chapter 8

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laxus pov

"just....give us a moment. we need to chat for a minute," mirajane grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the interrogation room. he just grunted as i closed the door. she took a deep breath. "WHAT THE HELL DO WE DO!?" she whisper shouted. "i dont know. we should call ezra and ask," i said. she nodded. she pulled out her cell and called ezra. "yeah," she had ezra on face time. "we have chris and after some chatting he is willing to cooperate on one condition," explained mirajane. "look...i dont give a fuck what it is he wants. MAKE HIM HAPPY. he is vital to this operation and if he choses not to help us, we may as well kiss this case goodbye cause we will never get this close again. MAKE. HIM. HAPPY or your badges are mine," she grunted. mirajane sighed. "he said he is willing to do it if he can be CIA," i said. ezra shrugged. "compared to his other options id say this is great. tell em you cant just give a badge but you can get him an interview IF he can deliver. show me remarkable progress in this case by getting me names and supply routes and id be willing to give him special consideration," she said. i sighed. i dont wanna do this but if it will help get the bad guys then i cant really argue. to be honest, im surprised she is willing to even consider it. this goes to show how important he is. he can help us or hinder us depending on how we work this. we nodded and she hung up. i took a deep breath. i followed mirajane back into the little room. he was just staring off into space. i took a seat while mirajane leaned on my chair. "sooo..." i sighed. "we cant just give you a badge but we can get you an interview and special consideration IF you can deliver," i said. he grinned. "you dont have to worry. i can get you the names of every member currently in the city as well as a list of where they are all at and what they are doing in just a few hours. i want proof that you mean what you say," he said. "this room is recorded. everything we say can be pulled up on a computer. do we have a deal?" i said. he sighed. "i dont have a choice," he held out a hand. i took it. "pleasure doing business with you. now, can i go home?" he said. i nodded.


sting pov

i got a text.

unknown: sex. now

i didn't recognize this number. im happy whoever this is wants to fuck but...actually i dont care. im gonna get laid.

me: when and where

unknown: 2222 82nd street apartment 1028 now

i was feeling giddy. i quickly got dressed in some casual jeans and a tee. grabbed my phone, keys, wallet, and a condom and i headed out my room.

i was walking down the hall when i heard some sniffling. i stopped. it got a little louder. i walked closer to it. i peaked in orga's room. he was sitting on the edge of his bed naked with his sheet covering his junk. he had his face in his hands and i could hear low sobbing. " ok?" i asked. he looked up. i could see his eyes were poofy from crying and the tears were still coming out. he shook his head. "he...he right. i....i dont love him. every time i think about him i just get super horny," he whispered. i could see the sheet moving from him getting hard. that's kinda sad. "where is chris?" i remember him being gone last night. he shook his head. he buried his face back in his hands. i could hear low sobbing again. "i-i-i....i kicked him out...he wanted to talk and i kicked him out.  i thought he was crazy. he kept going on and on about how we should wait and get to  know each other but i FUCKING KICKED HIM OUT!!" he balled up a fist and hit the bed in frustration. ive never seen orga this upset before. he was always happy about something. even when we needed to kill someone, he always found something to be happy about. his sobbing got louder. "did you try calling him?" i asked. he nodded. "i tried and i tried to call him. i wanted to tell him im sorry. im soooo fucking sorry for not listening to him but he didn't pick up! i texted him but i never got an answer. i...i think he mad at me. its my fault. how could i do that?! the one man who could satisfy me. the one man who loved spending time with me. he said that he loved every second we spent together, in and outside the bedroom. that he wouldn't have hesitated to marry me in maybe 8 or 9 months. im sooo fucking stupid!! how could i let him walk out that door?!" he just fell back on the bed and started sobbing his eyes out. dad's gonna be upset. really upset. "what...what am i gonna tell dad? he was soooo happy i was gettin married. w-w-what am i gonna tell em?!" he started sobbing louder. uh oh. orga is in some deep shit. i sighed. i need to go. got some ass waiting for me. "the only thing i can suggest is that you talk to chris. actually hear him out and see what you can do about it. technically you wont be getting married for a few months. im sure dad would be fine with seeing you happy. go find chris," i said. he sat up. seemed to have an aha moment. "y-you right! if we talk we can work something out. i gotta go find him," he stood up. yeah. butt naked. dried cum on his stomach. he started towards me. i stopped him from coming out the door. he grunted. "orga, shower and get dressed. you cant just parade around with it all hanging out," i said. he looked down and noticed it. a light blush covered his cheeks. he nodded and turned around. he headed into the bathroom. ok. now to go get laid.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now