Stiles Stilinski (jealous)

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Pack meetings were your favorite times of the day even though they didn't necessarily happen every day. A big part of it had to do with you being able to see more of Stiles Stilinski, your crush of four years.

Speaking of Stiles, you couldn't 'help but notice that he looked extra cute today. His sarcastic remarks were funnier than usual and his hair looked better than usual and-

"So does that sound like a plan?" Scott's voice rang through your ears.

"What?" you trailed off, looking from pack member to pack member and then down at the map on the table.

Lydia rolled her eyes. She knew exactly what you were doing, zoning out while thinking of Stiles. She had told you time and time again to just ask the boy out, but each time you gave her the same 'he's been in love with you since the beginning of time, Lydia' speech.

"You guys can go," Derek cut in, "I'll explain everything to her again. You guys can go on without us."

Scott nodded, "Alright, you guys will meet us later?"


The rest of the pack gathered their stuff to leave and head over to the restaurant you guys had plans to go just to treat yourselves, ya know saving Beacon Hills is a lot of work. One thing caught your eye, however, and that was Scott and Stiles arguing about God knows what.

"Okay," Derek interrupted again once everyone was gone. He moved from his place near to the table to the empty place next to you. "So Scott was saying that we should probably start out here." he points to a small section of the forest, "and then break off into pairs."

"Sounds good so far. Did he get into who we'll be paired with?"

"Here and there. Scott will be with Kira-"

"Go figure," you mumbled under your breath.

"You'll be with me-"

"Wait, you're okay with that?" he raised an eyebrow. "I-I mean no offense or anything, but I figured you'd want to be with someone a bit more...stronger? I dunno, maybe Stiles?"

"Stiles?" Derek scoffed, "He's not exactly what the world would consider strong. Not to mention, he's not exactly the pretty girl I'd wanna spend my night with."

You smiled when you realized Derek Hale was flirting you. "I'm gonna be honest here and tell you that when you told me about partnering up, I was hoping I'd be with Lydia or Kira. But now that I think about it might not be so awful having the 'big bad werewolf' to myself for a few hours tomorrow night." you winked.

He smirked at your words. You knew nothing too vulgar would happen, most likely nothing was to happen. You were pretty sure what was going on at the moment was just harmless flirting...until you heard a something fall to the floor.

Both of your heads snapped over toward the door. There stood Stiles with his mouth wide open and his eyes practically bulging out of his head.

"Stiles, are you okay?" your eyebrows furrowed.

His mouth snapped shut, and he blinked a few times, shaking his head. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." He leaned down to pick whatever it was that he dropped up. "Just came to get these." He held up his keys. "I'll just be going now."

You nodded, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," he answered quietly. You watched as he headed for the door, but he turned around before he could get far.

"Actually, no. No, I'm not okay!" he shouted. Both you and Derek were taken back by his tone.

"I am not going to sit here and let you make a mistake with-with Derek!"

"Stiles, what are you-"

"No, I've been in love with you since freshman year, and I've tried everything to get your attention. Then Derek just waltzes in out of nowhere with big, masculine arms and says one thing-one thing and he's already got you wrapped around his muscular, little finger!"

Derek rolled his eyes, crossing his arms, "It was harmless flirting. It meant nothing, and you're overreacting."

"Wait," you finally spoke up, "you've liked me since freshman year?"

Stiles nodded, "Yeah, but you've never caught on to any of my hints. I guess that's because you've got this...thing for-" his eyes shifted angrily toward Derek "him."

You giggled at Stiles' jealousy. "You've got it wrong, Stiles. I like you, only you."

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