Derek Hale (study )

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2 FEBRUARY, 2016


Academic Set-Up - Young Derek Hale Imagine

Prompt by Anon: Sorry for bothering you, but I have another young Derek request from another au: "we hate each other but apparently our teachers ship us and make us partner up all the time and sit next to each other and for the love of god if you don't shut your mouth I'm gonna shove you on the desk and snog the hell out of you."

Word Count: 1,983

Warning: Making out

Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader

Author's Note: I actually had fun with this prompt because this was something a little bit different and I had never written a Young Derek imagine before. YAY! Also, regarding the other Young Derek prompt you requested, as mentioned before, I ended up declining that prompt because it had been requested and written by another writer. I hope you understand that. Lastly, shout out to @lily-salvahalfoy19 for being my beta for this prompt. Without further ado, I hope you like this imagine!

My Teen Wolf Masterlist

Originally posted by blueflamelove

"So, how was work today, hon?" Mr. Taylor asked.

Mrs. Taylor smiled. "It was great! I paired up all my students for my annual project, and I purposely put a certain pair together, because I just know they'll become a couple before the semester ends."

Mr. Taylor sighed. "Honey, you can't play Cupid with your students."

"I don't remember reading that in my contract when I got hired." Mrs. Taylor grabbed her grade book out of her book bag. "Besides, I didn't set them up on a blind date. I just paired them up for a project."

"Of course, just like all your other set ups. Who are the lucky kids this semester?" Mr. Taylor stood next to his wife and looked down at her opened grade book. Her freshly manicured nail pointed at one name.

"Derek Hale," Mr. Taylor read and followed his wife's finger to the second name. "And Y/N Y/L/N."

"Yup," she replied perkily. "Derek is struggling with my class and Y/N is one of my strongest students."

"So, you paired them up just because Derek is failing and she's not?" He raised his eyebrow. "Honey, you usually pick pair with a story behind it. Not just because one is failing and the other could be the tutor." He began to pull out the Chinese take-out boxes from a brown paper bag.

"Of course, I didn't pick them just for that!" She grabbed a couple of cold beers from the fridge. "They act like they hate each other, but I catch them stealing glances at each other when they're not looking. Every bone in my body is telling me those two actually like each other."

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