Stiles Stilinski ( feelings)

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Stiles watched her from a distance as she laughed with Kira. Y/N was new in school but her and Kira were already best friends. They sat on the benches at lacrosse practice and Stiles couldn't keep his eyes off of her. She was just so beautiful to him; suddenly a ball hit stiles helmet and he fell to the ground. "Stiles you okay man?!" Scott said helping him up.

You stared at the cute/awkward boy named Stiles who was laid out on the field. "What's his deal?" you asked Kira as you started working on your math homework again. "That awkward little duckling is Stiles, and he thinks you are C-U-T-E!" she said laughing alittle. "You should get to know him" She said looking at you. You smiled and looked back out at him on the field with Kira's crush, Scott, laughing and high fiving on the field.

After the practice, Scott and Stiles came up to the stands, standing in front of you two. "Well, Scott and I are gonna go grab some pizza and a movie. We'll see you guys later!" Kira said as she moved with Scott walking away and smiling. Stiles smiled at you, "Would you like to hang out with me Y/N?" You smiled and nodded. "Sure, would you mind helping me with my math homework?" You asked as you gathered your stuff up. "Sure!" he grinned helping you in his jeep.

When you got to his house, you guys were the only ones home. "My dad's at work, he'll be home later though. Are you hungry? I was gonna grab some food" he smiled. You smiled and shook your head. "Nah, I got some popcorn in my bag, I'm fine" You smiled as he chuckled. "You take popcorn to school with you?" he asked as he put a pizza in the oven. You laughed and nodded. "Yeah I get hungry during class, and I really love popcorn" he laughed and walked upstairs with you. "We'll hang out in my room"

You sat on his bed going over your homework as he came in with two sodas and his pizza. He handed you a soda, sitting cross legged on his bed in front of you. You began doing a problem when he grabbed your hand. "Nope, that's where you are messing up. You gotta do it like this." He leaned in close showing you how to do the problem. You bit your lip at the smell of his cologne.

You looked around his room and noticed photos with strings leading to them. "What are those?" You asked pointing to the photos and string. Stiles smiled looking at them. "uh, those are crime scene photos, my dad's the sheriff, so I help him solve some cases" he smiled at you. You grinned, excitement coming to your face. "Are you serious?! My dad's an FBI Agent! I used to help him with cases all the time!" You smiled at Stiles. He grinned and stared at you, "that's awesome! Maybe you can help us out sometime" He grinned. You smiled staring at him, your cheeks turning red. "Uh, thanks with the help on my homework" You packed your backpack up as you stood so did Stiles; he leaned in and kissed your lips quickly. "Sorry, I shouldn't have..." you grinned and kissed him again. His lips tasted of pizza and Pepsi. You pulled back biting your lip. "I really like you Stiles." You mumbled up at him as he grinned. "I like you too, would you be my girlfriend?" you grinned nodding as you kissed him again.

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