Epilogue (Pt. 2)

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author's note: didn't wanna do a part two but it got to long. i had to split it in two parts.

The Ceremony

reader pov

"ooohhh im just sooo happy i could just die. right here, right now," lucy sniffled as she helped me with my tux. she walked around me, checking for messed up stuff. patted me down constantly. "damn you look good in a suit. i really wish you were straight," she pouted. i shrugged. " i like what i like," i said. i looked in the mirror. crisp and clean black suit with black shirt and a bright yellow tie. i was gonna wear a hat but...the bill would hit him in the face when we tried to kiss. sooo...no hat. im excited. the place is absolutely beautiful. makes sense cause it cost me a cold 3 mill. it better be perfect in every way. for my future husband. i sighed. everything will be fine. all is good. my caseload is clear for a while so no stress. got the honeymoon set up already. nice beach house on the coast of Mexico for a week. the whole nine yards. its gonna be just fine. i sighed. i dont know why i keep telling myself its gonna be fine. like there is something wrong here. like im missing something that is gonna come back and bite me in the ass one day. its not even possible. im far to observant for my own good. as long as my conscious is clear, ill be just fine. "alright. you are all good, chris. go out there and get married and live happily ever after," she said. i looked down at her from the stand. her belly was HUGE. they had to let out her dress so she could still be a bridesmaid. even thought there is no bride. "make sure you fucking water dont break while we are saying our vows, lucy. that will ruin the moment," i said. she chuckled. "im only 6 months pregnant, chris. my water aint gonna break no time soon," she said. "no dialing or belly cramps either and if you give birth in the middle of my wedding, i swear to god im not talking to you for a month," i said. she gave me a pat down as she laughed her ass off. "ill hold the baby in so you can have your big day if i have to. it will be really uncomfortable having to squeeze my legs together but ill do it cause you my best friend in the whole wide world and this is your big day. ill kill the motherfucker who tries to ruin it," she said. i laughed. "thanks lucy. i really needed a good laugh to calm my nerves," i let out a deep sigh of relief. "ok. you are good to go," she gave me a thumbs up. i nodded. we headed out.


laxus pov

"are the rings in place? are the flower girls ready? is the wedding song set? did you get a radio that you are sure will work? ill be damned if i walk down the aisle and the fucking CD starts skipping," i said. i was a nervous wreak. felt like everything that could go wrong did. i should have spent a little more and avoided all this. mirajane patted my chest with both hands. "its fine, laxus. everything is fine. if the CD starts skipping, ill shut it off and play it myself on the organ. everything will be just fine," she gave me a rub down. i sighed. she is right. the wedding is just fine. its just...all these fucking secrets im keeping from chris are eating at my soul. this wedding was cheap, the penthouse is run down and the rent is increasing every month. just last month, i looked at the bill, it fucking doubled. all these new charges keep appearing. they stopped including the utilities. rent is a solid 20k now. water, gas, electric, cable, and internet come out to around 6k all together. im barely keeping up and i didn't tell chris. he thinks everything is just fine. just comes in and turns on the tv. meanwhile...im fucking pulling my hair out.

oh....and lets not forget to mention that my straightness is getting worse. the magic is leaving me when we kiss. its actually starting to feel disgusting. i might actually be developing homophobia. im getting hornier and hornier cause sex with chris isn't doing it for me. it actually turns me off. ive had to hide nude women magazines to use when he falls asleep. it....makes me just wanna ball up and sob my eyes out. i cant even look at him the same way i used too. all i can do is try my best to hide my cringing when i look at his gay ass. i try my best to hide it with a bright smile but its forced. i fucking hate that i force a smile to keep him happy. i do it cause i love him and i know he wouldn't marry me if he knew even one of these secrets. if he knew about the turmoil going on inside me, he would just disappear. just vanish. i wouldn't even be allowed to see him at work. probably never hear his voice again. and the thing that makes it sooo fucking bad is that he wouldn't do it out of anger. just overwhelming sadness that i shoulder all of this myself. if i sat down and talked to him about it, he wouldn't listen. not at all. he would tell me its not meant to be. not at all. he enjoyed the time we were together but he is gay and im straight. he isn't gonna go the rest of our lives trying to change that about me but i want that. i want to be gay with him. i want to spend the rest of our lives trying to make me gay if we have to so i can be with him cause that is what my heart wants. i love him. i really do and i dont want me being straight to destroy that. what we have is real and-" damn, laxus! the ceremony hasn't even started and you are already just sobbing your eyes out," mirajane took a tissue and wiped my tears. damn....when did mirajane get so fucking sexy? i cant believe i spent all this time with her and didn't notice that ridiculous rack. i would totally fuck her. shit. i could feel it coming. the tears flowed harder as i watched my self get hard right in front of her. her eyes widened. "damn laxus! wait till the honeymoon!" she said as she backed away. shit. i sat down. this is bad. real bad. too fucking bad. i cant walk out there like this!! a raging boner that isn't even for him. its for my friend who is panicking trying to see what is wrong with me. i just couldn't stop crying. what the hell am i going to do?! WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOING TO DO!! "just hold on, laxus! ill go get chris and he can-" "NO!!" i grabbed her hand so she couldn't leave. i was throbbing. she was dangerously close. that perfume she was wearing is driving me crazy. flowers and sugar or something ladylike. i had to fight the growing urge to just fuck her. right now. on this table. impale her with my throbbing hard on. "just...dont. i just need a minute. im...im fine. dont get chris," i whimpered. she nodded and i let her go. she walked out. shit. i was staring at that ass. that round plump ass. i bet she gets soooo fucking wet to. i need to get out of here. if i dont leave, ill definitely cheat. probably get another woman pregnant too. i stood up. i need to disappear to clear my head. i just walked right out the door.

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