contact with them and transfer my orders," he nodded. he kissed me. weirdly passionate. shit! i might have turned him out. i didn't want to but i think i did. he pulled away. "ill...see you later," he whispered. shit. i nodded. i let him go and he jogged out.

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