Silver's Culmination (Pt 4)

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3 months later....

reader pov



where are you?

im at home. why?

the party is gonna start

party for what?

uugghh! the kids birthday party!!

WHAT!! this is the first im hearing of a b-day party for the kids

why on earth would silver not tell you?

how am i susposed to know? apparently he dont want me to come so im not gonna come

chris, he wants you to come. trust me. he probably just didnt know how to tell you

he is a 42 year old man, cana. im sure he knows how to communicate by now

chris...i need some company. there are a bunch of little ass kids here playing and carrying on and they are aggravating. silver is running all around trying to make sure they are all ok, fed, entertained, etc. he needs your help

then he would have asked for it like a normal person. im not just gonna intrude on this. he dont want me there so im not going

uugghh!! then come and get me

nope. you just said he needs the help. help him, cana

no cause it was all his idea. he planned it some three weeks ago out of nowhere. i was only notified of it just a few days ago. i have no responsibility in this. i babysit HIS kids. not the 10 other ones. i dont get paid enough for this

then ask him for a raise. im not coming cause he dont want me too

he wants you too. i guys have been dating like six months now. he probably didnt think you would help cause they aren't your kids. you need to take the initiative and volunteer yourself for it. he will appreciate it whether he wants to admit it or not

my boyfriend and i talk all the time. i was just over there yesterday with you guys. why didnt he mention it?

dont think about him. think about me. im asking you for your assistance in this. you have to be there for your friends

not when my boyfriend dont want me to


im gay, cana. we went over this

im telling him you are coming anyway

then you would just be lying to him

silver....(background: what?)....chris is coming to the party.....(really?! i completely forgot to invite him).....see chris? he wants you to come....(of course i want him to come. why wouldn't i want my boyfriend to come? *nervous chuckling*)

sounds awfully suspicious to me

please come. just a cameo would be fine. make an appearance, help us out, save a life, you can do it

*sighs* fine. i guess ill come for a little bit

YES! ill dig out some liquor cause its gonna be a long one

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