Doran Bolt (Pt 1)

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Author's Note: this is a linear personal journey meaning that each story takes place a few months after the last. just fyi

3 months later...

laxus pov

"why the hell are you getting that?" she muttered. i had rolled the cart through the e-cig aisle. i picked up a big bottle of his favorite flavor: cinnamon bun. i put it in the cart. "its his favorite. im getting it for his birthday in a couple of days," i said. she looked at me like i was crazy. "what?" i shrugged. yeah, i still care for him. im not gonna act like i hate him....even if she has decided that she does. so what i call his name whenever i orgasm! we were together for a very long time and....well he is really good at what he does. still cant hold back with him. and....well i kinda have to think of him to get off during sex. its sad but true. i do think im getting over him bit by bit but its a process. "you know exactly what, laxus. i dont like him. i dont like how he still invades your mind whenever we are intimate or how nostalgic you are whenever you stumble upon a picture of you guys together. i dont want you talking to him too. you make me wonder if we are really together," she grunted. "im fine babe. im over him. its just taking a bit of time for my body to be over him too. we are just friendly coworkers. nothing more. im just getting him a birthday gift. no big deal," i shrugged. she raised a brow. "what?" i grunted, wondering why she is still so suspicious. "is that really it? you were pretty messed up when you heard about what had happened with his last huge case with the zodiacs or whatever. is it really just your body that still needs to get over him?" she questioned. "i dont need to keep telling you this, lisanna. i know myself. whatever feelings i had for him are long gone. all i can say is that old habits die hard when it comes to the bedroom. it shows how good you are at getting me off," i smirked. she blushed before clearing her throat. "well then....go ahead and get him another bottle," she looked away. i grabbed another one and put it in the cart. i pecked her cheeks. "thanks for understanding, babe. i dont want you thinking im trying to go back to him i mean....why would i? i have a mega hot sexy wife and four beautiful children that i get to see every day," i shrugged. "you have five kids," she deadpanned. "well the four are more beautiful cause they are the ones you gave me. wendy is...was a mistake but still deserves my love, even though im not with her mother," i said. she kissed me. she pulled away. "at least you aren't a deadbeat. besides....she is like one of my own. i love her almost as much," she giggled. i sighed. it was a lot for her to swallow when she found out about wendy but she eventually accepted it and pretty much adopted her after ezra moved out of the country with her new boyfriend. its a lot but we are making it work. for the kids.


reader pov

"yeah, whats up?" i took a seat across from my one and only boss again. she was sooo excited for some reason. "spill it," i folded my arms expectantly. she was typing away on her phone. she put it down and took a deep breath. "i know a guy that you would totally like and i wanna set you two up for a blind date," she inhaled, having said all that in one breath. "ok," i shrugged. "i know you aren't looking to do the blind date thing but im sure that....wait. did you say yes?" she said. "sure. i need to get out more anyway. im adventurous," i  shrugged. she let out a long sigh of relief. "im sooo glad you are soo willing to do this. i though i would have to fight you tooth and nail to the point of kidnapping you to set this up. im so relieved," she said. i didnt think i was that difficult but whatever. im not that worried about it. i had been submerged in a case for a long time and i need to loosen up before i tackle another. "tell me about him," i said. she grinned. "im not telling you any of the details. all im telling ya is that he just came back from a long break single and ready to mingle. he is soo excited cause i didnt tell him much about you. all he knows is that you are mega sexy and insanely smart. oh....and he is mega sexy too. dont think i have low standards for who i hook my friends up with," she said. " good. i trust your judgement. soooo....when are we doing this?" i asked. "i have the date set up for the day after your b-day. its a little late cause his schedule was weird with his job and everything but i was able to work it out pretty well. its noon at a really nice café downtown," she smiled. i shrugged. "sounds like a plan. ill put it in my schedule," i shrugged.

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