chapter 12

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the next day...

sting pov

"SIR!!! COME QUICK!!" i was woken up by the sound of a henchman yelling. i sat up quickly, disturbing natsu. i really should make him go home. at least for one night. he has been practically living here for the past few days. i got out of the bed and put on my undies, shorts and a tee. i might just be addicted to spooning with natsu. its kinda weird but whatever. "what is the emergency!" i said as i slipped my slippers on and followed the frantic henchman out the door.

i was led up to dad's room and i walked right inside. orga was already there on his knees holding dad's hand in both his as he laid there in the bed. i dont even have time to consider a reason why he is naked. he kept rubbing his forehead on dad's hand and was  just sobbing away. i sighed. looks like it finally happened. dad is....gone. my eyes had clouded with tears again. this cant be happening. i already cried for dad's passing a while ago. its just like all of those emotions and the overwhelming sadness just returned like a tsunami. i was susposed to be there to take care of orga when dad passed. i had solidified my resolve to not shed to many tears when this day finally came but.....shit. he really is gone, isn't he? judging from the gang's doctors working to bring him back with the 'clear' device or whatever, its not good. i dropped to my knees right next to him. i gripped his leg as they just flowed out. out of the corner of my eye, i noticed that orga was wearing dad's ring. no. nonononononono!!! i wanted to stay in the perpetual stalemate i was in with my brother when it came to who would succeed him. i didn't even wanna find out to be honest. we were susposed to spend the rest of our lives wondering who would do it. i know dad could never chose. even on his death bed he would never chose. something....something isn't right here. im not saying i wanted to be the successor. i had actually managed to come to terms with orga becoming it but.....shit. i guess im not as ok about it as i though i was. the doctors had stopped working on him and left us to our mourning. i couldn't help but scream into his leg. i didn't even get to see him before he passed. i didn't get to witness who he wanted to be next. im just sooooooooo sad right now i cant even think. its too much. orga had gotten up and just ran out the room. i had to bee here. just for a little bit longer. i felt a tapping on my shoulder. i waved it off. "just....leave me....alone," it was a horse whisper but i know they heard me. i need....i need another few minutes.

i took a deep breath. ok. good. im ok. i got it all out. take care of business. i stood up. i was handed a napkin. i used it to wiped my tears. ok. i looked around. dad was being taken care of. first thing i need to do is go find orga. see what dad's last words were before he passed away and if im correct to assume he is the next head. ok. i walked away.

i was walking down the hall when i heard some grunting. "...not now orga!!....(sobbing)....i know you are sad but i really need to work right now!!...." i walked into the den to see chris typing away at his computer while orga rested his head in his lap and kept trying to wrap his arms around him. orga kept making his chair turn away from the computer which made it difficult for him to type. he noticed me coming in. "im soo glad you are here. i dont know why but a huge amount of leaks just suddenly appeared out of nowhere!! and that not even the worst part. i was looking over the finances and i noticed that there was a massive withdrawal that happened recently!" he was still frantically trying to type while trying to deal with the sobbing orga. wait...massive withdrawal?!?! "what kinda massive withdrawal?" i tried to remain calm. he did some more typing. "it was a withdrawal for about 4.5 million. it looked really out of place amongst the other transactions so i figured id let you know," he said. that's too much. i grabbed a nearby henchman. "why wasn't i notified of such a huge withdrawal?" i said it low so chris wouldn't hear. he leaned in close. "this is the first im hearing of it too," he said. i looked back at chris. "what is the withdrawal number?" i asked. he grabbed a note pad and wrote some numbers down on it. he tore it off and handed it to me. i looked it over. that.....THAT SON OF A BITCH STOLE SOME MONEY FROM US!! yeah. i was pissed. i hit the desk in frustration. chris wasn't phased. "we are being attacked. i dont know who but someone knew that the ceo of the company would die soon. they saw it as the opportune time to attack and im having loads of trouble just trying to patch up the leaks as they spring. its gonna take a lot of time and we may not come back unscathed," he said. "i want you on this 24/7 as long as it takes. we CANNOT have any info leaking. i remember you requesting viral generator software. did you get it?" i asked. he nodded. "you had said to find the info that was leaked and overlay it with a virus so that anyone who stole it would mess up their computers. im already on it," he kept typing away. good. that is taken care of. i walked out. i grabbed a henchman and made him walk with me to my room. "chris is to be moved into the mansion immediately and an armed guard is to be assigned to him 24/7. he CANNOT die or get taken. make sure he is watched and everything he says he needs is to be gotten immediately. he DOES NOT leave this house at all. period. i dont care what you have to tell him to make him happy. he cannot leave this house. if we truly are under attack, chris will be the main target. he knows far too much. protect him with your life," the henchman was hurriedly writing down what i said. he nodded and ran off. i was stopped by another henchman before i could walk into my room. he was panting. seemed like he had been running for a long time. "sir...(deep breath) left before i could give you this," he held up a ring. it was the exact same as orga?! he took it and put it on my right pinky finger. "master jura's final words were to make both his sons the successors of him. they are to talk with each other and divide up the responsibilities so it is most appropriate," he said. i sighed. i guess that makes sense. "ill have to talk to him after he gets done mourning. first, i need to take care of something," i walked into my room.

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