Young Peter (smut)

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You closed the door to the girl changing room and threw your bag over your shoulder before walking down the hall. You were the last one in school, except for maybe the basketball team, because you had watched the practise with your little sister who had been picked up by her friend's mum since she was sleeping round and you just came back for your bag.

School at night was definitely eerie. What you were used to as a buzzing place now echoed with silence apart from your footsteps as you made your way outside to walk home. It wasn't too dark, but the sun was already setting, giving the town a grey atmosphere, as well as the school and parking lot.

"What are you still doing here?" you whipped around and saw Derek Hale standing at the end, watching you with a small smile, before he started walking towards you. The two of you talked sometimes, not much, but your younger sister had a few lessons with him.

"Forgot my bag," you lifted it with a small smile.

"Oh, right," he smiled as you started walking out. "Are you going to see Peter?" he asked you and you rolled your eyes. His slightly older 'uncle' was always there when you dropped your sister off or you talked. He wasn't really annoying, that wouldn't be there word. It's more like he- frustrates you? Both mentally and sexually, because he's not the ugliest guy around... Well, that's probably the worst way to put it because the guy had an odd sense of mystery and charm about him. He was odd, but that was appealing. To you, anyway.

"You're doing this for a joke, Hale," you chuckled, pushing your hands into your jacket's pockets.

"No, no way," he rolled his eyes before smiling a little.

"All right then," you let out a small laugh before pushing the doors open and spotting Peter Hale leaning against a car in the lot, arms crossed, his phone in hand. "Oh, man," you groaned, seeing that he was probably having a bad day, sarcasm basically radiating off the guy...

"Derek! What's taking so long?" he asked, a smirk on his face like almost always. He was only teasing.

"Do you need a lift home? It's kinda dark and all," Derek asked you as you looked between him and Peter before raising your eyes to the sky and realising that you might as well, since it was so dark and would only get darker by the time you'd be halfway home.

"I think-"

"Peter, we're taking Y/n home, thanks okay," Derek told Peter before grabbing you by your arm and tugging you to the car. Being friends with his mother as well, you already knew that the two were werewolves, in fact, you were quite smart about it. They preferred to stay human with you, but occasionally they could slip, like now, as Derek pulled you quite strongly towards the vehicle.

"Why?" Peter asked, opening the back door for Derek while the younger boy opened the front door for you.

"Because it's dark," Derek answered for you before closing your door. You saw Peter throw him a look before he got in to the driver's seat.

"I'll drop you off at home and then take her as well, okay? You needed to be home, like now," he said as you saw Derek nod.

"Thanks Peter," you sent him a small, cautious smile as he just shrugged and pulled out from the school, going down the road and towards their house.

Once dropping Derek home - the drove being spent in agonising silence except for the small topics Derek tried to throw in (simply because of his friendship between your sister and him, so he had to be nice to you somehow) - Peter made his way to your house.

"Really, thanks. I'm really sorry, but you know what Derek's like," you told him after a few minutes of silence.

"It's all right, gives me a few minutes alone with you," he said with a small, knowing smile as your heart started to beat faster due to the tangible tension in the car.

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