chapter 36

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2 months later...

reader pov

"....there are 3 more guys around the corner..." i said. laxus stopped against the wall. he waited till the guards walked by. "...clear...make a left followed by three rights before you will find the control room," i said. a grunt in response as he followed my directions. he got to the door of the control room. " many in there?" he grunted through the radio. "...4 sitting down. there is a alarm system hard wired into the control panels that they can reach. i need four perfect head shots in two seconds or ill lose you, babe," i said. "we make it through this and ill do the thing i know you been wanting me to do for your birthday tomorrow," he grunted. "we got this. we have did dry runs of this operation for weeks. you can do this in your sleep," i assured him. "it would be easier if you were here with me," he grunted. "you know why i couldn't be there, laxus. even if i could, i can barely hold a gun straight with my cast on," i said. "doctor said you could have taken it off a weeks ago," he grunted. "you also know why i still have it on," i said. he grunted. "you have 30 seconds starting in 3...2...GO!!" i heard him kick the door in. four quick shots. we waited a good five minutes. nothing but silence. "you still there babe?" i asked. he grunted. i sighed. "looks like you are good. do you remember how to get out?" another grunt as he made his way out.

he opened the side of the control van and got in. mirajane pulled off. i took off my head set as he sat next to me. he started taking off his equipment. "this is some bull shit," he said. i shrugged. "these things take time to take down. we already took out the majority of the leaders of the terrorists. you just killed the four managers of all the warehouses they use. without the leaders and managers, they will fall apart. all we need is a nice sting operation and we will be in the clear for a mass arrest, effectively removing them from the country and keeping them out," i said. "im not doing the sting operation and i dont want you doing it either. we are staying at the office for the remainder of this case. i dont like you being so close to the operation. who knows what could have happened. you could have been hit by a stray bullet or the control van could have been hit by a car or-" i cut him off with a finger. "im fine, laxus. i have a lot of people in the van with me," i said. "but you would have been safer at the office....with me," he grumbled. "you are probably right about that but im still the leader of the case. i cant be a good leader if im always in the safety of the office while my team is risking their lives," i said. "yes you could," everyone in the van said in unison. "you need to stay at the office, chris. you cant even hold a gun like you used too with that cast of yours. you are a brain. without you, this operation would be a bust. everyone on the team agrees that you should be at the office," said gray. i sighed. "i dont know why you keep wanting to be close to the scene anyway. mavis and all the other directors hate you being so close to the cases you work too. you are far to important to be at risk like the rest of us. you are the head of the counterintelligence department. you are not only important to us, your friends, but to the entire CIA as a whole. mavis tells me about those meetings where you basically lead them. always have a plan. you are a literal lifeline. im putting in a request for you to not be allowed to leave the office," said mirajane. "why does everyone keep trying to keep me from all the action? i want to be an CIA agent. not just a desk worker. i dont feel right sending people to risk their lives while im sitting in a fucking swivel chair barking orders. it makes me feel like there is reservations. like one day, you are gonna realize that its not fair. that one day, because of that thought, you react 2 seconds two early or too late or you dont hear a part of my orders and im in all black at your fucking funerals. it makes me feel awful to still be the youngest person in this damn van but telling all these senior agents what to do," i grumbled. "you need to get off your high horse, chris. no one on this van is here cause they didn't want to be. you right, we are all senior agents. that means we can chose what case we want to work and who we want to lead us. we keep following you because it makes us feel better. just knowing that everything we do is part of your plan stops me from shaking when i walk into a place full of gun fire. calms my nerves when im deep undercover. just listening to your orders makes me feel like a chess piece for a grandmaster chess player. we dont have to think cause you will do it for us," argued Bickslow. "but-" i was cut off by a kiss. he pulled away. "fuck what they all say. i want you safe in the office when i get back. i dont like the possibility of that not happening. if i had a choice, you would spend everyday attached to me so that i dont have to worry about what happens to you while im gone. you are gonna stay at the office, in front of those big ass monitors, spinning in your damn swivel chair because i love you. i love you soooooo fucking much it hurts. i only want to hear your voice when im working," another kiss. he pulled away. "stay at the office for me, ok?" he grunted. from the look in his eyes, he wont hear anything but a yes. i sighed. i nodded.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now