Scott McCall (help)

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Scott McCall. My best friend who has been there for me forever. He is an amazing boyfriend I Can tell you that. I became a werewolf. I was just roaming the small forest by the house we rented when I went on holiday this summer. Then bam. I woke up with a strange sensation. The whole summer I trained myself to control and use my powers. The first full moon was the worst. I thought I had killed people but turned out that I passed out in the woods the entire night.

Now, here I am back in Beacon Hills a week before school started. My  dad pulled up into our driveway. When I looked out the window I saw his figure sitting down in the steps in front of the house.

“(Y/N) Isn’t that your boyfriend?” Mum asked.
“Mum, that isn’t my boyfriend. He’s my best friend”  I said as I got out of the car.

I rolled my eyes as I got out of the car and slammed the door shut. Scott must of have heard cause I saw that his head shot up and we made eye contact. I smiled at him as I walked towards him.

“I missed you, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)” Scott said as he embraced me into a hug.
“I miss you too, Scott McCall” I replied as I buried my face into his chest.

My parents greeted Scott before entering the house. Scott and I took a seat in front of the steps. With all my new werewolf powers I can smell Scott.

“You smell different, (Y/N)” Scott said.
“I need to tell you something” I looked at Scott.

I can smell that Scott was nervous and I don’t blame him. That’s how I was when he told me he was a werewolf himself but that didn’t change the way that I cared about him.

“(Y/N), the silence is ki—“ 
“I’m a werewolf now’ I blurted out.
“But…how is that possible?” Scott stood up. 
“It was a month into our holiday. I decided to walk through the woods and suddenly something popped out of nowhere and bit me.” I ran my hand through my hair.”But I trained myself to control my powers as soon as I found it. And I found my anchor”
“But why didn’t you call me!” Scott yelled which took me by surprise.
“Excuse me for not calling you for a play by play, Scott!” I yelled.
“I could have helped you! I know!” Scott retorted.
“You don’t know me well enough, Scott! “ I started to get mad. “Please leave”
“(Y/N)” Scott whispered.
“Leave” I growled.

I went inside the house slamming the door behind me and running up towards my room. I slid down my wall as I took deep breaths to control my anger. I can’t believe Scott will think that he has to help me with everything in my life.

-Somewhere around 1 am-

I can’t even fall asleep because my mind kept wondering to the argument between Scott and I. I was staring at myself in the mirror. My eyes were glowing yellow. I closed my eyes before opening them up again. The yellow eyes were gone.


I heard noises coming from my window. I quickly ran out the bathroom. There was a body lying on the ground in front of my window. Not just any body. Scott McCall’s body.

“What the hell are you doing Scott?” I whispered.
“I-“ Scott stood up to look at me. “I wanted to apologize about earlier. I know I can’t always help you but I do try”
“Scott, I know you’re trying to help me but you can’t always help. I can do almost everything on my own” I said.
“I know. Can you forgive me?” Scott asked.
“Okay” I smiled at him.

Scott started to smile at me before wrapping his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck before pressing my lips against his. Scott then pulled away from the kiss.

“But I do want to see you how powerful you are in wolf form” Scott chuckled.

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